6 Ways to Build Muscle With LIGHT WEIGHTS

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How to Build Muscle with Light Weights – Do you want to know how to build muscle with light weights? In this video I share 6 simple strategies that’ll allow you get stronger without lifting heavier!

If you want to get bigger, you’ve got to get stronger, period.

It’s no secret that progressive overload is the most important factor in any training program when the goal is muscle size.

The problem becomes, however, that when I (or any other coach) say “you’ve got to get stronger”, most people assume that it means to lift heavier; it doesn’t.

Progression is not about adding 5 pounds to the bar, it’s about getting better. As long as you’re getting better, chances are, you’re getting bigger.

Although the main goal is, in fact, to add more weight to the bar, there will come a time in your training where you’ll feel as if you’ve been stuck using the same weight for the last 12 months. When that happens and you feel as if you’re not progressing enough to grow,   start focusing a bit more on the following progression techniques.

Not only will this ensure that you’re getting better, but all of these strategies will help when it comes down to adding weight to the bar, later.

1.More Reps

If you pushed 225 pounds for 10 reps during your last bench press session, and this week you manage to push it for 12 – congrats – you’ve gotten stronger.

Weight (x) Reps = Total Volume

225 x 10 = 2,250 lbs

225 x 12 = 2,700 lbs

2. More Sets

If the goal is to increase total volume, then surely the number of sets we perform are important.

In fact, we have evidence showing that multiple sets are associated with 40% greater hypertrophy than 1 set.

That said, if you’re someone who’s currently training for 1-2 sets per exercise, then increasing the number of sets you perform will result in more muscle growth. The reason for the increase in muscle mass is simple: total volume is increased when we add sets without sacrificing load used or reps performed.

3. Higher Frequency

The reasoning for including frequency is twofold: first, splitting your volume up into 2-3 separate training days will decrease the amount of time you spend training in a fatigued state. Secondly, the neuromuscular adaptations from performing specific movements more frequently will allow you get better at the lifts, faster. The more regularly we perform a lift, the more efficient we become at it; the more efficient we become, the more we can lift, and so on.

What I recommend is simple: if you’re hitting a muscle group once per week, start training it twice; if you’re training it twice, bump it up to 3x. Anything higher than that is probably not going to give any added benefit.

4. Density

Training density refers to the total volume completed within a certain timeframe.

For example: if you perform 5 sets of 10 reps in 30 minutes, your training density for that that particular workout would be 50 repetitions.

Say you walk into the gym and perform a total of 5 sets on the bench press for 10 reps each, using 225 pounds, and it takes you 30 minutes to complete. If you can manage to perform the same amount of volume (sets x reps x weight), in less time, you’ve progressed.

Increasing training density can be done by simply decreasing your rest periods a little more each session. For example, if you’re resting for 120 seconds between sets of squats, perhaps knock that down to 110-115 seconds next time you’re squatting.

5. Slower Reps

If you can lift the same amount of weight for the same total volume, while slowing down the tempo, then you’ve gotten stronger, period.

5. Beyond Failure

Cheat Reps
Drop Sets
Forced Reps

Note: these techniques should seldom be used (e.g. on the last set of your last exercise, on small isolation lifts only, etc.).



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Comment below and let me know what you think!


seeing other people take action and have good results motivates me as well


Great stuff! Especially for us older guys. Saves joints and gives one options without having to go heavier which is easier on body and injury saving. Not to mention use this at home if you don't have major heavy weights! Excellent and very we11 communicated. Great Job!


Ronnie coleman built his muscles with "light weight" :)


This was a great video Mr.G. I don't know how anyone can only work a muscle by 1x a weekly frequency. I wouldn't think you would ever progress. Besides working that muscle more than just 1x is a better bonus for you. If I did that I'd get lax & wouldn't keep to it. Thanks,


Can you build muscle with just 9.5 kilos of dumbells? I mean just somehow make it thick. I'm not trying to achieve Arnold Schwarzenegger biceps and triceps kind, just trying to not look too skinny


High brother, I'm a student currently and have only 5 kg dumbells with me. I was to increase some muscle mass and strength on my triceps and shoulders for sport specific reasons ( badminton ). Can you tell me how to progressively overload this? I am currently doing 2-3 sets of 20-25 overhead presses and skull crushers with these dumbells and can definitely feel the burn. I focus on all the points you mentioned in the video. How else can I gradually overload if these are the only dumbells I can use for the next 6 months?


I've been following the Agoge diet for a couple of months and have built so much muscle. Just wanted to share for those feeling stuck with their muscle building.


Do we eat same on rest days? My surplus is 3000 I eat that much everyday only thing we change on rest days is pre work out and post workout


Well can't get to the gym so I have to rely on the dumbells I have in my room. I do have more plates but it's way too time consuming to change weight, putting plates on and off.
