'The Ego Is Betraying You From Being Your Genuine Self' Ras Stimulant

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Listen powerful reasoning from Ras Stimulant as he shares how ones battle with ones ego can lead to mental illness (Psycho sickness)

Ras Stimulant advices ones struggling with mental health issues to meet with a therapist or trusted friend to discuss ones struggles.

Watch More Reasonings Form Ras Stimulant:

➡️Spirituality, Discipline, and Healthy Lifestyle : Rastafari Teachings | Ras Stimulant

➡️"The Ego Is Betraying You From Being Your Genuine Self" Ras Stimulant

➡️"You Have To Recreate 'Self' To Experience The New Era Of Consciousness" Ras Stimulant

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Beautiful.... "we're made for nature, so we are healed by nature, you have to come to nature for the healing"... absolutely!


“If you don’t have anyone to talk to […] your own mind’s gonna start to play tricks on you.”

Very true. It is important that the other person understands you too.


Yes it is healing. When I was homeless I learned in nature I was home. Homelessness was a state of mind the system wanted me to live in.


I really applaud him saying that sometimes you should seek professionals for help or even a friend to talk to. I believe in the healing powers of nature but there's nothing wrong with asking for help and some people are designed to be helpers and show others how to heal.


"once you be yourself, there's no space for ego" beautifully said.


As Ram Dass said, "The ego is who you think you are. The soul is who you really are". There is also the saying, "You are a soul, you have a mind and a body".


Now this is what u call "higher vibrations"


Today i learned that the cure for negative mental health is: to understand who you truly are and to love yourself knowing that you are flawed; that these flaws are a part of who you are and its ok.
Then you can learn to love the rest of the world. One giant step toward self love is to connect with the land 🙏


"once you be your true authentic self, there's no space for ego"


This man is a teacher of God, whether he does so explicitly or not. The ego is literally the belief in separation from God. It is insane, and if you identify with it, you will be lead into ever deeper levels of insanity. The only antidote is forgiveness. You must learn what this means from the Holy Spirit in your mind, placed there by God to ensure your awakening. It only awaits your invitation. This man speaks truth more powerful than you realize (or perhaps you do). Bless you all. We journey Home together.


This made me cry. I long for nature so much but I feel stuck and often lose myself in the web of the Western culture I grew up in, now with two kids. I wish to live amongst the trees and the birds, with my bare feet grounded pon the earth.


This is why spending time in nature is so crucial when wanting to break free from the ego because if there is no ego around you, you eventually shape and mimic the surrounding environment. If i go into nature for a short while, i lose my identity altogether. I became like a wild animal, my mind calms, my heart purifies. We need water every day to cleans and purify the body, we need ground to develop deep roots into the earth and ground our circuit to the divine, we need fire to purify the thoughts and cleanse the spirit of false sense of self, we need air to oxygenate and revitalize and energize the body. We Are Nature.


“The cure for psychic sickness is to be yourself” 👉🏽 this was intense! Thank you for this awesome content!


We are made by nature so we are healed by nature ❤️


Ego and Pride locks up your potential and the soul gets confused B. We as people compare, under this status to be tough and not show compassion, run from fear, etc. Its a blind mindstate to live in because we only have 1 life.


People don't have friends anymore. I used to have hundreds of them. I was a popular DJ in the Portland club scene. As soon as I quit I found out that true friendships come from community and that's not something we have anymore. I haven't talked to a single person as a friend in nearly 8 years now.


So much internal conflict in life that leads to us constantly questioning ourselves. If you strive for infinite wisdom, you never need to question yourself or anything so much.


When one is born, ones real self is covered in illusion or the false self. This includes the flesh, its familial ties, place of origin, culture and religion/spirituality ect. The real self, the soul, is along for the ride and by default, is subjected to whatever the ego(which is apart of the mind) attaches itself to (see the 4 mentioned above). The teaching is to detach yourself from the ego and all that it lusts after, allowing the true self, to shine forth in the form of ones spirit(mind, emotions, and characteristics). When one is heavily attached to the ego and it's desires you get things like religion/spiritual sects fighting, nationalism, racial PRIDE, racism and supremacy (white or black). I'm not of any Abrahamic religion, but I hear Tru sound when the bible says "pride comes before a fall" because pride in all forms is of the ego which is impermanent and of the impermanent world of being.


Hearing the breeze in the trees and the waves, they are all giving praise. The purpose of being is worship, everything that you do at all times, is worship that is why you must always trod righteously. Who you think that you are is the problem, the ego is dross, fake and false pride that is based on lies. Jah !
