R.C. Sproul — Profession Versus Possession Of Faith

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Doctrines are good. Creeds are good. Going to church, getting baptized, all of that is very good. However, one can profess the faith without having the faith that saves. As R.C. Sproul said, “You may contend with your all for the truth of justification by faith alone without having the faith that alone will justify you... It's the possession of faith, not the profession of it that translates a person from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light.”
At one point, Sproul confuses the word “profession” with “possession” and you'll see I added brackets (the [ and ] symbols) around the word “profession” if you have closed caption enabled, in order to indicate that's what he meant rather than what he said. He said “it's the possession of faith, not the possession of it, that translates a person from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light,” when he obviously meant to say, “it's the possession of faith, not the profession of it, that translates a person from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light.”
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At one point, Sproul confuses the word “profession” with “possession” and you'll see I added brackets (the [ and ] symbols) around the word “profession” if you have closed caption enabled, in order to indicate that's what he meant rather than what he said. He said “it's the possession of faith, not the possession of it, that translates a person from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light,” when he obviously meant to say, “it's the possession of faith, not the profession of it, that translates a person from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light.”
Backup of the original source (in case the source is no longer available):