Your Ego VS You

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In this video, we delve into the struggle between your ego and your true self from an Islamic perspective. Discover how arrogance can undermine your spiritual journey and damage relationships. Learn practical steps to conquer your ego, embrace humility, and align your actions with Islamic teachings.

0:00 Intro
3:01 What is ego?
9:29 A healthy ego
11:46 Signs that you have ego
22:45 Inflated ego
26:56 Ego has many levels
39:40 What does 'fear Allah' mean?
43:40 Clarifying stubbornness


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Ya rab remove the arrogance and ego from our heart and purify our intentions


As I said before now again Bilal Assad is the best contemporary Islamic speaker.


This man is more than just a good Islamic speaker. He is wise and for a lot a father figure. I love him ❤


The way he explain make us realise all thing that we done in everyday life. His explanation is mind blowing


You'r a gift from Allah sir. I love you for the sake of Allah. I don't know if you will read, but from the buttom of my heart i make a good dua for you and all your family, may Allah bless and protect you and give you the highest level of jannah.


Your videos have helped me so much!! Thank you for sharing your insight and knowledge. May Allah SWT bless you 🕌


JazakAllah Sheikh, you are an asset. You pull out gems faster than i can bag them. True weekend treat and wonderful reminder.


This is the example of speaker who help people to understand Islam from inside and not just practicing with out understanding


I totally agree that he is a great islamic speaker. Everything that he speaks about really makes sense in reality, and he explains very well.


8 ways earn even good deeds
Even after your death.

1. Give a copy of the Qur'an to someone. Every time they read from it, you gain.

2. Donate a wheelchair to a hospital. Each time a sick person uses it, you gain.

3. Teach someone to recite a Dua.

4. Sharing islimic content.

5. Participate in building a Mosque.

6. Place a water cooler/ well in a public place.

7. Plant a tree. You gain whenever a person or animal sits in its shade or eats from it.

8. And the easiest of all, share this message with people. Even if one
person applies any of the above,
you gain.

Also copy & share with others😊


I've been thinking recently I need help to defeat my ego alhamdulillah thank you for this I'm grateful wish you the best life Brother Belal


Brother Bilal knows how to explain in depth all subjects he delivers to his audiences..

Finding the correct subject/topic to deliver with explanation so that the public/people understand and acknowledge.

Apply and implement in/on to ones life style.
Day to day practices.

I realised that the brother was loved by Al'laah (sawt) when he lost his brother & son right in front of his own eyes.. a great test by/from Al'laah (sawt)..

I went through a smaller test when my three boys were taken out of my life..

It took me 14 years to realise that I was being tested by Al'laah (sawt).

Now I love Al'laah (sawt) and his Rasool/Prophet more then anyone...💯❤🤲☝🎯


All praise is to Allah, that we benefit from theese lectures.


18:40 Subahanallah we even do this today!! The ayat about there is no compulsion in religion to justify their disobedience to Allah😭


Keep reciting ~ La ilaha illallahu wahdahu la sharika lahu lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu wa huwa ala kulli shay in qadeer.


Daily Dhikr Reminder .🌼♥️.💚Bismillah
1. SubhanAllah 2. Alhamdulillah
3. La illaha il Allah 4. Allahu Akbar


I just saw the title and just 1 second into the vid. I need this. I already think of all the small stupid things I make a fuss about. I'm in my early 20's so ego is forsure a problem. Excited to watch and thank you Mr Belal


As a man i can say this ego is the one you must marster, , chiil gentlemen, put Allah up front...wise insight Imam 🙏


A much needed talk. Worth taking notes. بارك الله فيك


Thank you for sharing this. Sometimes is hard to manage the ego… i became muslim couple of years ago, by my own choice, as i was looking for the right path for me. I try my best everyday to become a better person, it is difficult indeed but i know that this will serve me well. 🤲🏼 Alhamdulillah for everything. God teaches us everyday.
