Barbara O’Neill: Her Story | Testimony

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Barbara O’Neill tells the story of how she became interested in natural remedies. Find out how God gradually removed her shyness and helped her develop into a confident speaker and successful health coach. Hear the moving account of her youngest child’s near-death experiences with severe physiological asthma and learn about her experiences with drug interventions that showed her she must look for a better way.
Discover the Barbara O’Neill story. You’re sure to be inspired by God’s workings in the life of this woman of faith.

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Рекомендации по теме

I never heard of Barbara O'Neill until this month of May 2023. Now everything I see of hers I like, share & save to watch later on a playlist so that I can review it and share it again... What an honor it is it to bear witnessed to this beautiful soul...


I love my sister in Christ! She’s been a blessing to many!


Sister Barbara O'Neil is a member of our family now since we speak of her so much! Her lectures and health advice is so valuable! Auntie Ellen would be so proud of you Auntie Barbara! Blessings and love! 🌹


My respects and blessings to this beautiful lady. May God bless her always.


Praise the LORD for protecting her and her family!


This is what a real woman should be, she is my role model, my inspiration. I don't know her, but I feel a real respect for her ❤


I've visited Misty Mountain twice. Both over the New Year break. A great way to bring in the New Year. Amazing vegan food and activities. Barbara is such a gentle soul. Her and Michael are an amazing team.


Yes! A blessing to millions around the world! Barbara we love you!


Sister Barbara O'Neil I love learning from you. Mainly because you give the credit to God the Father for all. Second I hate modern medicine. Always have always will. I have been on my natural journey for about 8 or 9 years now. I do not take any over the counter medications nor prescribed medications either.
I have a long way to go with the diet part. I still eat refined sugar way more than I should. But I also cut out dairy for a few years now. I have tried to grow my own food. I have found I do not have those skills at all😂. I have to do some more praying for God to give me the knowledge on that.
You are a blessing!! With a wealth of knowledge.


God Bless her and Keep her Father God!


She is a god sent to me, we need many more people like Barbra O’Nell ❤️


If you're asking, what is a woman?
This is a woman


Bless her 🙏. When I was in hospital three months ago a fracture and a broken ankle the night before I left hospital this beautiful nurse sat by my bed late that night and she mentioned Barbara O'Neill and to look her up which I have what amazing woman she is certainly blessed . Also this nurse told me about the (V) which I have not taken by God's grace and she said there are many of us out there she is definitely one of God's angels and messengers .🙏


Oh dearest Barbara O'Neill you are a mighty warrior for truth & God & for The Health Message also; such a powerful testimony as Jesus & His inspiration has saved you dear Barbara. We are all so incredibly PRIVILEGED to be learning from you, I LOVE you so much Sister in Christ AMEN. 🙏🙏❤❤🙏🙏


U inspire mea lot Mrs. Barbara O ‘Neil 🌹❤️


Just finished watching the full interview of how Barbara progressed in her interest in natural healing to present time where with her family they run a health retreat. Incredible interview. I am glad she took the time to share her journey. It was a wonderful account to listen to and heart breaking at the same time as she recounted her touch and go late at night with her little one. Thanks Barbara, it was pleasure to hear your journey . It stands as a testament how incredible journeys always start with that first step and trusting in the universe to guide you to where you want and need to be.


God is good. Me and my mom had a 2 hour conversations. She told her story and I listened. She told me everything she endured with my father who was lost in drugs. And her being a mother at young age doing everything she could for me and my siblings, all while she dealt with my father. God have her strength to keep pushing on. One part to her story was her being broke and only having 3 dollars because my father spent her savings on to have a drug fueled weekend. With the 3 kids at the time she didn’t know what to do. She gathered whatever cans she has to trade them and as she walked to the recycle place. A 10$ bill came rolling her way. Which gave her enough to buy food for the week (remember things were inexpensive back in the 90’s) God have her just what she needed.


Love your sermons!! God bless you n yours always for what u do! 💜🙏🏼💜


I absolutely love and respect this woman.


I love sister Barbara O'Neill God used her to set about an entire change in my life. Very interested in watching this. Blessings
