Russians Haven't Forgotten Their Values. Europeans Did!

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Russians haven't forgotten their values and the west is going berserk about it. Russia And Europe Are Facing Depopulation and both have solutions. The difference is that the solutions are almost polar opposites.

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I'm russian and i'm blaming USA for what Europe has become. Europe values was just like Russian values until USA and its corporations intervened.




EU/European/NATO values is about being Gay.


Something to think about. Put 100 homosexual couples on one island and 100 heterosexual couples are another identical island. Come back in 80 years and see how the islands compare. One might be very quiet.


Bulgaria is the first EU country to ban LGBT propaganda in schools and to give a legal definition for "untraditional sexual orientation"! Naturally the European Union and liberal NGOs started to screech and protest!


Knowing a Canadian couple with 9 children who recently moved to Russia and just bought farmland and built a house, I think Russia does many things right❣️
My greetings to you Sebastian from crazy Germany❣️🤝


In Russia, doctors are paid a bonus to their salaries if they persuade a woman NOT to have an abortion and keep the child. Also, doctors in gynecology have the right to refuse abortion surgery for religious reasons and perform only medical duties for medical support of women and childbirth. It is also forbidden for doctors of the gynecological department to recommend abortion operations if they are not related to the medical pathology of the fetus. And of course, any propaganda of the RAINBOW sect among minors is prohibited. If you plan to watch porn with friends, then make sure that they are all 18 years old, otherwise you will fall for such a thing as a "witness", this is when any sexual acts occur in the presence of a minor (including in video recordings) and this is immediately 7 years of imprisonment for all adults who seduce a minor. Russia loves children very much, children are the most valuable treasure for our country. Adults and the state stand for the protection of childhood, fatherhood and motherhood and create an atmosphere of safe childbirth, postpartum child care for parents and create a safe place for the comprehensive development of children of all ages, where the family, traditional values and love of the Motherland serve as a platform. Therefore, we are simply horrified by the Western policy towards children, this is too big a contrast with the policy of our state.


Rome made the same mistake before her fall. Letting everyone in.


Russia is defending humanity value thats way we supporting russia we and alah are with russia


They had feminism in Soviet Union but it was socialist version and it gave equality to women at that time. They had women scientists, astronauts, doctors, teachers, politicians, equal payment, paid maternity leave, etc. It was similar in China, socialism did the job. There are problems with neoliberal feminism...


Whenever I hear about women's rights being systematically opressed in Russia, I just have this... Twist reaction, like you're getting a chills that make you tense up suddenly.
In Russia women:
- have earlier retirement age than men;
- are not sentenced to lifetime imprisonment no matter the offence. Which means, a woman can, albeit rarely, commit a crime, that has lifetime imprisonment as a possible sentence, and that charge shall never be issued by the sole virtue of the offender being a female;
- have all the rights every man has (and if above mentions indicate something, than it is that they have some more);
- are not draftees at the age of 18 or at all unless there is total mobilization of the population, so their participation in the military is willfull unless total mobilization;
- enjoy heavily one-sided outcomes of a divorce cases. In overwhelming majority of the divorce cases women are better protected by the court, they are more likely to retain children in their households, put men oon alimony, etc.;
- there are certain jobs that are heavily straining on worker's health to the point of it's rapid deterioration into a disability, from attending which women are excluded by law to ensure that their health is not drained by such jobs, and to ensure children's safety;
and that's only the small snippet of priveledge that women (and not only in Russia, to be clear) enjoy. So when a claim-to-be feminist claims opression, my first question is: why don't you start your crusade with making sure that there is equality in men and women's retirement age and a degree of responsibility before a criminal code?
So far nobody answered.


This reminds me of how the west encouraged people to have families. Way back in the 1800's.


Kier Starmer PM in UK 🇬🇧 still doesn't know what a woman is 😂😅😂😅


Hi From two elderly Anglo Saxons living in France. We love your videos. They are distinct and informative. Hopefully a few awake and informed people will see the prejudice against Russia for what it is. Back in 2020, the list of products purchased by France from Russia was extensive. The sanctions must be having a massive negative effect on France. We have conversations with lots of people however, so many believe the MSM and the propaganda. When you ask people to look into the history of the NATO agreements with Russia and 2008 plus 2014, their eyes glaze over. We are very pro France and pro President Macron. Unfortunately many many French citizens cannot see or understand what is going on. I think the terminology is cannot see the wood for the trees. It is absolutely tragic how people are being manipulated but cannot see it for what it is.
Your vlogs are excellent. Please keep up the good work. Thank You.


"Radio Free Europe" its like those countries who have the word " democratic" in their name who are anything but democratic (!).


Моя мама настоящая советская феминистка, родилась в 1952 году, работает с 17 лет, имеет троих детей, параллельно закончиоа университет, стала инженером и дослужилась до зам начальника цеха. Спасибо государственным детским садам, детским лагерям, бесплатным больницам. За мужем за моим отцом уже больше 50 лет


Me ( and i believe most of viewers ) love your authenticity and honesty!
Just continue brother 🙏


Here in Canada, it once was PRIDE week. Now it's a whole month, complete with shaming any politician or official who doesn't enthusiastically go along with the mandatory flags and crosswalks.


Sebastian, my utmost respect to you for your logical and reasonable observation. ​Excellent​ episode! Thank you for the video. Have a marvelous Sunday.


Well spoken and explained sir. God bless Russia, from India with love.
