Every NEW EMT Should Watch This...

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This is the exact training program, that I've used on every EMT student, or new EMT hire that I was partnered up with in the ambulance service. If you are a paramedic student you can also use this video to get prepared.

This is also a great breakdown for EMT instructors and those who precept new EMT or Paramedic students/crew in the ambulance service. Feel free to use this plan on the road yourself! I look forward to your success with your EMS education!

Be Great,

Evan, The Paramedic Coach®

#EMT #Paramedic #AmbulanceService

Watch even more from The Paramedic Coach® here:

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Took NREMT passed it in the military. State of Florida said no reciprocity. It’s a hard enough job to keep employees. Don’t get rid of good candidates.


I've been mulling becoming an EMT for years. I'm a storm spotter/chaser and being able to provide care after a weather incident or in an accident on the many miles of driving is a set of skills I really want. What cemented my decision to go to school for it next year is finding my next door neighbor stuck in his bathtub a couple weeks ago and getting an ambulance for him. As a bonus, I'll try to volunteer for the local first responders.


I’m taking my nremt on wednsday and I’m not only terrified for the test but terrified of making mistakes in the field


Been an EMT in MO for a couple of months. Very high volume. I mostly run BLS trucks, sometimes ALS. The one thing you bring up that struck a nerve was the meds. Very true that new peeps are weak on meds I still am. Been working on it on my own. The biggest problem I had was trying to remember the actual medication name instead of the over the counter name. Start small with the blood thinners and move along.


I've always Said "You Can't Prepare For An Emergency In The Middle Of One " I couldn't agree with you more ! Your videos are so on point they should be apart of the NREMT Curriculum ! Oh wait they are ;) ... Thanks so much ! For making us ALL better EMS Providers Evan !


Just about to head into EMT school I start this fall semester, Just got my BLS card and passed med term. Quite excited for the path ahead.


you up loaded this the night befour my 1st ride a long as an EMT student. thank you so much!


First day of orientation today!!!! Emt almost done with advanced


I'm so excited for when i become one. I wanna help save people's life.


I've decided to go to superior ambulance to go through them and work with their company for a year and this video helps a good deal


I had an interview yesterday and today this pops up on my feed, hopefully it's a good sign


I have my test on Thursday so I I hope I pass! This is my second time taking it, Iv watched a couple of your videos and they’ve really helped me break down the questions.


I’ve been a emt since December this is a great video because I definitely didn’t have the best first partner and I learned the hard way 😂


I’m also a certified medical rep with 14 years in pharmaceutical business. What you say about meds is so ON-SPOT!!!


I’m in my 2nd week of emt school and I really enjoy it a lot! It’s hard because I’m still in school
But In 2 weeks when I graduate I will have a lot of more time to focus on this and study more spread out. It’s crazy to think when I pass I’m going to be one of the younger emts in the state of NY at 17


This is my teaching to EMT students and interns:
1- Know where the equipment is,
2- Know how to use the equipment,
3- If you don’t know, ask.
All of this equipment does no good if you don’t know where it is when you need it, or if you don’t know how to use it.


I've been really lucky as a Medic student (with 17 years as a basic) to have some basics on my hospital clinicals. It gives me a set of hands, and it helps them understand things they can do to help out once they graduate. It also gives us both a chance to practice patient assessments and improve and refine our skills. As an FTO, I always sit down day one with new hires and explain my expectations and standards to be successful. I find that open and honest communication makes things flow smoother, and produces much more capable EMS providers.


Amazing video also think it's important letting the knew EMT know it's okay to ask any question . respect and communication on both ends with everyone


I've worked I.F.T. for several years so sometimes I feel like I haven't used much of my E.M.T. training.


I'm gonna start training at the local volunteer fire & ems service and this video gives me ideas on what to ask the fire chief and recruiter there.
