More long-term damage caused by COVID-19 than expected | COVID-19 Special

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Thousands of people of all ages are staying sick for weeks -- even months. A study by Denmark's Aarhus University found a third of corona patients suffered long-term side effects. For some, the virus doesn't just come and go. It stays. The disease can damage the lungs, heart and brain, increasing the risk of long-term health problems.

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What else would you like to know about COVID-19 and the coronavirus pandemic? #askDerrick


This is my biggest fear and I tried to explain this to family and they were saying, "You don't die from it." I don't know if people are reading about the people still having issues months after getting it. My fear is it messing with my brain and lungs. I have asthma and family members who have dementia. I don't want to carry covid brain on top of possibly having the dementia gene.


I had it ( Delta ) back in July 2021 and I will tell you that I’ve had brain fog, headaches, nerve damage, hair Loss !!! It even affected my menstrual cycle for a couple months after . My point is, I truly believe this disease was meant to KILL us !!! And yes there are long term side Effects


its crazy how willingly people are to risk getting a diease that we know NOTHING about


People keep saying 'the chance you die is so small.' But they didnt know even after you recover from this, the after effect is so bad too.


It must be very traumatic for the people who had a bad case of COVID-19 and survived it and still feel the symptoms. It is hard for them to enjoy their lives like before.


To everyone inflicted by covid 19: I underestimated this disease until I got infected ... I was badly ill in bed for 1 month. Then I read about a study from India which said that turmeric made it difficult for this virus to attach itself to body cells or to reproduce. So, after nothing had helped I chewed and swallowed a small root every morning at noon in the evening and I'm healthy again, my condition is now getting much better every day. My smell and sense of taste are now normal again, I have been taking this natural remedy for 1 week. I hope you all recover!


So, herd immunity is a wrong strategy and irresponsible.


I had rocky mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease 20 years ago. The fallout was devastating...neurological, fatigue, loss of motor skills, nerve damage, pain. So covid sounds a lot like what I've been fighting with for so long. But on a much larger scale. I pray for all.


Thank you, DW for reporting this. I'm a neuro in NY & we've been collecting data on neuropsych symptoms & persisting side effects post-recovery. Since some people become extremely ill, it's hard to determine whether the effects are from the trauma of the medical interventions required & the general strain on the body, or are a clinical feature of the virus itself. More data is needed


Scariest part for me was dizziness, brain fog, strong nerve pain on my face and neck and anxieties. You have no idea what is happening to you and are scared that any symptom could get worse at anytime. I feel pretty normal again after 3 weeks, but that doesn't mean that there is no long-term damage. My husband and I stay at home when we are not at work and wear masks when we are in's unpredictable and scary.


Post-viral syndromes including ME/CFS are not new, we have known about this for decades. The only reason doctors and scientists are acting "surprised" now is because of the decades-long systemic denial of ME/CFS and other similar post-viral syndromes by the medical community, such that ME/CFS isn't taught in the standard curriculum in any medical school—despite it being relatively prevalent: millions of people around the world have ME/CFS, and it's estimated to have roughly twice the prevalence of Multiple Sclerosis.


I contracted the virus 2 months ago and still can’t smell or taste anything. The little life pleasures that I once took for granted are now gone. Life just doesn’t feel great when you can no longer make as vivid of memories as you once could. Be safe out there. That night out is not worth it!


Everyone should watch this, especially people who think covid19 isn't a big deal.


Germany took good care of their people and their years of investment in hospitals and health care instead of tanks and bombs paid off when COVID hit. Good job Deutschlund.


I had Covid for 6 weeks, and 7 months later I'm still fighting to get my health back. I have dizzy spells, skin rashes and infections, reactive airways with ridiculous, choking mucous, a hiatal hernia, esophogeal and stomach ulcers, unprecedented GERD resulting in permanent swelling and soreness of my throat, constant burning in my mouth and nostrils, and god only knows what's coming next. I can't find a doctor who can comprehensively monitor the treatment of these issues, but keep bouncing around from specialist to specialist. No one's even looked at my heart or my brain, or organs other than my lungs and my gastrointestinal tract. I feel I'm having a full-body autoimmune response, head to toe, and no one can turn it off.


Imagine being a foodie and losing your sense of taste.


I hope these long term symptoms will let up for people - but I also hope this will help people understand what those with "hidden" illnesses go through. Perhaps this will lead to better understanding and some changes in how society treats people; chronic fatigue, muscle pain, mental health issues etc. etc. are no joke and can drastically change your life.


After school closed And work closed, I immediately started gardening and taking care of indoor plants. It helped me a lot after I started getting depressed. Things have mostly returned back to normal but I still have my plants and garden. It helped a lot I find. Try it if u feel depressed or lonely or bored


For those that have lost their sense of smell..I lost my sense of smell from a very bad virus over two years ago and just recently got most of it back...including COFFEE (VERY IMPORTANT!!). I was told it probably wouldn't come back so have faith that you will get yours back too!!
