Estrogen Dosage for Preventing the Three Big Diseases of Estrogen Deficiency - 288 |Menopause Taylor

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So what if you decide to use estrogen replacement to prevent the three big diseases due to estrogen deficiency? How much should you take? How is that dosage determined? And should you ever take more than that? This video will address all these things.

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This might sound terrible, but I will gladly take my chances on ANY negative side effects of taking HRT, because the way I was feeling before starting hormones was much worse! It took away my desire to live! Why don’t more doctors know how important this is for women!!??


I waited 4 years without HRT due to ignorance. I finally asked my dr. For HRT, because of you, thank you. I look forward to watching all your videos so I can educate myself.


I'm 44 and in menopause. I brought my dr the study from the American Heart Foundation that Dr Taylor suggested, and my dr agreed to start me on HRT! Thank you, Dr. Taylor!


YOUR TEACHINGS ARE EVERY woman should take advantage of you giving back to us and empowering us! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! 😊


Fear paralyzes the human brain. It makes people stop thinking and start reacting. So true! 💓
We witnessed this to an extreme these last two years. 🌞


Dr Taylor your YouTube channel number of subscribers would have been in its double-digit millions had you been a "conventional" physician!
Your invaluable message ought to have been broadcast on all the popular health-related YouTube channels.
Tragically, society blindly judges us by how we present ourselves!


Everything you say makes sense! However when I say to my GP that HRT prevents heart attacks, osteoporosis and Alzheimer's, she says it's not true!! It's so frustrating! And yes, I think I do know more about menopause than she does - thanks to you!


You have no idea how much I appreciate your videos I constantly tell women about them. They will change their lives for sure.


I’ve been on HRT since about 50 and I’m now 66. I don’t ever intend to stop! I’m living in Portugal now. And finding a doctor expert in this is extremely challenging!


New subscriber here. I’m 52 and just started doing HRT last week. I started having hot flushes a few months ago and I had difficulty in sleeping too. Tried reading about pre menopausal and was happy to be able to read hrt and finally convinced my gyne to give me prescriptions. I am taking estradiol and progesterone pills.


I cannot get over the vast amount of quality research, material, videos and support Dr Taylor has sitting on the world wide web for free! Who does that? Dr Taylor is the reason I took HRT seriously and got an appt with my gyno and began the replacement. I began noticing a difference in my mood (for the better!) and my energy level which if there weren't any other benefits, I'd continue taking just for that! I'm high risk for the 3 dreaded so I'm really happy I started the HRT in addition to my other positive benefits! Thank you Dr. Taylor!


I was 32 at the time of this terribly misleading study. Thankfully at 49 I discovered that wonderful crazy menopause lady. I really appreciate how you explain the importance of estrogen. Speaking of dosages and duration, for some strange reason I want to make oatmeal rason cookies. Great information as always. Thank you.


I wish every med school would have you regularly lecture all their students on HRT! Ideally in your fabulous outfits 💖This is priceless information. Thank you so much!


You always provide just the information I need! I was on HRT for 6 months when my doctor recommended I start decreasing doses to see how my body would react so that I could eventually be weaned off. I told that doctor I never want to experience any of those symptoms again (i.e. anxiety, depression, mood swings, feeling like crying for no reason, hot flashes, fatigue, waking in the middle of the night with hot flashes and restroom trips, aching joints, ect.) and if I have to take HRT for the rest of my life I would happily do so! Have I got a video to share with her if she ever suggests that again!


I've watched HOURS of your videos and gained so much knowledge from you, so Thank You!! I'm almost 53 and had my first menopause discussion with my OBGYN today.
It went well and she seemed open as long as I already knew what some of the facts were and what I wanted and why. I feel that if I went to my appointment without the knowledge I gained from you, my appointment would have been a very different one. I'm going to start HRT but I just looked at MyChart and my Estradiol pill dose is .5mg and Progesterone is 200mg. So, I'll have to figure out on asking/getting the Estradiol up to 1mg. You are bettering our lives with this knowledge and we are all pretty grateful after reading comments. Stephanie


Hello Dr. Taylor! I’m on year number two using estradiol patch and could not be happier! Thank you for your multiple consultations and such helpful guidance in this process! If anybody Is wondering whether or not to get a consultation with Dr. Taylor… Just do it! It’s the smartest thing I’ve ever done! Thank you, Dr Taylor! I’ll be scheduling a follow up with you prior to my two year…to go over a few things!
Hope all is well with you! ❤️


I went through an early menopause at 37 and have been on 2 mg of estradiol since that time. Happy to hear it's double the minimal dose to prevent the top 3! Unfortunately, my ob-gyn wants to wean her patients off HRT at 60. Time to switch to a new doctor in a few years!!


Take the lowest dose for the shortest amount of time is absolutely insane and I fell for it until I found you. You make so much sense....
I am so grateful for this education. There is way too much wrong information out there about HRT and bio identical this and that and the pellets. Ugh! It makes me so crazy.
What has got me down these past few weeks is that I have not met a woman that wants to discuss menopause or menopause symptoms. I dont know if they are embarrassed or what. They bury their heads in the sand like it doesnt exist. So sad to me. If it were not for you, this education and the women commenting, I would think I was the only woman who felt like this.


You know what really upsets me is reading comments here about women having to fight and beg for hrt for a few years and 70+ year old Caitlyn Jenner dosen't and never will have these struggles despite being well over the age of menopause. That is the ultimate in unfairness. My doctor got real uncomfortable when I pointed this out. Maybe we all need to start this line of reasoning...


It's so wonderful to see sbd being herself, following her passion, and being so generous, patient and entertaining with her help! I'm grateful that I can witness this. Thank you, Dr Taylor!
