How To Deal With A Woman's Mood Swings

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I came here for my girl. You know it’s bad when you start looking up how to deal with a girl who is always in a mood


My ex once said at the beginning of our relationship " this relationship is going too well, it doesnt feel right". Not long after that she had her first outburst and from then on it was constant fighting. Looking back it became clear she was a toxic person and feeded on drama.


A woman's mouth is more violent than a man's fist


girl vs girl: nothing. girl vs father: nothing. girl vs boy: hormones, insecure, moody, stress, pms, others


"I need someone stable like myself". Well said, bro.


i will tell you a few things
1: just dont say a word no matter if she wrong
2: play music in your mind or make fun of her (in your head)
3:a wise man once told me a man who cant control his anger aint a real man. so be chill


How to Stop your Girlfriend from drama

1. Silence
2. Close your Eyes
3. Never Talk to her for a bunch of Hours..


I think woman who are always moody or bitchy should be alone, so then they can figure out why their like that alone so that her partner dosnt have to deal with it .


Even girls that arent drama queens get possed off. PMS seems to be the #1 factor. Hard to believe, but it even happens to girls that are "stable" as you say. I have a wife, 2 daughters, and was raised by women. They all have different personalities but 1 thing is pretty consistent, when they PMS, they all get bitchy. Best thing you can do is, dont fight back. And keep in mind that its PMS talking, not her. When I sense a disturbance in force, I turn into Hermit Yoda and try my best to steer clear of engaging in a disagreement with them.


Honesty I wasn't sure how you were going to answer that question, but I appreciate what you said. It can be very complex and it always takes on a new meaning once the feelings are involved. Being present and standing strong is a great goal to strive for after deciding that it's worth it. I like it.


if a person is in the water flailing and you jump in to "save" them, you both drown. Look, I know we all feel that "duty" to be a hero and save the damsel, but if she is not balanced she will create imbalance in your life, in your family's life(if you have one) basically everything around her. your sacrifice of helping only results in both of you being unhappy. best thing, send a prayer and keep distance. trust me DONT get involved with an imbalanced emotionally unstable person. I believe that if a person wants to get in a relationship they have a duty to themselves and the other to FIRST, before any relationship starts, improve their health.


Good women can regulate their moods pretty well. The only women I've dated that have had mood issues are the ones that were just assholes.


I’ve never found a comment section that I relate to more


Just Ignore them and let them be when they have their mood swings and when they are ready to reconnect like adults then talk to them but let them bring up why they were upset. If they don't want to talk about it just leave it alone and as a man stay in your masculine frame the whole time.


Thank you. I needed some advice on how to handle a co-worker at my job who's moodiness is extreme. I've never been like that myself, perhaps because I was raised by my father in a single-parent household. I find mood swings and drama extremely offputting, but there's no way to avoid her because our supervisor has paired us to work together for the indefinite future. Thank you for the advice.


I agree that the man should be like a rock in the storm for the woman.

What I disagree with is letting a woman upset you for no good reason just because she may have natural mood swings. Men also have to learn to control their negative emotions. Women should not be exempt.

We reward good behavior and we prohibit bad behavior. Women want their man to be assertive.
One classic reason why a woman freaks out is because subconsciously she wants to see how the man reacts to her shit. If he's too weak, too passive, not forceful enough, she'll get even more frustrated.
Women test us constantly. That's why they sometimes provoke us for no reason. I let them have their fair share of victories, but I would not let them go overboard.

A self-confident man accepts no unreasonable shit. Yes, he should react like a rock, but he should also show that there are consequences to bad behavior.
If a woman really really gets on my nerves and doesn't stop, she can call herself a taxi, or if I'm at her place I'm the one leaving. She won't get to see or hear anything from me for a week or two or three depending on how unreasonable she was.


you cannot deal with a womans mood swings if she wants to have them.


Lol, labeling emotions as "drama" is part of the problem, trust me! I've also known many men who are emotional, moody, argumentative and passive aggressive. This kind of behavior is tiring, regardless of who it is. But I also feel we need to collectively remember that human beings have emotions. It doesn't always mean the person wants to create drama, it just means they are unhappy. (Doesn't mean you have to deal with it, but, in my experience, labeling or dismissing something as "drama" when someone may just need to talk or be taken seriously tends to make them feel alone and worse, and then they pick more fights. Just a tip!)


The email clearly stated she had mood swings. Not that she loved drama!! :/
Mood swings aren't as simple as they look. They can be due to hormonal imbalance, stress, periods, and many other things. And you know...they can be very difficult to cope with. Do you think the woman wants to have these mood swings? Don't you think they actually make her suffer too, as she creates misunderstandings and unwanted situations between her and her loved one? And why on earth would she want to create drama when everything is going so well and the both of you can breathe easy?
So how about instead of ignoring her or remaining passive, you actually sit down and have a chat together, try understand each other, and try to find a solution together? The worst you can do as a man is just endure it and remain silent, or worse even, lie to her.
And not all mood swings are for life. Many of us go through phases where we suddenly need to adapt to a new environment or way of life, and it can be extremely difficult. So before you conclude right away that she may not change...make sure you know her well enough. And give her time - by all means, do NOT pressure her.


Really you explain it very well. it's amazing