This is Bavaria

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A compilation of Bavarian cities and landscapes.

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The songs are:

Thomas Bergersen - Empire of Angels (Sun)
Two Steps From Hell - Blackheart (SkyWorld)

The footage is mostly from "Bayern von oben" Antenne Bayern,
but also from other youtubers such as:

copter photography
ettal tv
air bavaria
passau city
manfred huber
viking river cruises
sky sheperd münchen

Credit goes to them (if I havn´t mentioned you and you can prove the scenes are form you I´d love to add you to the list!)

I don´t earn any money with youtube, this is just a passion. I claim the Fair Use term for this compilation of video scenes, to show the people the beauty of Bavaria and Germany.

Disclaimer: All videos are apolitical and this channel is against any form of extremism or hatespeech!
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#bavaria #bayern #sightseeing #cities #towns #landscape #alps #germany #song #history #drludwig
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Beautiful Bavaria. Be proud of your country and culture. Do not allow anybody to tell you otherwise. I am Catholic myself and it is good to see how very important it is that you also preserve your faith.


Germans, Smart people.They are very practical.They do it in style ! Wishes from Sri Lanka.


I was stationed in Nuremburg in 70 - 72 and am still in awe of the beauty, the architecture and the German way of life. Here in America, as soon as a building gets old we tear it down and build something cheap.


I can not wait until I go back to Bavaria again for your Beer, food and culture. Love from Ireland!


The greatest and the most beautiful country in the world with a powerful rich history. Us German people should be proud and preserve our country.


I was fortunate to be stationed in Augsburg from 1972 - 1974 in the U.S. Army. We traveled Bavaria extensively. When my wife and I divorced, she kept all the photos we took. I'm enjoying watching videos of Germany, Austria and Switzerland.


I've never seen anything more beautiful in my life...


This has to be about the most beautiful place on this planet.


Love bavaria, love all germans from india 😍😍😍


I was only supposed to stay in Germany 2 years but I extended it to the maximum of 4 because this country is the most beautiful, PRODUCTIVE, competent, wise, and realistic in the World. I live in the USA but nothing here is as comparable as to what the German people can create, very detailed, professional, best products, best social living! And not to mention the Porsche 911 s I brought home with me does the job and increases in value. Cant say that about a Chevy. Germany is the model country we all could learn from. Love you I Miss you.
Ok I had to edit my comment due to the replies below. First off most Germans would have completely understood what I meant, and that is due to American naive and lazy culture, , , not to mention Germans are taught to be level headed in finding the truth in all things. Ok the products such as a Porsche and Chevy being compared, yes they are apples and oranges, the trouble is the Chevy, like most American products are substandard worldwide, the evidence is clear as most Americans either drive a Japanese car or a German car. American cars if labeled would be Bad Apples worldwide. That is because they (German or Japanese) are of higher quality and perform much better whether it is around town driving or on the race track. it doesnt matter if its a camera or a pencil, the higher quality in German products is so easily seen. My first year in Germany was difficult as I could not keep up, but I learned a great deal of how to keep up through through respect, listening and learning ways to do things with thought, thinking it completely through, unlike American brute mass production of cheap products.
People mentioned the immigration problem, we all know the careless USA military action in the middle east caused this and absolutely no one is to blame for this except the USA government.
The other comments about the USA losing friends and allies is 100 percent true for all these reasons, USA has turned into a world loud mouth bully. delivers cheap non functional products and charges 3 times the price. then demands other countries to follow. What BS. The few Problems Germany has can be traced back to the USA. I dont blame them for distancing the USA, its a very wise decision.


Germany is indeed a mesmerising country. The architecture, the views and the landscapes are stunning + the environment is extremely clean.


Bavaria is the German of all German states. The breathtaking Alps, Romantic Zugspitze, Castles. Cities like Munich and Nurenberg. This is the dream of our country. Love from Frankfurt.


Buona giornata Baviera!! very good!! Grazie per la bellissima emozione di cuore! 😍😍😍🇧🇪


I always love Bavaria.... Heart so much respect for the people of Bavaria...
Love from 🇷🇺


For the average Frenchman, discovering Germany and Bayern especially, is always an extraordinary feeling, sort of ideal country.! Quasi perfection everywhere.
And this all the more that French Media tend to hide German treasures.
À pity.!


I just got back to the US from Germany and I miss it already!


As I look upon these images and see the might of what The Holy Roman Empire has inspired it has moved me to tears!How can people be so casual about something so beautiful and pristine? I am descended from this heritage and I am grateful for it!There is an incredible human potential awaiting us all!We only need to recognize it see it, and seize it!Thankyou for such beautiful film as well as the music! Awesome indeed!!


Bavaria is truly the most beautiful area in Central Europe. Sadly the other German states failed to rebuild their beautiful cities after the war, creating cities in central and western Germany with little character like cologne, Frankfurt and Braunschweig that have lost their traditional buildings and therefore beauty; the only way to go back and create the beautiful space that once existed, is by rebuilding these once beautiful war-torn cities.


Bin aus Aschaffenburg, dass - ja, meine lieben Landsleute aus dem Süden - auch zu Bayern gehört. Und das schon seit über 200 Jahren.
Die meisten der im Clip gezeigten Locations kenne ich aus meinen überzähligen Reisen und ich bin stolz auf meine wunderschöne Heimat.


I love Germany. Germany is the most beautiful country in the world.
