ALLERGIES / how i cured myself with natural remedies

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For twenty years I thought my seasonal allergies were caused by pollen, dust, and pet fur, but then a handful of home remedies changed everything (:


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Now that was such a well done video with all your special effects. Well done


Nice list and we've made many of the same changes with similar benefits. 100% agree that gut microbiota are a huge factor in allergies and overall personal health, which is still being ignored by most mainstream health providers and policy makers.

One note on the meat/dairy point, this has a lot to do with HOW the meat or dairy animals are managed. There's a huge difference between grain-fed and 100% pasture-based beef or milk, for example. Speaking of dairy, we've found from personal experience that raw or minimally processed milk from pastured animals (goats in our case) actually seemed to confer some allergen protection on us, especially since we were raising the animals ourselves. For example, goats love poison ivy, and once we started consuming the resulting milk, I rarely reacted to PI even though I interacted with it on a nearly daily basis. The same seemed to be true for ragweed, which goats also love. We grazed our goats on dense ragweed, and my allergy reactions went way down when the resulting milk was in our diet.

It's clear that going vegan helps many people, but I tend to think that, at least in part, it's the effect of removing toxic grain-based meat/dairy from the diet, not the inherent effect of meat or dairy, which when produced and consumed right have a lot of benefits as well. This is also a reason to go local when possible, as even 100% pastured products from 1000 miles away may not help someone deal with local allergens (also a possible reason why allergies grew in lockstep with the ever-growing distance between food producers and consumers).

Long comment aside, great video!


Your videos are awesome man. You've got a soothing voice and sound advice


Thank you Andrew! Very happy for your healing and thanks for the great information! 🙏


Your remedies are so simple. I knew about gluten and dairy, but coffee....Love it so much.


This is simply amazing. Have the same situation - no allergies as a kind, than every spring I'm dying. Thanks for the ideas! I will try to fix it for me also.


He's right. After 55 years of life, I finally successfully cured my non-stop allergies and asthma. For me, it was an allergic reaction to wheat and milk. Both of those are eaten in almost every food in the US. It's everywhere. When the body reacts against wheat and milk, it causes inflamation. And inflamation creates the perfect storm in the body - when natural allergens like mold or pollen come rolling in, the body is already tilting in that direction, making it very very easy to completely tip over into a full blown allergic reaction and/or asthma. If you have mega allergies/asthma, do yourself a kindness - try taking out wheat and milk from your diet. Completely remove it. And you may find yourself completely amazed, but more importantly, relieved. Good luck my friends.

Note: before I removed wheat and milk, I did use stinging nettle tea successfully, but it only treated the symptom, not the cause. Just a day later, I would be slammed with the major flu-like symptoms of allergies, or gasping with asthma. At the very least, take out wheat and milk. Treat the cause.


I was so allergic to pets, grass and dust that my allergist thought at first it may be too dangerous for me to do immunotherapy. We tried anyway and it was a rough start, but after 4 years I was released allergy free. The funny thing is, there was no real improvement until changing my diet to basically Paleo. Last September I was in the hospital for anaphylactic shock because my neighbor smelled like a dog, this summer I was able to start fostering and adopt a dog. I changed my diet to tame full blown autoimmunity but it also made my igE drop down to almost nothing. 🎉 I also take a bunch of mushrooms. I think those are a HUGE piece of the puzzle as well. Many help regulate immune function. Once I started taking them my autoimmune relapses stopped and my mobility improved. Adding calcium lactate healed my sun allergy. Diet is 100% the answer to achieving good health.


All very sensible. I came from a different angle. Ate only meat which cured me of literally all my problems; allergies, diabetes, depression, anxiety. I have since been able to reintroduce some fruit, some very correctly prepared organic white sourdough, raw milk, honey, very well cooked potatoes without skin. To name a few. Zero foods that have more than one ingredient that I didn’t make myself.


I basically cured my allergies with water fasting, juice feasting and colonics. I switched from a vegetarian way of eating to eating meat so I would say it's more about the quality of the food and also the quality of digestion. Both as a vego and omnivore, I never gave up dairy. I've had it flare back up this year due to a toxic mould exposure from a water damaged rental I was in. Before that, I was literally doing yard maintenance/mowing lawns for a living all throughout an Australian summer and I was fine.. being bombarded with pollen and grass clippings in 30°C+ weather.


WOW, I literally have the same story and have found the same solutions. So cool.


I am on a Whole Food Plant Based Diet too 😎👍
I got rid of excess mucus by ditching dairy, however, I still suffer from various allergies. I have been working on this for years and it is complicated in my case.
Happy to learn that you found a cure to your allergies. Enjoy!


Great video. I did something similar, but starting with Keto. It’s all about inflammation, whether you go vegan anti-inflammatory or keto anti-inflammatory. Eliminate. Add back foods and figure out what triggers inflammation. My Keto focused on eating only anti-inflammatory foods — and unprocessed meat is not inflammatory. But the most anti-inflammatory food of all is fatty fish. So i focused on eating sardines and salmon everyday, with surprising side effect that I never got before from going low carb, or Atkins or Keto, effects i can only attribute to the fish — great skin and mental clarity. There’s a mental clarity you always get from keto b/c of the lack of sugar. But despite having had lots of flax seed oil capsules for years, i never got the same impact as with eating fish. Then I learned that the omega 3 in seeds is not the same as the omega 3 in fish. the former can be converted into the later, but only a small percentage, and not as efficiently. And guess what the brain is made of? About 30% of the dry weight of the brain is made of fat (the omega 3 kind). At first, i tolerated sardines, then i shopped around and found high quality sardines from Spain and Portugal. And I added in other high quality canned fish, like cod and cod liver (it gets a bad wrap, it’s like a mild tuna). cod liver has more omega 3 than anything on the planet. Eat 1/4th a can of cod liver per day for four days (since by then the cod liver will start to go bad in the fridge), and you’ll do your brain and skin and mood a favor. That’s another thing — very chill moods. all this so that i could cure my nasal congestion. Nasal congestion went away in about a week or two of this diet and i got the skin benefits in three weeks (that’s when i notice the blackheads on my nose were gone. I can feel them on my nose but then stopped feeling them). The only allergies i had left i could attribute to dust and dry air. Got a humidifier, and removed the dust. The dust was likely from an old favorite pillow of mine. Just got a new down pillow (hard to wash a down pillow so i just got a new one). Now i breathe through my nose just for the fun of it. And yes, i added fermented vegetables. I make my own kimchi, sauerkraut, real fermented pickles, etc. got a ketomojo blood glucose and blood ketone monitor. I know exactly how ketones impact my brain. If you have ADHD, give that a shot. Ketones in the brain are way way better than just glucose. For epilepsy, alzehimer’s and great new research by Dr. Palmer at Harvard showing the dramatic impacts on bipolar and schizophrenia. The power of your vegan diet is mostly from what you are NOT eating. And you can do keto and vegan, but it’s harder. And I’d consider adding in the fatty fish. Anyway, that’s my two cents.


Good for you and I started listing what you should eat for allergies and in general - they were Non-GMO and organic and dairy if you find that you're allergic to them!!!! you pretty much said the same in your list. Your gut is your second brain and determines your health.


Thank you for making this video. It took away all my mucus and post nasal issues. It isn't as hard as I thought either there's plenty of foods you can still eat and I feel so much much more energy. If anyone has bad allergies try this for sure! 😊


Thanks so much for posting this! I've suffered from allergies and asthma my whole life and nothing has helped. My wife went on a keto diet and after reading WheatBelly and Undoctored, she's very into gut health. Your video has inspired me to clean up my act and hopefully get better! P.S. she makes a great coconut milk yogurt!


Andrew, thank you so much for this INCREDIBLY AWESOME video! How generous and thoughtful you are to offer this information to others for their benefit. What a powerful soul you are!


4:28 An expert (in grains, also a miller and baker) once told me that although Einkorn has less gluten it is not tolerated by all people because its gluten is of a different quality (e.g. tight or loose). I do better with Spelt end Emmer.


Great information brother 👌
Add these stuff from Indian Ayurveda you will more benefited
- yoga ( Surya namaskar, sarvang asan, Anulom - vilom, Kapalbhati, Pranayam, bhastrika pranayam)
- meditation (morning time)
- opting healthy diet (avoid food causing" kapha")


I have this allergy for almost 25 years. I have been vegetarian for more than 20 years of which 4 years completely vegan. Unfortunately didn't work for me.
Animal based diet made me feel awesome in almost every way, but the allergic symptoms didn't went away. Th this day only one thing worked, and that was leaving the Netherland and live in Jakarta Indonesia for one month. That month I was free of this daily torture.
