How to Pray a Novena (the Right Way)

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A novena is a special way to pray for a specific intention or grace, such as for a loved one, healing, forgiveness, clarity with a big decision, etc. However, they aren’t magic. We can’t assume that God will answer our prayers immediately or in the exact why we ask him to answer them.

Today, Fr. Mike shares with us the right way to approach praying a novena—whether it be a traditional nine day novena, a 33 day Consecration, or even a 54 day Rosary Novena—and what pitfalls to avoid when praying this way.

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Literally started a Novena today about an interview for nursing school coming up.. This is no accident. You guys and gals PLEASE pray for me.


The Lord owes me nothing, I owe him all!!!


I just started the 54 Novena today. Praying to let go of those that hurt/betrayed me and for a future husband. Please pray for me as well. Thanks.


I have a cool story about a novena. I was praying the St Therese novena for my husband to come home. Last year I said the same novena, for the same intention, and I felt very loved and guided by St. Therese, but I also felt extremely consumed by fear and scruples about saying it wrongly, and my mental health devolved during that time into a psychotic break.

I couldn't bear the loss of my husband and my whole family of in laws who I love very much, and I was also facing homelessness, since I have autism and struggle to work. I felt like I was fighting for my life, I never pushed myself so hard in my life, trying to work and support myself. My mind was breaking, my heart was too broken.

After being brought in by police and hospitalized for about a month, the doctors were able to set up serious help for my disabilities for the first time in my life. I got real security, real safety, real independence, for the first time in my life. So many deep wounds in my heart were healed.

This year I started the St Therese novena again, and I was feeling bogged down and tempted by the scrupulosity again, just like last year, and on day 3, after the prayers, for some reason I just started silently praying, I think it was God, and I poured my heart out and I thought "wouldn't it be wonderful if I recieved a rose tonight." Then I kind of thought that would be dumb because I would have issues believing it was St. Therese because it was only day 3. But at that instant my phone dinged. And I thought "wouldn't that be wonderful if that was Jacqui with a rose." (Jacqui is my mother in law, and I really miss her too) and I looked at my phone, and it literally was Jacqui, posting a beautiful picture of a rose at St. Peregrine's shrine, at that exact instant, and I don't know much about that guy but I named my rabbit after him so that, 's something. And I was so frustrated and confused, because it was such a beautiful, beautiful rose, but it was only day 3, it made me feel like I wouldn't trust that it was from St. Therese, and I didn't know why God would give it to me at all if it was just going to confuse me... but later, because of my autism, I started to seriously struggle with anxiety with my phone notifications and emails for a lot of different reasons. It is a battle, and the chaos started getting the better of me at that time. That was the last prayer of the novena that I said, because I lost track of the email reminders, and I completely forgot about the whole thing until after her feast day. I realized later that I got a rose on the last day that I prayed it, and I got such a loving, sweet reminder that God doesn't care if I say every word perfectly, He just wants me... He accepts my 'yes, ' I don't need to push so hard, I can breathe easy, I can just take joy in the beautiful little light He put in me... God made me enough the way I am...

Now just please pray for me to have patience and keep trusting. I believe God is doing some incredible healing, and this is the part where God is being a surgeon, and it hurts, but when we are ready to be reunited, we'll be whole and we'll be healed. My enormous fluffy puppy = anesthetic.


“This is a relationship not transaction “- Love it❤


Please pray for me, I am really in a mess, of a terrible mistake! Only Our Lord can help me. Please remember in your prayers


Thank you! I always had this mindset where, "Oh no, I missed a day! The whole thing is ruined, now I can't continue it any more because it's not a novena anymore!" Very helpful.


I love doing the 54 day rosary-It is my devoted way of honoring Mother Mary, dedicating a special time each day solely to her and placing those flowers, weaving it into a crown with so much love with each Hail Mary and contemplating on The Mysteties.
Doing this as a daily practice, feels like a sacred 'bonding time, ' profoundly strengthening my faith. ✨🩵✨
Thank you Father Mike for sharing your thoughts 🙏🏻


I was planning to do a novena and this video popped up. I guess God wants to remind me to not be too perfectionist in my prayer. Thank you for doing this video Fr. Mike


Thank you, Father. I fell asleep & missed the 3rd day of my Divine Mercy novena. I was heart sick about it. But I will say it now, as I woke up at 4:00 a.m. for some reason, & I will continue with the 4th prayer later today. I know Our Lord understands. 4/2/24


needed this! i have tried doing the 54 day novena rosary & have failed several times .. this inspires me to not give up & to try again . ❤️🙏✝️💕


I did the 54 day Novena months ago. On the 27th day (last day of praying and the day before giving thanks), Roe v. Wade was overturned.


I did many many novenas to many saints and what ever was a available to help me guide me to a good wife over many years he a sent me my wife the same person I had always loved now 8 years married 4 children Thanks Jesus


I once did a 9 day Novena prayer all in one day because I really appreciated the meditation of the author's words. This comforts me because I have met a lot of people who ask about "the rules, "

I usually ask for help with something when I talk with God, but I also always accept what His will is.


I am leaving this comment here, so that when God will soon one day answer my prayers, I will come back here and testify his blessings, I will then show this comment to my future husband to be...and I will tell him that God answered my prayers through for now am praying hard to get a good husband, am getting tired of been disrespected by men who take an advantage of my status been single and think they can flirt with me anyhowly.... please God answer my prayers.
Someone to tell me a good novena I can do of finding a good partner.


It’s not a transaction but a relationship! I love that! ❤️


Recently converted…Very helpful for learning Catholicism….”not a ATM machine…but developing an intimate relationship with the Lord (“range of motion “)


I started a novena at one time and was afraid I would forget a day, so I prayed the entire novena in a single day and just kept doing do for as long as I could. I also know that God answers our prayers because I prayed for my daughter to get a new job after her first one closed. Within a week she got a new job! However, as my late husband once told me, sometimes God's answer is NO. He gives us what is best for us.


I began a novena for gods mercy on my mom who is now in nursing home with Alzheimer’s. it has been difficult to watch but I pray while with her and she sits quietly listening it brings great peace for me and the knowledge that god will give what I need when i need it makes it even more important for me I will continue for as long as I live with gods grace and mercy
Listening and seeing you father has brought me to church and confession after a long time absence Life is hard but god the church and my rosary gets me through the days May god continue to bless your spirit Thank you lord for placing him in front of me when in I needed direction


Fr mike i wanna thank you as someone who was a catholic than protestant now back a catholic i lost something so much now im like in aww of my faith and i love how it is i use to think being a catholic is so boring. Now im like praying the rosary everyday and i enjoy it you make it so easy to just understand so thank you fr mike✝️