Should a Christian use social media/networking tools (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc)?

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Should a Christian use social media/networking tools (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, Whatsapp, TikTok, etc.)? Are social networks a waste of time, or a ministry opportunity?

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It can be a big time-waster and a distraction, where you could be using that time for prayer and reading the Bible instead.


I have been using my Facebook platform for Christ for the last 10 years, all for the glory of God🤗so all the people I know have the truth no matter what, I rarely use it for anything else


I deleted my (primary) social Media two years ago and have no regrets (FB, IG, Twitter, SC). I strongly recommend you considering it if social media causes you anxiety or you get sucked into bickering, I recommend you give deleting a try! So much sanctification. Great video


Social Media is pure Gossip. 2. Corinthians 12:20, Lev. 19:16, Proverbs: 10:18, 11:13, 16:28, 17:9, 18:8, 20:19, 26:20. I deleted all Social Media Accounts.


As on that has said in the past "I will never be on facebook" God had another plan. I have now been on facebook for over 14 years spreading the good news of Christ. (\O/)To God Be the Glory!!!(\o/)


Jejeje, the fact that the question and it response lies in a social media network i think it is self explanatory, basically we should be careful, and prudent in the usage of social networks and before all, we should be clear in our connection with God so we don´t stray away from him, social media/network should be a tool, not a crutch


Amen I use it for the glory of God 🙌🏻🙏🏻


Posting current events, Bible prophecies and Bible verses are my main posts on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, the latter of which I've again been put on "restriction" so that no one can see my posts. Meta-man doesn't like the Truth.


We are watching a informative video on social media.


I have an MTh, an MDiv, and a MAR. I used to be an active part of several Q&A forms. I just got so tired of religiosity and legalism questions. I wish the American church cared about equipping the saints and teaching people to read the bible to understand and then apply it. As they are about giving people rules and asking for money (hmm... sounds historically familiar). Especially in light of the Churches letting the gov't shut them down in violation of the 1st Amendment because of a scare. While letting mega-stores and casinos stay open.

My biblical; based rules for life and all questions:
1. Love the Lord your God, Mark 12:30 Love His holiness, His perfect morality, His compassion, and His mercy
2. Love your neighbor as yourself (treat other humans as you would have them treat you as a fellow human and if you were in their situation) Mark 12:31
3. Go and make disciples Ref Matt 28:19-20 Live in the real world, in actual reality.
4. Respect another's weakness Ref Rom 14:13-23 Their weakness is not your life burden likewise don't drink beer at an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting.
5. To who much mercy is given to (you via Christ ), much mercy is expected from (you, towards others).
6. Do not willfully be the barrier between someone else and their opportunity to meet Christ. He imposed no pre-conditions on anyone meeting Him other than belief and curiosity.
7. When in doubt, reflect on Christ's two commandments mentioned at the beginning.
8. Read the Bible to understand and then apply. I recommend any Life Application Study Bible, any transalation.


If it's to hang out with other Christians why not?


Given how much biblical ignorance there is, even among professing Christians, I like to shed light on scripture and how it relates to current situation as our society breaks down as Romans 1:18-32 is played out before our eyes and judgment is rendered.

Even sharing that particular those verses of scriptures can be useful to help people understand what’s really going on and help prove to them God’s existence by His letting us destroy ourselves due to our rejection of Him.


I h8 social media and only subscribe to one site and don’t post only comment and watch videos on the site. Every week I contemplate leave it all together.


The music is annoying and really does not go with the great message being shared


What about Gaming and watching super heroes movies ?.


Well duh because your using it to post this vid. NOT to be disrespectful.
