Does birth control make you gain weigh? - Pandia Health

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Does birth control make you gain weigh? Dr. Yen is here to debunk this myth! Turns out, birth control does NOT make you gain weight, but can increase your cravings which can lead to weight gain. 🥴

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I don’t understand how you’re about to say birth control doesn’t make you gain weight and then when personal testimonies of women contradict that, you acknowledge that in fact it is possible and each woman can react differently to the pill. I’m confused about why doctors are so dismissive when time and time again, personal experiences show that a percentage of women are clearly affected by weight gain as a result of hormonal birth control. It’s even a side effect listed on every hormonal birth control I’ve seen.


I gained 22 pounds from birth control. I got off it and lost all the weight. My diet is healthy and i had the same appetite. And didnt eat a big amount of food. So you CAN gain weight.


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I just started taking yasmin, a combined pill, 4 months ago and I gained 20 pounds. This is the heaviest I've been in years, I'm so upset I dont know what to do. Honestly the study she talked about only included 50 women and I think doctors want to say birth control doesnt effect weight gain because they dont want women to be afraid of taking it. I've been working on losing weight for years and these last four months on the pill set me back so much I'm so upset about it. People are saying the combined pill causes you to gain water weight and I'm just praying when I get off this pill my weight will go back down. I had an IUD for years and it never effected my weight, this is trash.


I gained ovee 50 pounds..
Went from 120 at 5'2 to 176 in a period of 6 months.. never had a problem with my weight before now I struggling to loose it


That’s why I gained weight from birth control because it gave me the munchies and made me over eat and crave junk food . I stopped taking it and I lost all the weight 🤷🏽‍♀️


I used to eat fairly healthily before taking the pill. I started taking the pill, gained a few pounds, started dieting and eating less, gained MORE weight and had anxiety. Thank you birth control, you aren't worth it AT ALL


I’m a 16 year old girl who had to start using birth control in order to fix my irregular periods. I started taking the pill two months ago and I’ve gained 6-7 pounds! Right now I weight 120. That’s the heaviest I’ve ever been! (Note that I’m 5’1”). When I first started it I was moody all the time and I cried over things I normally wouldn’t. I also noticed the weight gain but I wasn’t sure if it was just because of my eating, but my diet is the same as it was before☹️


Just curious who paid for this study. Was it the pharmaceutical company who makes birth control?

Explain to me why doctors blame women for their eating choices in relation to weight gain and not the pill.

Look at the real online reviews of all pill related birth control, women on the pill gain weight. Women gain weight even when there was no previous issues with weight gain, even when they did not change eating habits and somehow went on the pill and three months later gained 40 pounds.

Can we not just accept that its hormones and that doctors do not understand hormones. Can we not just accept that proper research needs to be done and throwing the pill at every women related medical problem is not a solution! We need to do better.


I’ve also seen people lose weight, but I’ve been on birth control for about a month now and I haven’t gained any weight.


I've been so unusually bloated since being on rigevidon and I'm so careful with my diet and workouts! My stomach just doesn't lie flat anymore! So annoyed I think I must be the pill


Wait who the hell has the munchies and decides to want some Diet Coke and some gum.. 😂😂😂


no offense but i think y’all need to do your study again. i got the nexplanon 7 months ago and i’m getting it removed in a couple days because it has made me gain 40lbs. my diet has stayed the exact same and i haven’t changed my exercising at all. The same thing happened when I was on the pill, but i gained only 15lbs. and again, i didn’t change my diet or exercising at all. just about any female you ask who has had the implant especially will say they have gained weight and then lost it as soon as it was removed with absolutely no effort. i know she didn’t talk about the implant here, but she said the same about other forms of birth control that other doctors say about the implant.


Hi, have been on the depo shot for 3weeks, I drink a lot of water and also eat a lot, , , does that one mean that am going to gain weight?


I've gained weight on a combined pill and am not hungry at then doctors tell you oh it's water weight it will fall off... I'm still waiting and very annoyed


I was 45kg, when I started the pill I now weigh 56kg. So I guess it reacts differently


Hi doc. What pills you recommend to treat acne/pimple breakouts?


I work out 6-7 days a week
3 hours each day
I drink 3 litres of water each day, I’m still gaining weight not losing? I’ve tried the patch, iud was the worst now I’m on depo still not losing weight!


I kinda hope the shot helps me gain weight cuz all my life I been underweight for no reason. Even pregnant twice and gave birth I was underweight .


Me reading these comments says that everyone is different but some say they gain some say other wise but I wanna gain the weight n I'm not sure what pills to get for that so if anyone can please comment the birth control pills for me please
