Why are people so mean on the internet?

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Why are we so nasty to each other on the internet? It's all in how we see each other.

Topics Discussed:
- nasty effect
- group polarization
- online disinhibition effect
- eye contact

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Those rude people on internet would get slapped in real life talking like they do in internet


I came off of Facebook I couldn't handle seeing the way people treated eachother it's rife everywhere, how can people be so cruel to each other what has the world came to?


I got bullied for spelling illegal wrong, then I got bullied for defending someone, then I got bullied because I liked Kpop… what has social media come to? I wish I could go to the 1980’s to see what happened, I wasn’t born around that time, were people mean? Were people attacking someone for having an opinion?


If people cant treat eachother right on social media than social media just shouldn't be a thing


Because people are miserable and cowardly


Thank you for this video, Doctor. Internet made people very comfortable with arguing and insulting, without feeling empathy or remorse. It's like social media is slowly turning humans into war machines without feelings.

Because of personal reasons, in 2022 I was stuck at home, so all I could do was being online. The amount of insults I got just because I used to write literal opinions, was scary. Now I'm off the internet and I use it only for doing online researches. Thanks again, Doctor.


people are mean on the internet because they've been home for days/weeks and haven't seen any people on the outdoors which is why they like to pick on someone to cyberbully


Thankfully, I was raised by great people who taught me respect for differing opinions. They did teach me to have conviction for my own, but not to use that as an excuse to be forceful with my beliefs. I tend to avoid a lot of conversations online about hot button topics, only because I feel over time the core of it is deluded by people who, as you stated, believe they are anonymous and can do and say as they please just to comment for a reaction. I am similar in face to face situations too. I am not one for conflict and prefer meaningful, respectful, and yes, intelligent conversation. On any subject, if I feel you've done your homework and I can feel that in everything from your choice of words, tone, and facial expressions, then I am more likely to be open to your beliefs, even if they differ vastly from mine.


This is why I wish the internet never existed


I’ve literally had threats made against me when I used to have sm all because I differ in opinion. It’s insane !!!!


But why are people so crazy and psycho to begin with that they need eye contact to feel any decency?


Put egotism and anonymity together and what do you get? Its easier to be mean to people online because you think you can get away with it scotch free. People have a complete disregard that not everyone thinks the way they think and that everyone is going to have a different opinion.


this is something that helped me a lot. been dealing with people criticizing my comment n replying me every day. so tired, that i deleted my comment. i just hope from next time, i do have idea about this.


I wrote something very nice on a Youtuber's perfect piano performance and some other Youtuber insulted me where that comment was only meant for the uploader


Wish this had more views, love reading the comments they're very insightful


I generally make it a point to only comment if I have something positive or funny to say. Even that doesn't stop some random dude calling my momma fat or something to get my attention so I treat them the same way I treat anyone who's just looking for attention - I ignore them.


Great video, I think this channel deserves more recognition


It’s unbelievable how you get treated on the internet if you have an unpopular opinion, I’m someone who liked movies like the 2017 Justice League or the 2016 Suicide Squad, and I also liked Jared Leto’s Joker, and holy crap, talk about vicious reactions, whenever I mention that I like those 3 things it’s like the rest of the internet literally wants me dead for saying that, there have been things the rest of the internet likes that I don’t and I have expressed that to them but I’ve never said things to them that sounded like borderline death threats like they’ve done to me


Ego reigns supreme -- the brain has a funny way of rationalizing opinions compatible with your belief structure and de-legitimizing those that conflict with it. Emotions certainly run high as may be necessary, but those who have to battle ego on a more intellectual level seem to rely more on motivated reasoning than emotion.
