Seasonal Allergies: Fact or Fiction with Dr. Jeff Millstein

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Seasonal allergies can be brutal, and these days there’s a lot of misinformation around what causes allergies and how to avoid them. Here, Dr. Jeff Millstein from Penn Medicine sorts out what’s fact and what’s fiction when it comes to seasonal allergies.

Myth #1: You can develop allergies as an adult.
This one is a FACT!
Adults are not immune from developing new allergies or getting them for the first time later in life. Allergies are your body’s response to substances that your immune system mistakenly identifies as harmful. As we age, our immune system becomes weaker, which in turn weakens our hyper-allergic reactions.
Typically, most adults who experience allergies later in life have had a previous allergic episode that they may not remember. These can start during early childhood and lay dormant through your teenage years, then pop back up later in life.
So if you’re feeling the sniffles but assume it couldn’t possibly be allergies, think again.

Myth #2: Eating local honey helps relieve allergy symptoms.
Unfortunately, this one is FICTION!
There’s been a lot of buzz around this idea because bees collect pollen from local plants and use it to create their honey. …and therefore it could help build up your immunity to those local allergens.
Believe it or not, flower pollen is actually one of the least common allergens. What really triggers most people’s seasonal allergies are pollens from trees, grass and weeds, which won’t be found in your local honey.
So while honey is delicious, your best bet for allergy relief is over-the-counter medication.

Myth #3: Using nasal spray frequently can be bad for you.
This is a FACT – and it’s a serious one too!
Nasal decongestant sprays can work like a charm, but they are NOT meant for long-term treatment of allergy symptoms… and can cause serious harm if not used properly.
These sprays contain chemicals that shrink the enlarged blood vessels that are causing your congestion. After more than a few days’ use, those blood vessels can become dependent on the drugs, causing you to need to use more and more of it to get the same results. This is called the rebound phenomenon, and over time, it can lead to chronic sinusitis and other serious nasal problems.
As an alternative, try some other remedies like oral antihistamines or decongestants. And if you do opt for nasal sprays, use nasal corticosteroids, rather than decongestants. They are effective at relieving symptoms and don’t carry the same risk when used daily during the allergy season.

When it comes to seasonal allergies, it’s best to be proactive and keep a consistent treatment plan to manage your symptoms. If you have questions about what’s best for you, be sure to consult your primary care provider.

#allergies #pollen #PennMedicine
Рекомендации по теме

Tree pollen and grasses are my biggest enemies for allergies.


My immune system is strong af but it goes panic mode everytime I experience sudden temperature change


This was super helpful. I keep being told about honey, but no matter how much honey I use it won't help. Nice to know I'm not just crazy.


I had to take 1 allergy pill last year but now I need 3-4 pills to feel a difference


I quit the over-the-counter meds for my allergies. I now drink Nettles tea (straight) for my allergies. I buy it in bulk at a health food store.


I constantly feel like my lungs are tightened up and I'll die in my sleep 😭


I’ve tried every allergy medicine out there and nothing seems to completely eliminate them 😭😭😭


Thanks for the great discussion around seasonal allergies! Not everybody knows that ornamental flowers aren't typical allergens or that not all nasal sprays are created equal. Keep up the good work, adding this video to our channel for sure!


I really wish medical professionals would stop calling year-round allergies "seasonal"


My doctors prescribed me to use a nasal spray everyday and it works.


So I developed sinusitis just about 2 years ago. Like constant sneezing and pressure in the bridge of my nose and around my head. Last year I was out of the country and my allergies weren't as bad as this year. This 2020 I believe since we are cooped up at home it made it worse. I live with my parents and well we don't really practice dusting off each and every corner of the house as we need to and I suggested we hired someone to clean the house thoroughly because that could be the reason my mom and I suffer from allergies. They looked at me all stupid. I've had headaches down my neck, sinus pressure that is bad. I've taken pills and nasal decongestants but I still feel sinus pressure on my right temple. I feel twitching due to the pressure and I try to sneeze everything out. I live in TX and this whole summer we've had rain and I hese humidity with pollen screw me up. It really is annoying, especially when I have to study or drive. I feel confused, dizzy, sleepy. Hopefully one day I can go see an allergy specialist. I'm 25. This is not fair.


I’ve been sneezing out tears while my nose is tingling for like 2 weeks


I’ve been doing yard work for about a week, and I thought I had corona


What do you do if you have annual allergies?


Thank you a lot for this video. This is very interesting and informative. Keep posting like those amazing videos, this is awesome.


I liked the information. But the background music made difficult to pay attention.


Are some of those substances not *actually* harmful?


I have spring allergy
I just came to know of i can get diarrhea from it because i'm currently struggling
I guess it isn't but it's ok now i figured it out


me watching this while holding my nasal spray..


Eating local honey has reduced my allergies this year so...
