Все публикации

Sabbath Service 14th of September, 2024:“What’s a man? Biblical idea of masculinity”

Sabbath Service 14th of October, 2023: “Does God really keep His promises”

Sabbath Service 17th of June, 2023: 'The synoptic gospels and good news in John for the Jews'

Sabbath Service 10th of June, 2023: 'Talk is Cheap!'

Sabbath Service 3rd of June, 2023: 'A Pentecost Problem'

Sabbath Service 27th of May, 2023: 'Unveiling Radiance: Seeking God's Face and Reflecting His Glory'

Sabbath Service 20th of May, 2023: 'World Adventurer Day'

Sabbath Service 13th of May, 2023: 'Embracing the Broken'

Sabbath Service 6th of May, 2023: 'Paul & Cleopatra –The importance of Allegiance'

Sabbath Service 29th of April, 2023: 'Follow Me (Christian Discipleship)'

Sabbath Service 22nd of April, 2023: 'Messiah'

Sabbath Service 8th of April, 2023: 'The Resurrection – Is It True?'

Sabbath Service 1st of April, 2023: ' How to be a better Seventh-day Adventist'

Sabbath Service 25th of March, 2023: ' Melting into Christ'

Sabbath Service 18th of March, 2023: ' The Two Prodigal Sons'

Sabbath Service 11th of March, 2023: 'The Day of Christ Jesus – God’s victory over evil'

Marija Temelkovska Funeral Service

Sabbath Service 4th of March, 2023: 'Sodom and the Sabbath'

Sabbath Service 25 February, 2023: 'What’s the Gospel?'

Funeral Service of Brian Miller

Sabbath Service 11 February 2023: 'The Millennial Week'

The Gospel to the World

Amazing Facts Live

7 Signs of Jesus' Second Coming