10 Signs Your Breakup Isn't Permanent

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Is your relationship over for good or is there a chance your ex will come back?

Dating/relationship expert Lucia reveals 10 signs that your breakup is not permanent and your ex will be back.

Lucia is an internationally known dating/relationship expert, author of "Lucia's Lessons of Love", former host of "The Art of Love" TV and radio shows, a syndicated columnist and keynote speaker.

She has over 100 major national and international TV and radio credits including Dr. Phil, The Tyra Banks Show, E! Entertainment, 60 Minutes Australia, The CBS Early Show, ABC 7 News, Good Day L.A and the KTLA News.

Lucia has been interviewed by numerous publications including Details, Business Week, Allure, Elle and media from Italy, France, Germany, Canada, Japan, the UK, Australia, Azerbaijan, Chile and Denmark.

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Рекомендации по теме

1. Breaking up without planning( bc you triggered them to)
2. They ask you to meet up
3. You are in contact and they are putting effort
4. Jealousy
5. Your ex is emotional around you
6. They contact your family or friends
7. They want to stay friends
8. Constant communication
9. You work together ( they have to see you everyday)
10. The reason for the break up was that( they being stressed about life in general and you were adding to the stress )
11. You getting mixed signals


I think if someone ended the connection they should make it clear that they want to get back together. I just see it as a clear sign to focus on my health and business goals


She broke up with me, I moved so quickly and got married after 7 months. My new relationship turned out to be a rebound. I have started formal divorce process from the rebound. My ex has recently proposed to go out for dinner and I said yes because I deeply love her.


I gave up on my ex completely after she broke up with me ..now I’m with a more beautiful girl


1 month after the breakup, day 2 of no contact…


We got into a big fight, and she thought I broke up with her but I didn't. I blocked her only for one night, when I unblocked her the next day she blocked me for 8 days. She unblocked me two days ago and she said it's over, I brought it on myself. I told her I didn't break up with her I was just angry. When I said I'm sorry, I'll never do it again, she just laughed like she didn't believe me.


Big yes for these signals;
Ended the relationship impulsively, asked for meet up, constant communication with effort (almost every day for the last 3 weeks), emotional around me (visibly excited, and two huge bear hugs requested by her), stressed when she broke up with me (you and I talked about that Lucia back in late July...shes still stressed but not as much as in July), mixed signals, hot and cold (she's nervous/cold, but has made veiled suggestions about fixing things/hot).
Our second post breakup meeting is tonight!


I use no contact to my bf, it doesn't work. He is weird, he doesn't talk and won't communicate


Been in no contact for six months after a 2 year relationship. My ex is also a client. She has had several chances to fire me as her accountant. But she hasn't. In fact, she just gave me more work. I try to do everything by e-mail, so we do not have to talk to each other. I even ignored her on her birthday, 9/18. Yet she set up a phone appointment with me last Friday, even though we could have conducted the business by e-mail. If I had said to her the things she said to me when she dumped me, I would never speak to this person again. So confused.


I check off about half of these signs. Two months of strategic no contact. I have to clean up my life and get back on my purpose and focus on my grind and move on from her so she can know my value and know what she wants. If this doesn't work then she never loved me and if that's the case then I lost nothing.


Three months of no contact. Just met a beautiful girl at the tennis court two days ago. So if she doesn’t come through, jejeje I am actually moving on quite well :)


From what I’ve seen/heard about my ex the last few months, I’d never take her back. Not only because of what I’ve seen/heard, but the way she went about the break up in general. I’m now dating a new girl who’s possibly an upgrade in every sense. Taking things slow, but it looks promising.


It's PERMANENT because I SAID SO! 😂


Remember kids, serious and negative are twins


Im 36, she's 37. Her excuse when she dumped me was she wanted to focus on her career, Grad classes and work stresses. She immediately asked if I hated her, if I would ever talk to her again, if I would answer her texts, that I could call her to talk about the breakup (I did say I wouldn't reach out at this point), if we could be friends. I did not accept her friendship. I told her I disagree with her, but I respect her decision and she can reach out if she reconsiders. She brought up again if I would ever talk to her if I saw her on the street. She didn't want me thinking I did anything wrong. She said she might regret the breakup in a few weeks. That I made her feel beautiful. She brought up that we've known each other for almost 2 years and have history. We ended the call on a "have a good weekend." And she said "see you later." I've been in no contact since, almost 4 weeks, and haven't heard a peep. It was a very confusing breakup for me because it felt like she was bombarding me with questions about our future even though she was ending the relationship.


She ended the relationship impulsively but we haven’t talked since so I don’t know and I’ve been in no contact for 29 days


1. Breaking up without planning cause I triggered them,
2. Spuratic contact, checking up to see how I am.
3.**they want to stay friends, ( I did not accept)
Been in no contact for 2 1/2 months


So what about when you’re stuck seeing them in person (social gatherings) and she always has to take at least a couple minutes to come over and talk to me? Sometimes she does plopping her happy ass right in my bubble. Not just next to me, but in my bubble.


Feliz Lunes Lucia, espero que hayas tenido un buen fin de semana. Saludos desde Florida!


Not all persons are able to make logical conclusions.
