Is Dairy Bad for Us? Dr. Paul Mason

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In this video, Dr. Paul Mason discusses about Dairy, autoimmune issues, Raw dairy, Whey protein, carnivore diet.

🎙️Dr. Paul Mason is trained Sports and Exercise Medicine Physician with degrees in Medicine, Physiotherapy and Occupational Health. After treating patients with, and lecturing on, low carbohydrate diets for several years, he is now an internationally recognised authority in this field. He firmly believe in the scientific process and will happily challenge medical orthodoxy when warranted by evidence. his clinical practice involves a holistic approach which is informed by evidence rather than conventional thinking. He have special interests in metabolic disease, autoimmune diseases, inflammatory tendon pain and neck & low back pain.

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Video Credits; @DrShawnBakerPodcast

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This video was created with the aim to educate its audience. Video owner has given us Permission to Use Content. The content on this channel is not medical advice. Please consult your healthcare provider.
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Just when I think I've beaten all my


I am Lactose intolerant all the way back to when i was17 years old 10 years ago I realised I am also allergic to gluten and in the last few years I have had heart burn I discovered that certain plants are responsible so now I have gone %100 carnivore, at 64 years old I'm healthier than I was at 18


Fun fact: From 1860 - 1960 the countries in the world with the longest life expectancy were Norway, Sweden and Denmark. (I havent found any numbers for life expectancy for multiple countries before 1860, so I havent been able to look at the numbers before then.) All 3 countries had a high dairy consumption at the time. But, the rate of lactose intolerance is also low in this part of the world. I am personally Norwegian and thrive on full fat dairy.


At the nine month mark of my carnivore diet, I ate my first bit of dairy...a piece of English raw milk, 1 year aged Pitchfork Cheddar. Amazing! I felt Iike I had taken a drug...I was euphoric and uplifted for about 1 hour. Then I crashed. Brain fog, confusion, depression, for about an hour. I dont think it was a coincidence.


I have been carnivore for 3 years and at 50 years old Im feeling amazing. Even went through menopause almost without symptoms!! I do tolerate goat cheese very well, cow dairy triggers joint and gut pain.


Dairy products can be bad for some people, but not for all, since they depend on several factors, such as the quality of the food, the amount consumed, genetic propensity to develop a disease due to a substance in the food, etc. For example, I don't assimilate milk very well, but I do assimilate cheese, butter and yogurt well. On the other hand, vegetable fiber makes me flatulent. The key is to pay attention to the body's sensations after consuming certain foods.

Los lácteos pueden ser malos para algunas personas, pero no para todas, ya que dependen de varios factores, como la calidad del alimento, la cantidad consumida, propensión genética a desarrollar una enfermedad por alguna sustancia del alimento, etc. Por ejemplo, no asimilo muy bien la leche, pero sí asimilo bien el queso, la mantequilla y el yogur. En cambio, la fibra vegetal me provoca flatulencias. La clave es prestar atención a las sensaciones del cuerpo tras consumir determinados alimentos.


But is dairy triggering inflammation because people have some undiagnosed dysbiosis?
We all started life drinking milk but in the meantime we have been subjected to numerous things that are harmful to the microbiome.

I have a great deal of respect for Dr Paul Mason!


In the Netherlands here we tend to consume dairy like it is drinking water. And we are i believe the tallest in the world?
We also have among the lowest BMI compared to other countries in EU, if you look at the right data that takes into account our length.


I wish they would have made a distinction for cultured dairy like Yogurt. Weston A. Price didn't say dairy was the second best food, he said raw, cultured, grassfed was.


I've found that you can be sensitive to dairy: Whole milk products, that can give you arthritis, etc. However; just the milk fat: Butter and cream can be consumed without problems. I had arthritis for years until I gave up dairy, but I found it hard to believe that just milk fat could be a problem and found it had no affect on me at all. Cheese however is a different thing. I can't touch it.


What about fermented dairy? I eat lots of cheese, butter and yogurt on my ketovore diet. I have to, because I find only meat and eggs boring and I can not eat enough meat to get enough protein, because I do not like the taste of meat very much. I have no problems with this dairy luckily. Thanks to my Finnish and Dutch roots, I believe.


Rheumatoid factor wasn’t discovered until the 1940s so how did they measure that in a trial in 1931?


I have an autoimmune disease called vitiligo and noticed it spreading this year. I used to have just a few spots on my hands, but now i have small areas on each finger. I've recently stopped all dairy, which for me was butter and now I use tallow or bacon grease for everything. I'm hoping it will help.


Excellent interview, spot on, thanks, and I love listening to Paul Mason!


Interesting the mention that dairy increases cholesterol. But from many other videos on this channel we are being told that cholesterol isn't a problem. I know I'm being reductive with that statement- but you know what I mean...


I've reacted all my life to dairy (constipation and a lot of pain IBS), only discovered it not until in my 40s. It took me a real long time to remove all dairy from my menu. In march of this year I started with a ketogenic diet and added dairy again. I'm not getting in ketosis when I eat cream or cheese. Also I gain weight when I add some cheese.


What kind of dairy, though? Grass or grain-fed? Given hormones? Antibiotics? Pasteurized or raw?


For many people, it's terrible. For some people, it's great.
Evolutionarily speaking, dairy is very new, only about ten thousand years old. But as mammals we were already 98% adapted to it, and access to dairy is such a strong evolutionary pressure, it's no surprise some populations would have completed the process.
But most haven't, and for them, dairy can definitely cause some issues.


Some more detail would be welcome. His explanation of autoimmune disease was a brief sketch but no mention of how dairy actually triggers this process when ingested.


This is great information. I’ve never heard it explained this way in the context of auto immune diseases. I limit my dairy consumption and will continue to do so to be on the safe side. I have experienced some auto immune flareups from time to time and I would like to keep them at bay.
