What If The Star Betelgeuse Explodes | The Supernova of Betelgeuse | The Secrets of the Universe

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Betelgeuse is a red supergiant star in the constellation of Orion. At its deathbed, Betelgeuse can go supernova any moment. Recent dimming of Betelgeuse has made scientists speculate if its end is near. When Betelgeuse will explode, its brightness will be equivalent to that of the full moon. The supernova of Betelgeuse will even be visible with the naked eye. It will also create of burst of neutrinos before it explodes.

Whenever it will explode, the supernova of Betelgeuse is the most awaited astronomical event of all. Hope we are lucky enough to witness this rare event.

Video created by: Rishabh Nakra
Thanks to: NASA, Spitzer Space Telescope, NASA Goddard and Videoblocks

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I'm willing to wait 650 years to watch this once in a lifetime event! It won't be that long!


Hi. Very good and informative videos. Pls make a video on
Fine structure constant and cosmology


Betelgeuse recently started brightening again! So it might not go supernova anytime soon.


I have heard that it's already dead. and because it is too far away from us, we are experiencing the light transmitted by it several years ago.


I dreamt it many years ago. Did not fully understand what it was. The dream showed a star brighter than the Moon, with a halo around it, like Saturn’s ring. Unlike Saturn, which seems like an eye, due to the viewing angle, this star’s halo was circular from the perspective of Earth. We were all looking at it, in the dream, and it was a sight to see. Something amazing. Just imagine a bright star with a circular halo around it. Everybody was looking at it in amazement for the halo, the ring around it was pulsating, becoming larger and smaller in its radius. It was beating like a heart, the ring increasing its size as it pulsated becoming larger, then smaller, as if it were a multistage implosion about to take place. It was an ominous feeling and people started seeking for shelter, running to their homes, trying to protect themselves from an explosion. Then, as the ring around the star collapsed for the very last time, and in an instant, as I was watching, I saw the bodies of people carbonized in an instant. The legs disintegrated and human bodies just fell on the ground, dark brown, unrecognizable. This event took but an instant, and the odd thing was how trees and homes were intact, as if nothing had happened. That’s the dream. I’ve kept the dream for many years, since 1981, when I had this dream I haven’t forgotten. Now that I hear everyone talking about Betelgeuse, I have come to understand that the Pyramids of Egypt were left there for us as a warning, so that we would look up to the sky, in the direction of Orion’s Belt. I am now convinced this great sign on the sky announces the end, the baptism by fire of Earth. When I see Betelgeuse dimming it reminds me of a tsunami, how water retreats before it comes at us with a vengeance. Yes, I am a Christian, and I believe we are living in prophetic times. Imagine if we are positioned right in the northern of southern axis of the star. The neutron star explosion would shoot a beam of gamma rays so strong it would obliterate Earth with its power. I am also wondering if the Sun has gone shy lately due to Betelgeuse electromagnetic influence, after all, it’s an Orange Supergiant with could end up creating a nebulae thousands of light years in diameter, putting Earth and our solar system inside that nebulae once it goes bye bye. Well, go to confession, repent before it’s too late. I’m sure once the phenomena starts there won’t be enough time to do it. We are in the Great Tribulation undoubtedly, for one fifth of humanity has been butchered inside the womb, 1, 500 million thus far, 61 million in the USA, in a clear attempt to destroy the human family. It all is happening as it was written in the book of Revelation, right before the second coming of Jesus Christ in glory, to take us to a New Earth, in a New Universe. Believe me you, the sky will look a lot different after this Betelgeuse even takes place. Imagine being surrounded by a sky filled in blue and pink colors, a super bright night sky, as it has never happened on Earth before. However, I doubt there be any to contemplate such a sight, which makes me wonder. Who knows, we might have to leave this planet and see a brand new sky, somewhere else in the Universe. Are you ready to board “Noah’s Vessel” the New Jerusalem, heading to a brand new planet in your brand new bodies, because I honestly doubt our carbon based bodies will be able to withstand what’s coming. Now you know. I said it. Let it not be said I kept this intel to myself, I did share it, to as many as I could. (Don’t kill the messenger of Betelgeuse).


What about a Red Nova slated to happen in 5 years when two binary starts collide?


650 years!!!
Who will witness it?
Maybe grandchildren of my grandchildren! 😉
