4 Psychological Disorders with Terribly Rare Symptoms

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Are you interested in learning more about psychological disorders? There are many psychological disorders with rare and unusual symptoms, symptoms that bring as much suffering as commonly known mental illnesses. Let’s find out more about these extremely rare symptoms. In this eye-opening video, we shed light on these intriguing conditions that challenge our understanding of the human mind.

Researcher/Writer: Stela Košić
Editor: Caitlin McColl
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Animator: Sun Biscuit
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

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What psychological disorders do you want to learn more about?



1:22 Alice in Wonderland syndrome
2:51 Capgras Delusion
4:07 Aboulomania
5:12 Visual agnosia

Hope this helps! Remember, if you’re experiencing mental problems, it always helps to reach out to close ones or professionals! :)


I'm actually pretty sure I have a sub-type of Visual Agnosia called Prosopagnosia, A.K.A. 'Face Blindness'. I admit I've not been professionally diagnosed due to medical costs, though. I admit my assumed case is light compared to the more extreme ones, like the one woman I read about who can't even recognize her own husband when he walks into the room until he speaks and she hears his voice. For me, unless it's someone I see nigh daily or they have an immediate distinguishing feature other than their face, I'm likely to not recognize them. When I was working in retail, our store was in a high theft area and it was becoming a real problem when known thieves could slip in by me because I didn't recognize them and tell them they weren't allowed in the store. My boss lady was SO understanding though, God Bless her. When we'd catch a shoplifter and put them out, she'd quickly find some distinguishing features like a tattoo, piece of jewelry, haircut, etc. She'd point it out and tell me for example, "See that tattoo on his neck? He's not allowed in here." or "See how she walks with that limp and those earrings she always wears? Don't let her in here." And she'd always point it out on the security cameras later so the thieves didn't hear us. I'd felt like a failure for having not recognized them before, but my boss lady assured me it wasn't my fault and that I just have to learn how to recognize people differently. I admit, it is scary and embarrassing sometimes when a family member or an old friend I haven't seen in a while comes to the door and I don't recognize them right away, but so far everyone's been understanding.


Hey Psych! Youve helped me get through tough times in my life! I just wanted to thank you for helping me, ive watched you since i was 7, the age i was when my parents split. Thank you for keeping me motivated and inspiration! ❤


As someone with Alice in wonderland syndrome, this was a great way of explaining it!!


Interesting, I had similar situations to Alice in Wonderland Syndrome after having my brain tumor surgery. I'd wake up and the ceiling would be about 2 inches away from my face and then it would go slowly back place. This happened with all kinds of objects and furniture in the room. Also saw things in a different color than it really was.


Raising awareness is the key to progress to provide lasting help for these individuals suffering from these disorders. Being judgemental leads to ignorance.


What are the most common yet unknown disorders that frequently happen without sufferers themselves noticing? I feel like that should be the next video 🤔🧠


Love your videos, they have helped me through a very tough time, keep up the good work!


1). Alice in wonderland syndrome 1:21
2). Capgras delusion 2:50
3). Aboulomania 4:06
4). Visual agnosia 5:11

Hope this helps you out. Hope you have a nice day. Sorry this is so late. 💙💙💙💙💙💙


This video was very insightful and the music in the background is divine.


WoW! 😮I read that book, it's crazy. As a painter I would like you to talk about the Stendhal syndrome because some people have had a nervous reaction in front of some of my paintings


I think i had capgras delusion during childhood and adolescence and thought my parents were killed and replaced by alien. This actually happened when one day my mom just left the house on a rage after arguing with my dad and came back the next day. My gut just kept telling me she wasn't my mom and someone killed my mom and after sometimes i thought my dad was killed and replaced too. At 1st i tried to act normal so the aliens won't find out i knew it. But it was sooo hard and always anxious cuz they might end up killing me. I started yelling at my parents and our relationship downgraded. Mom and dad broke up and i was sent to grandma. For my entire childhood I couldn't trust a single person and it stressed me out so much. I was always paranoid about even the slightest things. Didn't had any friends or weren't in good terms with anyone around me. But when I moved out and started living on my own I slowly started to relax and those thoughts about everyone deceiving me started to wane and after a long time now I can trust people more and don't think that my near one's were replaced by anything. I still have a little bit of suspicion towards others but I think I can overcome it and live the rest of my life peacefully


I actually think I have Alice in wonderland syndrome. It usually happens when I’m extremely tired. It distorts my vision and makes either me or everything around me very small or large. I’m worried that it might have long term affects but it hasn’t happened recently and was at its worst when I was a child.


This video was very informative and interesting. I learned a lot about some of the rarest psychological disorders that affect people around the world.


I love psychology, to begin with. Abnormal psychology is just so enthralling for me. This is why I'm such a huge fan of your guy's content.


As someone with Aboulomania, the way you have explained it was perfection.


Imagines going to Paris and getting distressed because the city wasn't what you thought it would be.


Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, felt like actual death..
When I was littler (7-9) and sick, I often got these. Everything is zoomed it. Painfully warm but not hot. Mine felt like death. I couldn't see my body, hands nor legs, ANYTHING. I was out of my body. I had to use all my force to get back to my body even though I couldn't see it. It hurt and was scary. It was a hallucination on the wall. The hallucination was where I was last in a race. Everyone left me because I was too slow. I saw my mom in the dream asking if I was ok. When I "woke up" shortly, my mom was still asking.


I always found your videos useful, keep on uploading more informative videos. 👍
