Tips for Praying

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Prayer isn’t just another good thing to do; it’s absolutely necessary if we want to know God’s will in our lives and draw closer to him. The trouble is finding the time and willpower to pray. In this video, Fr. Mike Schmitz suggests being a bit more intentional in our prayer lives, asking these four simple questions: When should I pray, where should I pray, what should I pray, and why should I pray?


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I am a Catholic convert from islam so praying was an issue to me because I did not really want to pray like a muslim no more. In my opinion Rosary is the best. I either listen to gregorian chant while praying it or I play a full video of a Rosary prayer with songs etc on youtube and go along with it. It is remarkable. It almost takes me to another dimension. I can almost feel the warm hands of Jesus hugging me <3


Prayer takes commitment and faith. The flesh never wants us to pray but we have to fight the flesh with the spirit.


Please Pray for me Father Mike. I am going to be a Religious Sister and I just mailed in my Affiliate letter to the Sisters of the Resurrection (please pray for them too). Thank you for everything! †


I pray best when I'm awake in the middle of the night (2-3am). I would called out his holy name and praise him. I would talk to him like a friend or I would tell him of my fear and failure. I sometimes complain to him about how hard life is.


Best time for me: Waking up and before sleep
Best places for me: Adoration, traffic commute, my room
Favorite prayers: Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Bible


I have no idea how your videos came in my suggestions list, but it must be for a reason because I definitely have come to a time in my life that I realized I need to reconnect with God and the Catholic church


Thank you Father Mike. I honestly believe your videos are changing lives, one subscriber at a time.


I am the worst of people .. I don't know if I call it prayer ..I call to God all day .. I can be driving down the road on the way to work and I call out to The Lord, I can be throwing a ball with my dogs and marveling at their love for me and I smile ... I know it is you Lord that gives me joy . I cry all the time and look to the sky and marvel at the flowers on my apple tree . I lift my heart to God and cry in thanks ... I awake every morning  and the first thing that crosses my mind . .. You are here with me .Every night before I sleep .. I give thanks .. I am a sinner and I want to be drawn closer to You .. .. When I see the abilities you have given me .. I give thanks all day .. I have wondered in amazement why I can still walk when I was told I wouldn't .. It was you Lord that lifted me and gave me comfort, When my parents died ... You Comforted me and gave me to a beautiful day .. I smiled when I should have hurt and all The Glory is Yours . .. In The Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit .. Amen


These videos help me a lot in sticking to my faith. I'm going to set myself a 1-year 20-minute a day prayer challenge. Pray for me people!


I've tried many churches and Catholicism is the best. It has so much depth to it, the buildings are beautiful, and they are open to walk into far more often than others.


You said something that reached me. We can't be the Saints we're meant to be without prayer. I pray when I'm in dire need but I have never incorporated it into my daily life. I'm only taking on the load when I have burdens when I need but I don't deliver in my spirit the same dedication to God. I don't walk properly in God's path because We aren't in sync with each other. From this day forward to the End of my days I will make a time for Prayer. Thank you so much. It sounds hokey and corny... but really this did open my eyes. Like this was what I needed to hear.


I am so grateful to you Father Schmitz! Thank you so much for keeping me on the path.


As a retired 68 year old I have the luxury of time and each Lent as I add a habit to draw closer to God, I am blessed that I have the time to add that practice or prayer to my daily routine.

Sometimes I can pray a bigger block of time, sometimes I need to babysit and need to break the blocks up into smaller cubes.

With time the peace and joy of union with God has made my former ‘scheduled appointments’ something to eagerly anticipate and joyfully participate.

It took time and it took perseverance but if you are faithful, God will multiply your time and as you show up you will see His face and feel His hugs.

Now when He wakes me at 3 am to pray, it is a peaceful time that passes all understanding. I know that someone out there needs my prayer.

Blessings to all who seek His face, not just His hands.


I've been praying the 2 months already it's crazy I see small miracles and bigger miracles I can't wait god will heal me soon from anxiety disorder and ptsd and drug addiction thank I got faith I'm just happy about that he loves us all


I’m not Christian. I’m spiritual, not religious. But I needed some encouragement to pray today. Thank you.


I committed to an hour of prayer 3 months ago, which for me was going from 0 to 60 (literally) and in three months my faith life has changed DRAMATICALLY! One of the best decisions I have ever made.


Been wondering how to pray and asking for God's help lately, so glad I found Father Mike, he is awesome.


wish i could like this more! you're a true rock star of catholicism! thanks fr mike


Great tips. I’m an easily distracted prayer. I go in my morning walks and pray the rosary and find my mind wandering to random things midway thru. I’m and constantly “scolding myself” to refocus. I enjoy praying the rosary. I found the tip on “why do I want to pray?” Very helpful. Most of the time it isn’t to ask God for help. Sometimes I pray just out of gratitude. Thank you for this video!


Now I have to pray that God sends more of you- a guide for the faithful.
