Все публикации


The Shocking Midbeast Situation

Riot is nerfing the whole game???

Riot isn’t making Lore... so I did it for them

What is happening in Korea?!

The only player ever to do this

how did riot allow this

Context behind the Shocking Faker clip

Riot COOKED with this one

Riot responds to the Summoner's Rift Problem

A New CookieLoL Scam...but he got caught

League of Legends pro arrested for Murder

A team was just Disqualified for...Emoting?

The Biggest Skin Outrage EVER

The Yone Incident

No way this happened in a Pro Game

Riot is deleting 2 Runes

This isn't good about Arcane 2... #leagueoflegends #leaguetiktok #leaguetok #riotgames #arcane

Faker is jacked? #leagueoflegends #leaguetiktok #leaguetok #lolesports #riotgames #season14

The most UNIQUE PENTAKILL #leagueoflegends #leaguetiktok #leaguetok #lolesports #riotgames #vayne

This champ is about to be BUSTED #leagueoflegends #leaguetiktok #leaguetok #lolesports #mordekaiser

This is why T1 is the best team #leagueoflegends #leaguetiktok #leaguetok #riotgames #rekkles

Riot leaked another VGU...#leagueoflegends #leaguetiktok #leaguetok #lolesports #riotgames #malphite

The Yasuo mains found a new mechanic...