27.02.2016 - Barbara O'neill - Natural remedies

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I recently resigned from my job as an ICU nurse for MANY reasons i wont disclose on flufftube, and I'm so thankful I came across this woman! She is teaching all the things I want to know as a mother and a nurse! I praise Jesus for her!


I wanted to let you know I watched this video and the very next day my daddy had a heart attack. Thanks to Barbara I knew what to do. My dad literally collapsed and wasn’t breathing so I grabbed the cayenne pepper from the kitchen and put a teaspoon in his mouth and massage some water down his throat.(I was praying like she said)Within 30 seconds he started coughing I called the ambulance by the time the paramedics arrived he was conscious when they got him to the hospital they ran all kinds of tests and could find nothing wrong with his heart. There was no damage, no ruptures, not even any enzymes, in fact it looked so good they took him off his Lipitor. Praise God he nudged me into natural medicine and showed me Barbara’s video. He has given her the knowledge and the gift to teach others and she knows what she is talking about.


Where has this woman been all our lives? She is a blessing to educate the masses instead of running to the doctor for everything.


My daughter has asthma and when winter comes she gets incredibly sick and an extreme cough. I tried the onion on the bottom of the feet and I'm not kidding she didn't cough all night and she slept for 11 hours . This should be a mandatory course in school.


0:00 Prayer
0:34 Barbras intro
0:51 Book The ministry of healing
1:27 Barbras favourite page of the book
2:35 Onion/ ear ache
6:05 How to make an onion poultice
10:43 Raw onion
12:11 Cough
13:00 Onion on the bottom of feet
16:28 Onion cough syrup
19:04 Garic / Flu bomb
22:13 Garlic for a baby with a cold
25:33 Ginger
38:25 Potato & hydrotherapy
58:37 Caster oil
1:07:33 Charcoal
1:18:09 Ceyenne pepper

1:35:59 Iodine

1:37:09 Epsom salts


My husband has had ear infection for 3-4 days. He has chronic ear infections and has had surgeries on both ears Antibiotics not helping much. Ear needed to drain and was not. Tried the onion and ear start draining and husband stated he felt better than he had in 3 days Thank the Lord for people like Barbara that wants to help people 😘


I absolutely love these lectures by Dr Barbara Oneil! I am chemist who has worked for 25 years in pharmaceutical industry in several countries but I often try natural remedies before I reach for any pharmaceutical medicine. Barbara o'neill should be revered as a health guru! Very knowledgeable and we need more people like Barbara.


I have been battling with lower back pains for about 3months it recently progressed and I am tired of taking pain killer. I can't walk, sit, drive, get down the stairs, sit on the bed, get off the bed or do anything without pains in my lower back.i can't even bend without crying.
I came across this video and I did the fresh grated ginger last night. Woo this morning I fell so much better and happy. The pains has dropped from 100% to 2%.
Thank you so much for this teachings. I would repeat again tonight.


OMG i can listen this lady 24-7 she has lot of knowledge. God bless her.


This is what I have been thinking, God created this world and he also created healing from what he has created. Trust you Lord in all things. Praise you Father God


Toothache relief: I had terrible pain from an old filling that had broken up and left my roots exposed. I had to wait for over a week to see the dentist so I was desperate. I cut up fresh ginger and shoved a piece into the hole and received immediate relief. Hope this helps someone - God bless this lovely woman and may this Godly wisdom be shared to all, thank you.


30 yes ago I had an ear ache I was crying 😭 I was a child I still remember I was in a refugee camp in Turkey one of our relatives heated the core of the onion in a foil using his lighter coz he was a smoker and gave me the hot onion and told me to put it inside the ear and it healed me. He used the old healing method us Assyrians used.


This lady has remarkable energy. She clearly practices what she preaches.


“Never make decisions on fear but on fact “ . Is a very good motto for today. circumstances


I know this is about God’s natural health remedies but I started to cry when she said “respect the child and they will respect you, ” and “you got to work with the will, ” and “asked him his permission.” Her wisdom is profound.


I feel horrible for not paying to watch this!!!! This is amazing!!!! God bless this woman!!!


You know, I've been praying a lot lately, and it is amazing to me that this came up in my suggestions. Thank you, creator God, and thank you, Barbara, and all the people who made this video possible.


Godsend! Following HER for many years. Watched over and over again. Thank you Father!🌟


she has a sweet spirit and wisdom from god


I am so addicted to listening to her videos. God bless you, ma.
