Viral Math Problem 6➗2(1+ 2)= ? Correct Answer Explained by mathematician!

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When I was in school, we learned the distributive property of multiplication, a(b + c) = ab + ac, thus 2(1 + 2) = 2*1 + 2*2, so 6 divided by 6 equals 1. We always simplified parenthetical operations first, which included any multiplier adjacent to the parenthesis.

One other precept about the distributive property of multiplication, a(b + c) is NOT the same as a * (b + c). In this instance, the elliptical 1 is adjacent to the parenthesis, i.e., (b + c) = 1*b + 1*c.
We even call it differently. 2(1 + 2) is described as 2 parentheses 1 plus 2, whereas 2*(1 + 2) is described as 2 times parentheses 1 plus 2. 2a is a single number, whereas 2 * a is not. The same with 2(1 + 2); it is treated as a single number, 2 * (1 + 2 ) is not. If written 6 divided by 2*(1 + 2), the answer is 9.


My answer was 1, based on what I was taught in high school maths in the early 70's.


I'm 43 born 1980. My answer was 1 because that's how I was taught...My gripe is, I don't have a problem with changing the formula, equation, or steps because times are different, but when the actual answer totally changes, then "Houston we have a problem". Like my man said before me, that's the difference between landing on the moon and missing it by a mile


The answer is 1. Math was never meant to be subjective; if it was, then we would've missed the moon by miles. But we live in an age where education has to be changed either because someone arrogantly thinks the way of doing a task is outdated or it hurts someone's feelings.


Her mistake came when she removed the parentheses from the second step and replaced them with a multiplication sign. She correctly brought the parentheses down, but then magically disregarded their meaning and importance.The parenthetical expression was written for a reason. 2(3) is still a parenthetical expression and must be solved before doing any multiplication or division left to right.


My answer was 1. Probably because I learned the more archaic method back in the 60s as a child. I appreciate you giving me the understanding of how others can arrive at a different answer. While it is true that Math is Math, it must be communicated properly under an agreed upon set of rules so that everyone involved reaches the same conclusion. In Engineering, this sort of problem can make the difference between landing on the Moon or missing it entirely.


I got "1" in a few seconds - I'm happy with that.


The answer is 1. And I’m sticking to it. SCARY how they can just inadvertently change the rules when people have been using them for ages. To all the young ones working for us adults — I’d hate to be you when there’s a wrong calculation in a life and death situation!


Bottom line is that no one should write ambiguous mathematical expressions. I have done tons of calculations in college and my engineering career and I have never seen an equation that posed any issues like this -- except when someone wants to make a hypothetical case on how to use PEMDAS.


That there is confusion over which method of interpretation is correct is in itself a convincing argument for proper use of brackets to eliminate any possible ambiguity. No mathematical operation should ever be written in such ways that the order of operations is open to interpretation.


I had many of these equations growing up and it was drilled into us that operations inside brackets go first, then adjoining bracket multiplications and then left to right operations. Changing that long standing principal is insane and is the product of the dumbing down Signs, Operations and other non-numerical characters all mean something. Ignore them at the peril of being wrong in life even if the instructor believes otherwise.


No mam! When you got 9 for the first equation, you lost my attention. I struggled for years learning PEMDAS in school…so NO!!! at 37 I will not be learning a new method!


Until at least 1970, university entrance maths in Australia used the latter method, giving 1 as the correct answer.
It annoys me that something as critical as maths can be altered over time. As many posters here have indicated, we were taught the process which gave the answer 1, until quite modern times.
Ps never had calculators back then to confuse the issue. 😇😈 We also used slide rules, and logarithmic tables, and learned quite complex mental arithmetic from an early age.


9. After parenthesis, divide and multiplication same precedence.


A viral math problem, like almost all viral math problems, comes down to poorly written or expressed problems. Having to rely so heavily on order of operations to make headway with a problem only tells me the problem could be written more clearly.


The P and the B represent the ().
Removing the () requires performing the representative operation. Therefore in this equation, clearing the brackets 2(1+2)= (2+4)=6 or 2(3)=6
Simply performing the addition within does not complete nor clear the (). The operation dictated by the brackets must be accomplished before proceeding with the next priority.
If you agree that 6=6 then let’s do some factoring
6=2(3), or 6=2(1+2), or(3+3)=6[1], or 24/4=3(18)/9=54/9=6
They all = 6 employing algebraic rules and or pemdas.


You should note that 2 outside the parenthesis is a common factor of 1 and 2 inside the parenthesis.
To understand the problem better, first you have to multiply the group of the numbers inside the parenthesis by the common factor outside while retaining the brackets to maintain the group, giving
Next, collect like terms of different groups: 2 and 4 are like terms and their sum gives 6, resulting in
Finally, 6÷6 = 6/6 = 1.
My dear nothing to be confused about with this simple problem. We must first understand a problem before thinking of any rule written by a group of individuals.
Parenthesis is used to group terms that could be treated alike, meaning that before it is removed, the terms must be evaluated into a single product. Remember any expression outside a parenthesis without an operator is a common factor of all terms inside the parenthesis.


I began with multiplication as you do the operation in brackets first. So 1+2=3, then multiplication before division so 2x3 =6 and finally 6/6=1. I learned PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication Division, Addition and then Subtraction) at school.


You dont need to solve anything IN parenteses you need to solve THE parentheses.
And those are not (1+2) but 2(1+2) which is one entity that can be writen as (2x1)+(2x2) and that becomes 6. And only at that moment you have solved THE parentheses and can you move to the division.


No left to right rule. Just add enough parenthesis to remove all ambiguity and work from the inside out. This problem was written incorrectly and uses an obsolete symbol the obelus, ÷, that should not be used anymore. Remember a/bc = a/(bc) not (a/b)*c.
