Phreak admits Jungle is broken

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01:07 - Phreak 'Jungle is OP'
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Comeback exp is the real issue. The Kingstix video proves it with enemy getting level 3 off 2 camps. Junglers should feel the impact of unsuccessful spam ganking to weed out the more proficient players from the bad junglers


As a JGL main i always agreed on Jungle being way too op and being in need of nerfs.
But hearing it come from Phreak's mouth makes me disagree on jgl being broken


*Phreak:* "Jungle is broken, yes."
*Phreak's mind:* _Adc will get buffed to compensate for jg._


Phreak admitted that jungle is broken and top is useless 5 times already, still waiting tho


Honestly I think jungle just needs to stop being looked at as a supplementary role. You need to have two options in the game: farm and get a lot of XP (stacking by persistent farming) or ganking but at the cost of getting counter jungled. Perhaps have a bounty system exclusive to jungle where after so many camps taken you can then gain a bonus for taking enemy camps. Additionally, I would argue that catch-up XP needs to be completely removed. You shouldn’t get rewarded for not farming, your reward for a good gank is already a kill, lane cs and likely control over that portion of the map. There’s no reason a Lee Sin down 10+ camps should be the same level as a jungler that’s been hyper farming, especially efficiently


I mean jg js the most impactful role, due to its impact early game. The problem isn't the jg role, it is the snowballing effect in the game


Jungle so broken, let's buff Kaisa


The team builder is probably for the new blind draft mode they were talking about a while ago, where instead of negotiating your role and champion you select two of each beforehand and just queue into blind and have those roles/champions. Basically Heroes of the Storm's quick match if you've ever played that.


What infuriates me about how Phreak explains what roles are good and what are bad is he doesn't quite seem to explain what's making them thay way. At least from what I've seen, I could be wrong, but I always just see him spout off numbers and percentages that don't seem to point to anything specific. Is it Jungler's damage that's too much? Is it their base stats? Is it their jungle routes? Gank potential? Vision control? XP Gains? Survivability? If we can get an idea of how things actually are vs whay we want them to look like, then we can make changes much easier and eith a much clearer understanding of how things could be fixed.


A classic age old conversation. Laners vs Roamers, neither of which, have played a full season in the other players shoes


riot: lets make jungle easy to play so new/bad players are rewarded despite poor decision making.

also riot: jungle's too broken and easy, let's nerf it so it'll be dogshit for everyone, including good players.

riot in 3 months: jungle's too hard and new players don't want to bother with the role, so... repeat.


HI, pro chef here. Don't put wooden utensils in the dishwasher, after a few washes the wood splits and breaks.
Always hand wash wooden utensils and chopping boards.


As long as Phreak is still in balancing team, they don't have a "balancing" team.


Faker last hitting that cannon before scaping is the absolute flex 😂


I really think Phreak got ganked twice in lane, that's why he realized jg is op


Also Phreak:
-Plat peak NA (adc main)
-Overbuffed ADCs 7 times in last 2 seasons
-Changed literally everything that was working fine for a literal decade (durability, pots, counter-jgling etc.)
-ADC being the main role and highest impact (played around the most) for 6 years in a row but his plat ego can't admit that he's biased towards his main role.

I'm still amazed that they haven't reverted hiring him.


If Jungle is 20% better then other roles that means all other roles are perfectly balanced.

Not sure what's worse the fact Riot has an Balance team Dev blatantly making shit up like this or the fact the community blindly believes anything he says if he says some numbers.


Phreak has been giving soooo much insight on the balancing and decisions for the patches. Phreak acknowledging that just has more agency than other roles this season is NOT a new concept


Problem is that when jungle isnt the strongest role, nobody wants to play it because it just starts to feel hopeless. It's a high-stress, high-impact role, take away the impact and it just feels miserable.

Jungle nerfs are just going to end up causing more autofill junglers, and autofill junglers make the game feel horrible for everyone on the team.


Jungle is a super volatile role in higher elos. Basically leads are bound to snowball for a jungler once they get even a small lead because stealing a camp is basically denying 4 minions while getting 4 more minions and 2 camps is a whole wave. While it's harder to deny a whole wave of xp for laners.
