Car Insurance Claim Denied – Top 8 Reasons Why

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Was your car insurance claim denied? Check out this short video for the top 8 reasons why car insurance claims get denied.

0:00 Introduction
0:40 Claim denied because you are liable for the accident
2:35 Insurance claim denied because the policy is lapsed
3:42 The claimant did not file within the timeline
4:50 Claim denied because of fraud or lying
5:46 The driver was excluded from the policy
6:45 Claim denied because you broke the law at the time of the accident
7:25 Denied because they were driving for Uber or Lyft or GrubHub or Doordash
8:00 Not insurance to cover your damages
8:40 Denied because you lied when you signed up for your insurance policy

The first reason why a car insurance claim might be denied assumes that you file a claim with the insurance for the driver of the other car – and the insurance company investigates and determines that you are at fault for the accident. Well they’re going to deny your claim leaving you with only 2 options 1. File a lawsuit against them or 2 file a claim with your own insurance company to get your property damage fixed.

Now it may be that the insurance company wants to put a small percentage of fault for the accident on you. I did a video on when you might want to accept a small percentage of fault for an accident.

Here’s the link:

The second reason why a claim might be denied, and this applies to whether you file with the other guy’s insurance or your own insurance, is that the policy lapsed.
I’ve also seen so many cases where policies lapsed a day or a week or a month before an accident. Bottom line though is if the policy was not in effect at the time of the accident there will not be any coverage under that policy.

The third reason I see insurance claims denied is that the claim was not reported in the proper amount of time. Now I see this most of the time with sub standard insurance companies. And they often have in the insurance contract that you signed that if you didn’t report a claim within 30 days you’re then barred from recovering from that policy.

I did a video on filing with your own insurance company here’s the link:

A fourth reason I have seen insurance claims denied is that there was fraud involved or the insured lied to their insurance company. Do not lie to your insurance company.

A fifth reason claims are often denied is that the person driving the car was an excluded driver.
Sometimes, to get an insurance policy, the insurance cover will explicitly exclude a named driver from the policy. Well, if she’s driving the vehicle anyways and gets in an accident, that claim is going to be denied.

A sixth reason your claim might be denied is if you were breaking the law at the time of the accident. Not typical speeding for example but your policy may state that if you get in an accident while you’re intoxicated, that breaches the policy – and that might be used to deny a claim.
I’ve also in the past seen a lot of cases where Uber drivers or DoorDash drivers’ claims were denied because they were driving for Uber at the time of the accident and that was prohibited by the policy. Though that seems to be changing these days.

The seventh reason a claim might be denied at least in part is that it exceeds the insurance policy limits. So if you have a $50,000 car and its totaled and the insurance policy only has coverage for the first $15,000 in property damage your claim won’t be denied per se but there won’t be coverage for a huge part of your claim and you could be stuck with the balance in this situation.

Ok the last reason a claim might be denied is if you provided fraudulent information or even possibly inaccurate information to the insurance company when you signed up for the policy and then tried to make a claim – if they discover the truth they may deny your claim.

I mentioned before that there may be times when you should accept a little fault for an accident – here’s a link to that video I recommend you check that out especially if you only suffered property damage to your vehicle or minor injuries.

#carinsuranceclaim #carinsuranceclaimdenied #caraccidentlawyer

Disclaimer: This video is for entertainment and informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal advice and the accuracy thereof is not warranted or guaranteed. This information is prone to errors and omissions. Use this information at your own risk. Watching this video does not create an attorney-client relationship.
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Was your car insurance claim denied because of one of these reasons? Tell us about it in the comments section below.


This guy is so helpful. I couldn't find any lawyer Willing to help or give me any consultation.


Barry you’re awesome! Please make more videos, no matter how small.
This man is genuine!


thank you for the info and thank you for the mindful links to the related topic in the description


Can I get my check from my insurance company after my car was Stolen and I can't find my title


Hi Barry! My insurance company and I can't agree on what constitutes a 'collision.' If you frequently visit a gated community and one day, the (swinging) exit gate that regularly opens for your car--and stays open for a couple minutes--as you safely exit, suddenly malfunctions, opening as you exit then immediately closing on you mid-passthrough. scraping the passenger side of your car, is the damage covered under collision or comprehensive? (I know it's really the HOA's responsibility, but that's a whole other story). Thanks so much in advance!


My car insurance (SAFEWAY AUTO in AZ ) is not fighting for me at all i was found to be 51% at fault and when i asked about my car getting repaired he said " you can't you where found at fault" ..when i mentioned the letter i received a from the adjuster saying i was found to be 51% at fault . He just repeatedly said i was at fault and hung up ? Now im at a lost and not sure what to do ? If the other driver was 49% at fault shouldn't i be able to file a claim against him for his part in the accident?


Thank you for the information. What happens when a stolen car totaled your car and the drivers flee the scene? Do you sue the other car legitimate owner? They have been victims of theft, and their car was totaled as well. My car insurance claimed that I had comprehensive insurance that didn't include collision, or car rental. I don't recall ever buying insurance that doesn't include car accidents. Why would I? What do I do now? I have no car, and on top of that I am incurring fees at the impound lot...Please help!


Hi, can you sue the other party in a small claims Court ? Do you sue the person directly or the insurance company?


My son had a Geico driver turn in front of him causing an accident. Police report, violations for other driver, and statements show the Geico driver at fault. And Geico still sent us a denial letter. I have an attorney friend who recently sent Geico a pay up in 30 day ($5500) letter or go to court. What are your thoughts on us getting a payment?


Hi Barry, could you refer me to a car accident insurance attorney in Miami? Thank you!


What if I accept liability and insurance demands I pay and I can not


So is there anything we can do if we we’re denied for the last reason and accidentally put something inaccurate on our application when we signed up. They are trying to deny us because they said my mom said she owned one of the cars on the policy but she don’t


My car insurance accepted my claim to fixing my Toyota Corolla but after I got it back I heard a noise in the wheel bearing I took it back the mechanics inspected it and said it was the wheel bearing and now my insurance is denying the supplement what can I do?


What if you have the same insurance company how do you report for both


Reference is made to the above matter.
Please be advised that having checked the insured's policy and reviewed the investigator's findings, the information received shows that the Insured was operating the vehicle outside the scope of the terms and conditions stipulated by the insurance policy
Based on the foregoing, we regret to inform you that no indemnity will be granted from the policy.
We trust that you understand our position and will be guided accoridngly.
Yours faithfully,
AutoSMART Insurance underwritten by General Accident Insurance Company Jamaica Limited


If a person it not at fault but registered is suspended would the at fault driver insurance company cover the damage


I had a brand new car and someone hit me the car got repaired but I got no money for diminished value on the new car anything I can do?


I had a small accident where the guy was in the middle of the road with his hazard lights on. I went into the other lane to pass him and sure enough he moved without checking his mirrors and hit me. He apologized and offered to pay cash on the spot to not involve insurance. He only offered 750 cash for something worth maybe 2.5-3k. I took no cash and just said I will be calling his insurance. After 2 weeks of me calling their insurance and them saying we haven’t been able to contact our insured so we cannot take responsibility…they finally call me back after getting both statements and say that after the investigation I was at fault…what am I to do!?


post trama suffering how to not have such claim denied
