Reactive Strength Index (RSI) - David Siljan

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💥Reactive Strength Index 💥
Reactive strength index (RSI) is a measure of athlete's ability to rapidly change from eccentric to concentric muscle action and is an expression of their dynamic vertical jump capacity.
In essence, it represents the mechanism called stretch shortening cycle (SSC).
When you put it into a formul, it's a simple ratio involving two metrics: jump height (meters) and ground contact time (seconds)
RSI can be used as an athlete-monitoring tool to access :
➡️Neuromuscular fatigue
➡️Readiness to train
➡️Adaptation to the training and competition process
➡️Efficacy of tapering or “peaking” strategies
➡️Proximity to overtraining
➡️Optimal drop height for drop-jump training
(The use of contact time and the reactive strength index to optimize fast stretch shortening cycle training - Flanagan and Comyns 2008)
Reactive strength index (RSI) is a measure of athlete's ability to rapidly change from eccentric to concentric muscle action and is an expression of their dynamic vertical jump capacity.
In essence, it represents the mechanism called stretch shortening cycle (SSC).
When you put it into a formul, it's a simple ratio involving two metrics: jump height (meters) and ground contact time (seconds)
RSI can be used as an athlete-monitoring tool to access :
➡️Neuromuscular fatigue
➡️Readiness to train
➡️Adaptation to the training and competition process
➡️Efficacy of tapering or “peaking” strategies
➡️Proximity to overtraining
➡️Optimal drop height for drop-jump training
(The use of contact time and the reactive strength index to optimize fast stretch shortening cycle training - Flanagan and Comyns 2008)