r/AmITheA--Hole for Becoming a Bridezilla Mega-Karen?

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0:00 Intro
0:06 My family stole my grand piano
3:54 After my dad died my family is trying to steal his stuff
6:18 My sons name is Robin not Robert
9:46 I kicked a server out of my wedding
14:18 My wife abandoned me after an accident

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With the wedding thing, I get where Rslash is going with his explanation (I don't really agree), but threatening to call the cops on an employee doing their job should up the butthole score in my opinion


When I was in high school I had a friend who’s name was Sue, not Susan. We had a teacher who insisted that we put our full names on any papers that we turned in. When she got her first test back she had 5 points deducted for “not her proper name”. Sue told her that was her name; she brought in her I.D. cards but this teacher was always right so she kept deducting points. It took Sue’s mother intervening for that nonsense to stop!


Story 4: imagine being so insecure and hyperfixated on someone who is literally just doing their job.


Oh no, I disagree with you. I got married just last month so the whole being a bride mindset is still fresh in my mind. The server was wearing her work uniform, she wasn't wearing say, a white dress, or anything inappropriate for a wedding. Work uniforms fit different people in different ways. That can't be helped. If the amount of makeup and jewelry was a problem then the solution would have been to ask her to remove the jewelry and go into the restroom to remove some eyeliner so she could get back to work. Also Bridezilla is crazy if she thinks someone in her work uniform is stealing the spotlight. She's not. Bridezilla is jealous and insecure. She was the ONLY person there who likely even noticed the server beyond a person in the background doing her job, I guarantee it.


Story 1: OP posted on social media about "someone is keeping stolen property" and described the circumstances. She got her piano back and her brother remained banished.


Two replies from someone who was actually a worker at that catering company for the 4th story:

After sending the post to my work gc I confirmed this is infact the same wedding. And I have screen shots of the texts I got sent during the wedding

Just to clarify some things I saw in the comment tho

1)our uniforms change depending on the weather this was a day time wedding in 90 degree heat so light weight long sleeve tops

2) the wedding was a 3 1/2 hour drive for most of us so our usual team of 15 people was cut to 9 (I wasn’t there cause the drive was too long and I’m not comfortable driving that far late at night)

3)she wasn’t fired but she did have to leave early…but that’s not a bad thing cause that means she didn’t have to clean up after the wedding and still got paid

4) jewelry is allowed at our job it just has to be simple which is what she had on simple jewelry and her engagement ring.

5) she was actually 18 and in high school. (She can bartend supervised since she’s 18)

6) makeup is allowed it just can’t be crazy makeup. So eyeliner specifically winged eyeliner which is what she had on is infact allowed.

7) we buy our own uniforms and are reimbursed for the cost. She accidentally shrunk her pants and hadn’t gotten the chance to get new ones


My coworkers and I are all laughing at this. Op seemingly left out the fact one of the fathers kept flirting with the staff, some of the guest got shit faced and tried to steal from the bar, ops wedding planner walked into the kitchen at one point and almost broke down crying, and the groom and groomsmen got way to high and left half smoked blunts all over the place

Edit: just to clarify this isn't me, but a comment from the reddit thread itself from a coworker who caught wind of it


Story 1: If mommy is so concerned about her precious son, she should take him in. It's clear she enables her son's shitty behavior.


I had this problem with the name. My real name is Mandy, not Amanda. It's on my birth certificate. I got in trouble for not responding to "Amanda" when I was in kindergarten. When i informed the teacher that that wasn't my name, she yelled at me. I got sent to the principals office too. After insisting that it wasn't my name, they said, "we will call your parents'. My mom had to bring my birth certificate down to prove that my FULL name was Mandy and not a nickname. It was so annoying. And no, noone ever apologized.


Forth story: I feel like rslash is confused about his rating. She is allowed, she is given the right to choose the wedding details to the most minuscule detail. That’s fine. You can still be an AH while exercising those rights. She used her power based on internal insecurities and unfair judgement. Which makes her an AH.


I'm kinda freaking out about the piano story. Pianos are delicate instruments and can be ruined if not kept properly. And they are extremely expensive. Jail time for the brother.


In the first story, it's funny how OP's mom is calling her cruel for kicking out a thieving brother (because he DID steal a piano) but isn't cool enough herself to give his own son a place to stay.


Fourth story: OP is the AH for being insecure over the appearance of a wedding server. I seriously doubt this woman intended to upstage the bride. Yet OP threatened to call the police over the appearance of the hired help. She needs to get over her insecurities, and I feel really bad for her husband.


So Bridezilla got offended by a young woman (checks notes)
- wearing the appropriate work attire that happens to be a little more fitted for her
- wearing a normal amount of jewellery
- wearing eyeliner
Yeah lady, you ruined your own wedding by being hyper fixated on a person that didn’t do anything wrong.


Wedding story: she is 100% BH. 3:5 by my standards. She can make arrangements when it comes to guests, and to a minimal extent the wait staff. Divorce material right there


Robin Williams, one of the greatest comedic voices of all time and a top-notch actor in general. You don't have to look to fiction to find great men named Robin.


For the wedding story, people in the comments pointed out that OP ruined her own wedding because all she did was focus on this ONE server. She didn't greet guests, dance or really anything but stare and complain about this girl. She let someone wearing EYELINER dominate her wedding. I bet if she asked anyone at her wedding about the server, they wouldn't remember because THEY WERE FOCUSED ON THE WEDDING. OP sat at her own wedding, stewing mad because a young woman dared be prettier then her. I fear for what happens if OP has a daughter.


Story 4: We own a catering company, in case of special events we must be inform in ADVANCE what the host wants us to wear. Yes the Wife has the authority to kick out anyone she wants however, by not informing the Staff before the wedding is a butthole move.


My daughter's name is Rachel. When she was little, the pediatrician's office would send statements with her name spelled any way they wanted to spell it. I told them several times how her name was spelled, but they ignored me. I finally had enough, and the next time I got one of those statements, I sent it back to them with a note that read 'I keep getting statements for some other child, so I wont be paying this'. They immediately sent another statement with her name spelled correctly. It was the first time I'd ever done something like that, and I gotta say, it felt good. That office staff was horrible. And that was over 40 years ago! Still feel good about it.


First two stories: I hate when people steal from family, and get surprised when the victims don’t treat them like family.


"Robin is a girl's name."
Literally the most famous Robins, Robin Hood and Batman's Robin are boys.
