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These labor positions will help with an easier labor and a faster labor!

When you understand the station of baby in relation to the pelvis and what positions will open the pelvic inlet, midpelvis, or outlet, you can actually open up the pelvis, encourage dilation and effacement, and labor SMARTER, not HARDER.

Labor and delivery is an ACTIVE EVENT! Throughout the various stages of labor: early labor, active labor, transition, and pushing, various parts of the pelvis must expand to let baby pass through it.

As a birth doula, these are some of my favorite birth positions. Whether you need positions to speed up labor or positions to help engage baby into pelvis or help with the position of baby in the womb to get rid of back labor you're going to love these movements!

Most of these positions can be done with an epidural but you'll definitely need support with them or you'll need to modify them for your ability!



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All content and information in this video is for informational and educational purposes only, does not constitute medical, psychological or health advice of any kind and I do not warrant that the information presented herein is free of any errors or omissions. I am not providing medical, health care, nutrition therapy or coaching services to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any kind of physical ailment, mental or medical condition.

Although I strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice, and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in the medical and health area for your particular needs and circumstances prior to making any medical or health related decisions. For your health related questions, please seek the advice of a licensed physician or any other qualified health care provider immediately.

By performing any fitness exercises without supervision, you are performing them at your own risk. See a fitness professional to give you advice on your exercise form. Consult with your doctor before starting any exercise routine.

Built To Birth, Inc and Bridget Teyler will not be responsible or liable in any way for any injury, loss, damages, costs or expenses suffered by you in relation to this video or its content. You are responsible for your own safety.


Рекомендации по теме

I am literally the luckiest woman alive I had my first baby girl on April 8th of this year a little over a month ago, and I felt absolutely zero pain during my entire pregnancy and my labor. I thought I was having no contractions but when I went into the hospital to be induced the nurse told me that I was having contractions very often. I was shocked because I didn't feel anything. then after the doctor broke my water and I dilated to 10 cm very fast and I was having the contractions every 2 minutes because the monitor showed that I still could not feel a single thing. I pushed out my baby Kylie absolutely pain-free. she is my miracle story 💖💖💖


Bridget, I did all of these positions in the days leading up to and during labor! My labor was so fast (four hours), and because I felt weightless in the birth pool, I was able to switch into all of these positions with the help of my husband. I pushed my 10lb baby out in ONE PUSH. Thank you for this video! I think all that movement and changing from leaning forward knees together, to lunges, to lunges on my side, all really helped rotate and move my baby down super fast.


I am 40 weeks and 4 days with my first and I have been watching your videos for months now. I cannot thank you enough for the knowledge you share and how you have empowered so many of us to understand our bodies better and work WITH it, rather than just have pregnancy and delivery “happen” to us. You are a huge reason I made the final decision to go all natural. Thank you from a younger mom <3


Watched this a few times and picked one or two from each level to write down and be familiar with. Did them one at a time for one or two waves top to bottom- transition to birth was 30min and a few pushes with no tearing, no bruising to baby, and this despite him being sunny side 🙌🙏


This being my third pregnancy (2 c-sections) and second TOLAC, I have learned so much about labor and birth over the years but there was still this anxiety in me because I didn't quite "get" how the baby was going to make it out of the birth canal. I feel like your explanations have finally given me the understanding of how to help the pelvis open. Everything else I've watched or read has been more vague but this was fantastic. I NEEDED this and now I feel so confident. A mystery solved. Thank you!


Me: Switches to my Birth Plan notes and jots down BLT—Be Open, Lean Forward, Trust Gravity. Immediately wants to eat a BLT. Excitedly realizes I have all the ingredients. Decides that will be lunch tomorrow.

Oh yeah this is also super helpful cuz I’m 38 weeks pregnant and determined to not labour on my back like with my first two (gotta advocate to my hospital care providers!)


Bridget, I just wanted to leave a comment thanking you for all of your super informative, positive, and empowering videos!! About halfway through my pregnancy with baby #3 I decided that I wanted to experience a natural, unmedicated birth (I had epidurals for the birth of my other 2 babies). From that point on I watched so many of your videos and they really gave me the mindset and coping tools I needed for an absolutely amazing and beautiful natural birth experience. Our baby girl was born on 7/22/22 and it was the most empowering, incredible and peaceful experience and I am so thankful for all that I learned from you. I tell every pregnant mama I know to check out your channel!!! Thank you Bridget!!!


Thank you for the tips Bridget! I was able to deliver yesterday via NSD unmedicated ❤️🥰 I was on side lying position through out my labor 👍🏻


Thanks so much for explaining when to have feet together with knees apart vs knees together and feet apart. I’ve been trying to get my daughter to drop and engage and I’ve been doing knees together this whole time because I watched a different video saying that opens up the pelvis without them going further into detail. I’m so happy I found this, hopefully switching to feet together will help her engage.


The fire hydrant was my favorite, it was actually the position my body went j to naturally during the most intense part of labor


I love your approach of labor. I wish everyone see it like the way you speak about it.

(I am a 16 year old teen who lives in Portugal and I just hate the way births are done here. They reflect a bad image of what labour actually could be...)


Hello, Bridget! Just wanted to thank you for all your teachings and support.❤ Today I was able to handle all contractions much easier with your advices and birth the baby with just two pushes in one contraction, using your breathing technique. It was amazing, despite on I was forced to lay on my back and I was not allowed to make my knees in right position. I got no tearing, feels so good. 4 hours instead of my 8 and 9 hours previous births of my kids. Thank you so much!🥰❤


Thank you, thank you!!! I was so diligent in watching your birth preparation videos and labored from home. It was a 6.5 hr labor and delivered on my left side. I also delivered my first baby on my side. I did not tear. Thank you for your channel and knowledge. I look forward to your postpartum and parenting videos. The link to your channel was also posted to my Facebook post giving you credit for the seamless, natural, beautiful birth of our son.


I watched so many of Bridget's videos and the free intro built to birth course leading up to birth. I needed to be induced for medical reasons but otherwise had an unmedicated birth and I used so many of these techniques during my labor. It was so empowering to have this knowledge and learn these techniques!


Thank you for sharing your guidance and I've been stuck in prodromal labor all week, of course on and off. This is my 4th baby. I feel like her head is already down. Leaning over seems to be the most beneficial to encourage more contractions. I'm currently resting but plan on getting up in a bit to keep it going.


My first two deliveries were on my back. Each one was fast, quick, easy and painlessly (without medicine) but I was pretty active with each one. Third one on the way.


How convenient you posted this as I’m trying to encourage my early labor to continue to progress 😁♥️


Brilliant, Thank you so much! Finally I can sort the exercises in a more targeted manner :-) really appreciate you educating and empowering us.


Would be so helpful if you demonstrated everything and put captions with minutes in the video for each new position 🙏


Super helpful video 👏🏿! Im a doula and momma of 4 and I love birth work❤️! Thank you for sharing 🙏🏿!
