Why Are Women Attracted To Bad Boys?

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Imagine being preferred for hook ups (and not relationships) by the hottest age group of women…. Truly a disaster.


All this can be said with just two words - confidence and entertainment.


I totally disagree that women grow out of the bad boy attraction. I'm sure some women do get put off by bad experiences, but even then they still crave the feelings they got from these men. Much older women still love the attention and get giggly with guys that are a bit 'naughty' or push their luck. Ultimately, their 'rejection' of the bad boy is simply a rationalization of the fact that they themselves are no longer sought by these types once they get older. And the need for the security of a more 'safe' guy is not at all the same thing as genuine sexual attraction. There is also the classic and common example of the woman who finally tames the bad boy, then leaves him or cheats on him because she gets bored and he no longer turns her on. The trick really is to maintain a bit of that bad boy charisma without being reckless or an asshole.


Johnny Depp? He never seemed super self-confident or like a bad boy, more like a poetic, romantic guy who takes his job and kids seriously, but has some weaknesses. He doesn't even drive. He goes to children's hospitals playing with sick children and works for free playing concerts to raise money for at risk youth. He's known for being on the shy side. Weird to use him as an example.


The safe guys end up taking care of and paying for the bad boys children later in life. Ask any 30 something unwed female without a ring and a child in tow. 😮


That rollercoaster gets old fast. Once they realize it’s all just posturing they move on. Brain tops brawn all day long.


Reminds me of my father who is now deceased. He was dark, gritty, aloof but had a huge heart. Yet he knew when to go cold, like a mountain, then back to warmth like a sunny day at the beach, at will.


Women want someone who can protect them from harm. And oftentimes, they find that "bad boys" fit this criteria


Studies find that narrcissism is positivity attractive in dark triad
Correlates with confidence. psychopasy and machivellanism low.
Partially the appeal is young when are inexperienced and mistake confidence for competence where as more experienced women see through the bs


Seriously, the word «sexual» has to bleeped out?


Damn this guy nailed it. Takeaway: Have the bad boy qualities to get the girl and the good long term qualities to keep her (If thats what you want) otherwise keep blasting loads boys


To further refine what this gentleman said, women who are egomaniacal are attracted to mystery and risk-taking; a woman who knows she is hot will not settle for anything less -- until she either wants to settle down and has no options or hits the "wall" -- whichever comes first! On the contrary, a lonely, shy 220 lb woman without much of a social life or dating history would probably go for the "nice" guy.


A hot young woman goes through the world getting constant and ceaseless attention from men of any age, trying to get her attention and validation. If she humored that then she would require to be the jury of the self-worth of every man she encountered. Their ego would be in her hands. That's exhausting. So a bad boy whose ego doesn't rely on her judgement or her actions, that's liberating. Means she can do and say whatever she want, she no longer has to walk in eggshells at the risk of upsetting someone.


it's not that older women don't find them attractive, but that they are now focussed on security since they can't rely on their youth and fertility to attain security anymore.


It's because women innately understand how evil the world is and they need a rule breaker. Goes with the saying "nice guys never win". The "bad boy" does


This explains how all of my relationships have been a series of 2 to 4 year relationships.


Johnny Depp is not a bad boy. He is kind and gentle.


The day you stop caring what other think is the day you become irresistible


Once they settle down, they come with like 4 kids. No!


Shouldn't be allowed to have short-term mates as even an example. The reason being there should be no short-term mates. Even that term doesn't make sense. Do you have socks? Do they only have short-term mates? People do not have short term mates unless one of us has died.
