The Zed Problem

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@Polypuff no vision challenge
Zed Clip Credit: Iljiame


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00:10 Intro
00:11 Noway Assaulted
00:38 Polypuff No Vision Challenge
01:09 The Zed Problem
03:03 Exclusive Chromas

Gerudo Valley by Koji Kondo of Nintendo
Fashion Saxophone Rnb by Infraction [No Copyright Music] / Lost Holiday
Sport Energetic Techno by Infraction [No Copyright Music] / Outlaw
Hip-Hop Vlog Music by Alexi Action (No Copyright Music)/ Boom Bap
Chill lo-fi Hip-Hop by Infraction [No Copyright Music] / City Center
Sport Technology Trap by Infraction [No Copyright Music] / Dirty Space

#leagueoflegends #lolesports #riotgames
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You didnt mention it: Noway got assulted because of his rolex. They took it, its worth 8k


I don't really hate Zed but I hate that Ravenous makes his waveclear even more ridiculous, there are plenty of champs that have no business getting ravenous interactions and Zed's Q's are a big example.


I dont think Zed is the problem, the real issue is riot slapping 20+ ability haste on almost every single AD assassin/bruiser item, completely removing any window to punish champs like Zed or J4 in the process... Ppl are playing urf in normal league


Not a Zed main but I'd personally talk about the Riven problem too: A Champ with no Mana costs and ridiculously low Q cd.


Maybe the problem is not Zed, but the item system that has CDR everywhere.

P.S. I remember the good old days (:D) when you have to choose whether you want to spam skills more or skills do more damage.


Man the Majority of players have been getting soo much better due to these informational champion mastery videos such as Lacerations' guides, Zed99's translations, etc. It's crazy how much silver players have gotten better the past 8 years.


Give Zed his damage back and increase his cooldowns, or just get rid of Ability Haste altogether and bring back a hard cap to cooldown reduction.


Im not high elo or anything but i play zed from time to time, watch onzed and used to watch laceration. Zed always wanted to lane more than for example katarina, but his great late game potential balanced it out. Now, with hydra, you can avoid match ups like lissandra, who you cant kill in the early game, and just roam. Not losing anything. You dont need to snowball in ealry game anymore, just buy hydra and create oppurtunities for urself


I perma banned zed so hard I didn't even know he was a problem.


Zed has been one of the most banned champions in the game across all ranks for the better part of the last 3 years. He’s also the safest assassin in the game, riot really needs to change something about him. Either reduce his safety or his effective ability up time so he has actual windows of vulnerability.


The assault on Noway happened in Montpellier, France, the 7th most dangerous city in Europe. Be careful if you ever travel there, folks! Also, as another comment pointed out already, you didn't mention that he was assaulted because of his Rolex.


blessed with this rival vid. I feel so bad for Noway thats horrible.


Yeah the fun part is Zed has manaless poke and farming, safety from ganks, and at level 6 just kills anything squishy. It's so uninteractive to play and since he can't really get ganked, he isn't able to be punished at all.


"Zed is broken" Maybe if riot decided that ITEMS are the problem and not the champ then we would be in a much different siltation wont we. Cause if another Zed nerf hits the champ will be utterly unplayable. We don't max e anymore cause its turbo dog shit more of utility than damage tool due to ad ratio and dmg nerfs s11 ish. So w gives more DPS and better team fighting control. I 100% agree the hydra rush is most optimal and broken but that an item thing not a Zed thing.


fully remove the cd reduction, slightly lower the CD and give him a buff to his Ult base damage. Zed went away from being a threading assassin and became a farmbot that just outscales with no counterplay macro


Wow Zed W still has a longer cooldown than Riven E!


as a zed main i completly agree zed cds should be higher and so his dmg argue or not this strat is only viable cause zed lacks that burst he used to have and now he is just poke ad mage instead of assassin and for the perspective he didnt recive any direct dmg buffs since patch 7.23 only his shadows got buffed, its extremly frustrating both to play zed and play against him since for one when u arent ahead u just circle around enemy without being able to deal dmg and for the enemy because he cant get you no matter how hard he tries, at least its my experiance after playing 400 games this and last split


Its not just Zed, this is tje probpem with every assassin, their cooldowns are far to low so they literaly just go from one person to another and keep spamming their combo. Its absurd how assassins and fighter have 100-150 ability haste on aberage full build when assassins are supposed to be class with high cooldowns and ofc Riven and Aatrox are immortals when they literaly get to use Q off cd...


Riot are forcing Faker to play Zed again 😂 I just remember those days where Zed is being used competitively and Faker just countered it with Riven. I imagined you showing those clips in this vid 😊


I saw a meme “zed if he were a good champion” the picture showed a guy getting pegged.
