Baptism Debate: A Paedobaptist Position with R.C. Sproul

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Christians agree that adult converts are to be baptized upon making a profession of faith in Christ. Where we disagree is whether or not the infant children of believers are also to be baptized. In this message, Dr. R.C. Sproul makes a case for the practice of paedobaptism, the view that baptism is to be administered to professing believers and to their infant children.

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To think we're down here still learning, listening to such a great man, who is very much alive, but just in a different place that is far more exquisite than our minds could even fathom. I wonder if he is building a house right now, or singing, or bowing, etc, at this very moment, and how he felt when he saw Christ. Can you imagine?


I have been a Reformed Baptist for very long now and here I am looking into Paedobaptism, and reconsidering so much about what I believe.


I love Mr. R.C. but I'm with Mr. John on this one... that was a good debate. Good insights from both. At the end of the day, we are saved from God, by God, for God alone. By His wounds we are healed! Thank you Jesus!


These two men are giants of the "word" and possibly 2 of the best pastors there have ever been. They have taught me a lot and brought me closer to Jesus Christ without a doubt. The Holy Spirit truly has spoken through these men. The combination of great faith and intellectual debate is precious.


I was raised in the Baptist tradition. My children all professed faith at an early age and were baptized soon afterwards, as I was. Doug Wilson is the first person I heard on this subject (recent debate between Wilson and James White - Canon Press) and so my awareness is piqued. R.C. Sproul is so compelling and winsome - how can one not be pulled over by his arguments?! What we are receiving right now from the Reformed perspective is incredibly challenging and edifying!


I love how he describes John in the beginning. JMac really is a blessing.


I listened to both debates and it's a blessing to know that circumcision of the heart saves and Baptism is a sign of redemption and a sign of God's Holy people and a sign of Gods blessings so God's sign of his promises are reiterated to believers and their Children.


We all must surely miss our gifted and cherished RC. I say the same of our beloved Jmac too. What great gifts these two among a large number of gifted men teaching us the scriptures and greatly helping us on our way to join the presence of our Lord. I hold dear these two men, we should often listen to them and be thankful to God for them and all those who faithfully share their hard work to enlighten and encourage. I’m a Scot living in Glasgow U.K. but feel so much at home with the great reformers of our past and present but especially these two teachers. Thank you our dear Lord God for these, your rich blessings & for the great gift of salvation.


I was baptized as a baby and I had my son baptized as a baby... I am still indecisive on the subject but this makes me feel better thank you


Beautifully done! I miss RC . So thankful his ministry continues. Soli Deo Gloria!!!


It is important for anyone listening to this debate to remember that the ENTIRE church taught infant baptism as long as we have history regarding it. I appreciate RC Sprouls willingness to forego the historical arguments for John’s sake, but it’s worth considering that the universal church practice was infant baptism up until POST reformation. Even Luther, Zwingli and John calvin aggressively defended the practice. So while in debate format, BOTH positions appear to have strength, when you read Christian writings as a whole on the topic the Baptist position is not merely non-existed in Christianity for the first 1500 years but is still held post reformation by a majority of Protestantism


Scripture clearly shows whole households being baptised as soon as only the father/husband begin to be believe


If infant baptism is a sign of the new covenant, how come NO ONE in the NT practised it, preached it or referred it to old testament covenant of circumcision. The new testament covenant is in the blood of Jesus and the circumcision of the heart.


You cannot tell me that my baptism didn’t count. I was 8 days old. If you ask me when I converted, I wouldn’t be able to answer that. I have always believed because I was raised since infancy in the church. Children of believers are not the same as the children of the world, the sign of the covenant belongs to them just as much as it belongs to people with deficiencies


I have listened to both sides of this discussion. I am settling into the Paedobaptist beliefs. I think it is very important to always view both sides of the discussion, to spend quiet time with God, study His word, and pray for clarity in the scriptures. Everyone should do this, and research all they can before making a decision. I’ve seen so many reasons why Credobaptism makes sense, and I understand why people believe it. But I have come to the conclusion that the scriptures do no back that up, and that Credobaptists tend to put God in a box in saying that baptism is nothing more than a symbol. I believe The Holy Spirit is present in the water in baptism and it is not said in any scripture to be a symbol. Knowing the difference between John’s baptisms and Jesus’ baptisms is important. When I hear people say that no infants were baptized in the New Testament, I would say that there are no accounts of someone professing their faith and using a baptism to show others that, using it as an outward and symbolic profession. I think both sides have reason to believe what they do. And I think it’s important to remember to act how Christ would act and have love and compassion for others who might not believe the same as you. At the end of the day, we choose to believe in God and will all have faults in our interpretation of scripture. Our sinful, human minds will never be able to fully understand or interpret it. Thanks for reading, God bless! :)


the paedo argument seems more biblical, but if we only understand the covenant as merely regarding salvation, and not including our families, as the sign of the covenant clearly points to, then the credobaptist argument makes sense. but clearly the fact that God commanded Abraham to circumcise all his household, shows that the sign of the covenant (if not the covenant explicitly) absolutely belongs to the entire household. the sign of the covenant is not the covenant itself. who are we to say who God should include in the sign of the covenant? the apostles told the new converts to baptize their household. it doesn't get much clearer than that


I come from a baptist tradition. I always thought baptism was an outward showing what God has done inside, but there is no verse that I know of that explicitly states that. I have become more understanding of the paedobaptist position. The believers baptism position is more individually focused and the paedo position is more corporate and covenantal (households).


I had to write a paper for school about this and this was very helpful :)


It's a sign of faith for the parents but not for the child. It was not Ishmael's or Isaac's faith but Abraham's as to why they were circumcised. Isaac's faith was shown in the circumcising of Jacob and Esau. It was their looking forward to the Child of Promise born from the seed of Eve who would crush the head of the serpent. We no longer look for Christ to come from our children but from heaven.


I thank God for these gentlemen who adhere to the infallible word of truth, and we know it is for this reason we are to search the scriptures diligently in prayer. God has provided a great teacher the Holy Spirit of whom these men are lead. Tradition is a real thing as we find throughout the gospels especially among the teachers of that time. Tradition blinded them, we know this because the great teacher walked among them, and they received him not. God bless his word to us all through such men.
