EASY MARINARA - Way Better Than Jarred Sauce In Only 20 Minutes!

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In this episode, we learn how to make an easy marinara sauce. It's super quick and way better and cheaper than buying jarred sauce. This quick weekday sauce is a starting base for many of our other recipes. It only has a few ingredients like San Marzano plum tomatoes, basil, olive oil, and garlic. I hope you enjoy this easy tomato sauce recipe!


▪(1) 28 ounce can San Marzano
or high-quality plum tomatoes
▪3 ounces tomato paste
▪6 cloves garlic - sliced
▪bunch of fresh basil
▪1/4 cup plus olive oil
▪salt/pepper/hot red pepper *to taste*
▪1 pound of pasta *your choice*



#marinarasauce #weekdaysauce #marinara
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Why doesn’t this man have more subscribers? He’s so wholesome and has such amazing recipes!


A good tip with those tiny tomato paste cans, is to remove BOTH ENDS of the can, and turn the can upside down, and use the lid to push all of the tomato paste out of the can like a popsicle.


This is some classic Italian grandma sauce! All your recipes are so simple and show exactly the kind of food most Italian Americans grew up eating regularly or on holidays! Really appreciate you representing the genuine, at home, side of the cuisine without all the fancy bells and whistles some YouTube chefs add to complicate things!


At this point, I have seen quite a few “YouTube Chefs” (for lack of a better term), but I always come back to this channel. This chef’s approach, for me, is a perfect combination of teaching/providing information and/or direction, while at the same time he has this sort of laid back approach that I really identify with. Cooking, to me, should be an enjoyable experience where you can collaborate with others and allows for a measure of creativity as well (of course, depending on how creative you get with a recipe, you learn to accept that results can vary! )

Also, I like how he brings his kids out at the end to taste the dishes and give their opinions. When I was growing up, cooking was a way that my mother could get all of us (my father, my brothers and their significant others) together at the end of the week for a meal so that we could be together as a family. It’s unfortunate that I personally do not know hardly anyone that does this anymore. My mother is now 82 but she still cooks on Sunday, and I still show up, as well as 1 of my other brothers (I have 3). It seems to me that if more families made the effort to have a regular meal like that together AND get together to collaborate on cooking the meal beforehand, I suspect it could go a long way in keeping some families cohesive. Just a thought.


The way your kids dove into that is a testament to how good that is.


If you kids read this, your dad is amazing ! I have gotten so many great recipes from him. Keep up the good work !


Great recipe, Jim! After years of buying jarred sauces, I've been making my own and always looking for ways to improve it. This one really hits the spot!


You make cooking Italian much less stressful. Your approach and ease and no particular brand loyalty is very helpful. Thanks and keep going!


Love quick marinaras! My youngest daughter is the queen of throwing together quick sauce - she just experiments and figures things out and it always comes out awesome! Looks great.


I will watch you guys over almost anyone else! Seriously! This sauce sounds wonderful and the fact that the children literally scarfed it up zippity just confirmed how good it is! Wonderful!


Love your videos man! I’m Italian, but don’t really have much knowledge of my ancestry and Italian cooking. Your recipes are supreme. So cool to learn some amazing Italian cooking.


Excellent. Simple, basic ingredients snd quick. Always laugh at the ‘mitigans” at the grocery store paying $8 for a bottle of crappy chemical laden “sauce”. You cook like me and my family. (Naples-caserta). Love it. How about some escarole and beans? How about green bean/potato/tomato stew? The good “depression” dishes I grew up with and still love! Great job keep it up!


I used some aldi crushed tomm and aldi tom paste (moneys tight) and spent the money on the fresh basil and dececco rigatoni even my older sister was impressed and loved the fresh taste!! Thanks So much


Recipes like this - quick, easy, delicious and made from pantry items - are pure gold. I’ve made so many recipes from this channel and every one is a winner. Even made his mushroom pasta for company when I had never made it before - everyone loved it.


Youtube recommended your channel with that sauce taste test. Had me super curious about your home made sauce after that. I decided to try making some today with Cento San Marzano tomatoes. First time trying to make my own sauce and it came out fantastic. Best of all my wife's Italian mother also cleaned her plate and said it was delicious so I'm extra happy about impressing her!! haha. Thanks man, just fantastic content!


Great video. Love that you get your kids involved as they are the true measure of whether a dish is good or not. I'll be looking forward to your ravioli recipe when you get to it. This sauce seems like it would be a perfect companion.


One thing I’m learning as I continue cooking is quality of ingredients is so important. I just tried this and everything looked right but the can of plum tomatoes which was more light pink than bright red. I knew immediately from looking at them that they weren’t ripe when they were picked and processed but tried it anyway. Let’s just say my house smells amazing from all of the garlic but the sauce was bland and I didn’t continue with it. Gonna try again with a different brand soon! Anyway so glad I subscribed to this channel. Every recipe I’ve tried has made me a better cook. Thanks!


Okay, so I made this last night and it’s by far the BEST sauce I have ever had!!! The fresh basil from garden was the clincher. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe! It’s a keeper and I’ll pass it down. 😊


I love this recipe! It might be one of the first pasta I ever made when I was 14 or 15, then over the years I kept improving it and trying it with chicken, pork or tuna. To this day it remains one of my go to dishes when I don't have a lot of time, but I still want to eat well.


Sometimes it's the simple recipes that are the best. Love the use of all the garlic, plus fresh basil is awesome. Looks fantastic!
