GERMANY = BAVARIA? Why the Rest of the World Has a False Image of Germany | Feli from Germany

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Beer, pretzels, and Lederhosen. It doesn’t get more German than that! Or does it...? 🤔

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PO Box 19521
Cincinnati, OH 45219
0:00 Germany = Bavaria?
2:05 Historical Background
3:26 Get 15% off Raycon Earbuds!
5:27 Reason 1
6:58 Reason 2
8:40 Reason 3
9:39 Reason 4
10:12 Reason 5
11:00 Bavaria's unique standing
13:03 Other German culture
13:41 What's your favorite German dish?
14:21 Travel to Germany with me!
ABOUT ME: Hallo, Servus, and welcome to my channel! My name is Felicia (Feli), I'm 28, and I'm a German living in the USA! I was born and raised in Munich, Germany but have been living in Cincinnati, Ohio off and on since 2016. I first came here for an exchange semester during my undergrad at LMU Munich, then I returned for an internship, and then I got my master's degree in Cincinnati. I was lucky enough to win the Green Card lottery and have been a permanent resident since 2019! In my videos, I talk about cultural differences between America and Germany, things I like and dislike about living here, and other topics I come across in my everyday life in the States. Let me know what YOU would like to hear about in the comments below. DANKE :)
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What are your favorite traditional German dishes? And what region are they from? 🇩🇪Let us know in the comments! 😊


It's interesting growing up in Southern England no one really sees Germany as Bavaria, most people have visited Germany, but mainly the Rhine area or Berlin. Also it's important to note that the British occupied the North West and Rhine area of Germany. The American's occupied Bavaria so that's pretty much why the US sees Germany as Bavaria. I don't think Britain Does.


I think it would actually be a very good mini-series on your channel, if you made a video for each german state, so that every single one can shine on its own.


My sister was working in an Army hospital in the US and she once got a patient who was the German wife of a soldier. After noticing the woman's accent my sister asked "Oh, are you from Germany? I was stationed there." And the lady responded jokingly, "No, I'm from Bavaria. It can be hard for Americans to understand the difference." And my sister replied "Oh I'm not from America, I'm from Texas."


I am from the Hamburg Region, in northern Germany.
Some typical dishes of the traditional regional cuisine are:
Beer'n, Boh'n un Speck (a kind of green peas stew with pears and bacon), kale, swede stew, Matjes herring, flounder Finkenwerder style, shrimp rolls, Rote Grütze (a kind of sweet fruit pudding). Typical pastries: Franzbrötchen (somewhat like a cross between french croissant and Danish cinnamon rolls), fruit pies and cakes, shortcrust cookies ("Plätzchen", especially the famous Heidesand from the Lüneburg Heide), Rosinenstuten (a sweet white bread with raisins).


My late husband was from Bremen, and he despised Bavaria! When I asked if we could go to Oktoberfest, he said, "Why?" As a true Northern German, he introduced me to Braunkohl (Grünkohl) und Pinkelwurst. Me and my sons absolutely adore it, and it makes us a bit homesick for Bremen and Niedersachsen!


On several occasions I have experienced very surprised reactions from Americans who could hardly believe that I had never been to the Oktoberfest in Munich. And that I don't want to go there either.


I was born in Lower Saxony and have lived in Bavaria for the last 10 years. And to this day you instantly feel a sense of kinship with people from northern Germany when you bemoan the lack of kale (Grünkohl) in Bavarian kitchens 🤣 Grünkohl mit Bregenwurst/Pinkel/... is such a staple food in winter we even kind of celebrated it by hiking through the snowy forest for several miles (with lots of alcohol) to a restaurant, eat kale, potatoes and the local sausage and hike back. good memories 😂


From the Cologne (Rheinland) Area:
Himmel un Ääd (or Ähd) - literally translated as Sky and Earth.
Because the french are close to this region potatos are also called Erdäpfel (from french pommes de terre - Aples from the soil).

It's regional a little bit different but basically:

Mashed potatos - often with little bacon cubes and roasted onions - The Earth part.
In a pan with butter fried sour apple-slices with powder sugar - The sky (Apples grow on trees in the sky) part
Often served with fried slices of blood-sausage.

Or for the cold winter: Reibekuchen mit Apfelmus - Potato pancake with apple puree. The Fat salty taste of the hot pancake mixed with the sour sweet taste of the apple puree.


My mother came from Hamburg and she used to make Königsberge Klopse, Frikadellen, Hühner Frikassee just to name a few.


I live in Schleswig-Holstein near the Kiel Canal.
Oktoberfest is not the only Volkfest in Germany.
We have a big international sailing event here called Kiel Week (Kieler Woche) that is almost 150 years old.
This anual event comes with a attached Volksfest with various concerts, food/beverage booths and other things brings over 2 Million people to Kiel during the 9 days of the event each year.

There are also a lot of so called Tall Ships visiting the city, we even got a visit from the USCGS Eagle (a sistership of the Gorch Fock) a few years back.


I'm from the South West Region in Germany called RLP (Rheinland-Pfalz, or Rhineland-Palatinate in English) and my favourite dishes from my region are:

-Kartoffelpuffer mit Apfelmus(crispy savoury grated potato pancake with onion and nutmeg salt black pepper)
- Meenzer/Mainzer Spundekäs(sort of homemade cream cheese dip) eaten when trying wine
- Sauerbraten mit Serviettenknödel(steamed bread dumpling with a vinegary sour meat sauce)
- Green asparagus potato egg salad
With caramelized onions



I'm from Saxony and my favorite local food are Quarkkäulchen - it's the ultimate comfort food for me. They're little pancakes made from quark, potatoes, eggs and flour (my mom is a cheater and uses instant mashed potatoes instead; not exactly traditional, but to recreate the True Childhood Experience that's the way I gotta do it or else it's just not the same). Other stuff I really like are Grüne Klöße (though those are not from Saxony originally afaik; they're potato dumplings, but made mostly with raw potatoes) and Wickelklöße. Rouladen and Grüne Klöße is THE Christmas dish in our family. (Grüne Klöße and really all potato dumplings are only complete with a roasted piece of bread/Brötchen stuffed inside, of course. We call them Röstel and they're the best part.)

Part of my family originally came from Bohemia, so a lot of stuff from the Bohemian cuisine also made its way into the family recipe books. Böhmische Knödel, Pflaumenknödel, Buchty, Mohnnudeln, things like that. Not German, though of course local cuisines influence each other across boarders. I'm guessing that the Bavarian cuisine also has a lot of Czech influences, given the geographical proximity and all.


I would love it if you did a series that would have a video on each of the Bundesländer. I know it would be a little outside of what you normally do, but I’m sure it would be great!


Having been stationed in the Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany and Bavaria is like the US and Texas; great explanation of the differences!


I‘m from Schleswig-Holstein (most northern state of Germany) and I feel like a foreigner when I visit other German states (Bundesländer).
Life outside Schleswig-Holstein seems so stressful and hectic, I think we have more in common with Denmark than with the rest of Germany :). I’ve been to the Moselle region which is culturally a very catholic whine region with different kind of hospitality and mannerisms.
And then there is Bavaria, which is a totally different world for me.


In Washington state, we have the Bavarian themed town of Leavenworth. While the entire town is essentially a tourist trap, it is a fun place to visit.


My grandparents came from Hanover. Never heard of lederhosen. My pop wore overalls, as he was a farmer.


I had an awful day--thanks for cheering me up, Feli! Always good to have you back! 🙂


I grew up mostly in Hessen, but now live in Hamburg.
The best Hessian food: Frankfurter Griesoss. Or more high German Frankfurter grüne Sauce. It's a cold sauce made with seven distinct herbs, usually served with hard boiled eggs, or with Tafelspitz, beef picanhia (if high class), or Rinderbrust, beef chuck cut for the less affluent. The sauce is made according to so many different recipes that basically only the seven herbs can be agreed on, but the base of the sauce varies a lot.

I have now lived in Hamburg for 20 years, so I've now become a Fischkopp, a fish head, how the Northern Germans are called teasingly by the Southerners. Which leads me to the Fischbrötchen, a fried fish in a bread roll with remoulade.
Greetz from a German in Hamburg.
