DaVinci Resolve Vs Premiere Pro: 5 Reasons Resolve Is BETTER

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DaVinci Resolve vs Premiere Pro: Here are five reasons that DaVinci Resolve is better than Premiere Pro, and yet again, the last reason is a really hot take!

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0:00 5 Reasons DaVinci Resolve Is Better Than Premiere Pro
0:10 Reason 1
1:49 Reason 2
2:49 Reason 3
4:46 Reason 4
6:09 Reason 5
7:52 Disagree? Watch My Video About Why Premiere Pro Is Better

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My biggest reasons: Once installed I never have to go online to use it (security and all that). I own the program; and upgrades to date have all been free- so... economics. Plus add the color page.


For most people the color page was the reason to switch, Ik I'm a minority here but for me, Fusion was the biggest reason to switch because just like 99% of hard core premiere and after effects users I resented the idea of ever using nodes. It seemed overcomplicated, unnecessary and useless to me, oh how naïve I was, it only took me 2/3 videos of comparing nodes vs layers and my life literally changed. It's been 3 years and I edit and do VFX as my job and I haven't touch Premiere or AE for 3 years now, I'm so used the whole logical nature of nodes that I can't even use photoshop anymore because once you go nodes, there's no coming back.


I hated that I couldn’t move frames in DaVinci when I first switched. After a month I stopped caring, and after that I forgot it was ever an issue until you just reminded me lol


Hi Matt. If you do not want to use a custom workspce in PP all you have to do is one click and you are back to the standard edit layout or color layout. So you are not stuck using the cutom workspace.


I switched from Premiere to DaVinci about 4 months ago and now edit half and half depending on my clients. Honestly there are some things I still like about Premiere (I'm still figuring some things out in DaVinci). But in general DaVinci is so freaking awesome.😁


Reason 3 - I agree but also one thing to consider is that Premiere user will more likely adapt After Effects easily because its still timeline and layer based. Meanwhile Fusion in Davinci is COMPLETELY different. If you are used to AE timeline+layer editing, then fusion feels like electrical engineering, forget everything you learned in AE. You need to create bunch of nodes, make the keyframes inside different nodes and connect them together in correct order. It looks like electrical diagram where you connect all the transitors and resistors and light bulbs together with wires and one wrong connection, the whole thing doesnt work(and you have no idea where you are doing it wrong).

But its very capable once you get hang of it and those node diagrams start to make sense, some people to amazing complex compositions with it.


Talking about interface customizing, @Matt, I will say NO to Davinci Resolve on that, reasons because Premiere Pro is more customizable and helping pro editor to do that to our timeline interface. For instance, if I'm working on a movie scoring, I used to customized my Bin area to the numbers of the sequences created and open all the sequence down for easy access to any materials I needed.


Currently trying to make the switch to resolve now after using premiere for Almost 10 years. I think the color science alone is worth the swap. Even for really basic stuff, Premiere just never looks right when adding contrast, saturation, and exposure. Ive also enjoyed the speed of stabilization in Resolve vs Warp Stabilizer.


A perfect example is scrolling through fonts. Premiere is full of lag whereas Davinci is immediate. I had gotten so used to Adobe's sluggishness that when I first saw it in Davinci it felt like cheating. Related note: I'd love to see Davinci update the text editing with the ability to do a bounding box or paragraph mode or whatever that's called. As is I find a bit clunky (to be fair, I'm still a few versions back so maybe it's updated)


I think I will make the switch soon - reason 5 is so spot on. One question I have about Resolve that is very niche is about audio time units and video frames. In Premiere it does both but if you move audio as a block that contains tracks positioned differently in terms of time units, linked with a video clip, it throws away all the time unit positions and resolves them to the nearest frame. It is a serious flaw. I wonder if Resolve maintains the frame / time unit positions when moving linked audio and video material?


Hey Matt, great vid again! I wonder, will Davinci run faster naturally on my laptop, or will I also have to use proxies like I do with PP? Would be great not to have to always do that... thanks in advance


5:45 that's in premiere. If you use the pen tool on a video clip you get the same exact effect. That and the opacity slider are the two main ways I add fades, but both show a ramp on the clip itself that you can then edit by moving the dots on the clip. The same is true for Audio volume.


It’s not about the program it’s about the creator remember that


Hey Matt. Have you ever made a tutorial of how to edit a wedding specifically in Resolve from start to finish?


Hi matt, can you please make a video on how to use a teleprompter but appear natural?


Fusion is the most confusing thing I’ve ever used. I’m sticking with After Effects. Love DV though.


All I need Davinci to do for me to switch is revamp the stabilizer which is horrendous (who gives a crap about speed if its riddled with artifacts) AND the effects panel setup; I hate how I have to make my parameter/keyframe adjustments below the footage.


5:39 - you can simply double click on the start/end of cut to add fade in/out to audio or video in premiere :)

PS - not a fan of premiere though


hey matte i'm totally agree with u...it is very unfortunate that adobe could not able to fix there bugs yet properly and premiere is cranky too....but if resolve is to be top tear editing application like avid then blackmagic needs to add little bit of flexibility in resolve....


I am so debating about DaVinci Resolve... for the simple reason of their Anti-Flicker feature. I have some flickering lights from filming at a conference and the booth had some really bad lighting which I cannot solve in Premiere Pro... CapCut also has an Antflicker or Deflicker option.... but from the test version, it does not work as good.
