What is the European Union?

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The European Union Explained in 3 Minutes. The EU is a unique and complex political and economic entity that spans across 27 countries in Europe. The EU is more than just a group of nations; it is a community built on shared values, common goals, and a commitment to peace, democracy, and prosperity. From its humble beginnings as a coal and steel union in the aftermath of World War II, the EU has grown into a powerful global actor, shaping the lives of over 500 million people in areas ranging from trade and security to environmental protection and human rights. This video will explore, what the EU is, What is does and Who Controls it.

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Source 1: Wikipedia, European Union
Source 2: European Council, Sustainable Development
Source 3: Wikipedia, President of the European Union
Source 4: Britannica, European Union
Source 5: European Union, Institutions, Law and Budget
Source 6: Wikipedia, European Commission
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your editing and explaination are superb ❤‍🔥


Can you make a video about why some countries in Europe (like Norway, Iceland & Switzerland) do not want to join the EU?


Dude's been making videos talking about the EU for about a year now and only now he came up with the idea to explain what it even is. xD


EU criticizes autocratic countries. But who selected Von der Leyen?


You really should reach out to the EU institutions and ask for their help and cooperation. You are doing great job for them and for all EU citizens. Im sure that they have some funds for this kind of stuff. This would help you make more and even better content. 🇪🇺👍


Excellent video and easy to understand. Thank you for you time, research and incredible explanation of the EU. 🇺🇸


The European Union is becoming more and more like the Soviet Union. But if it does happen, it will be even more disappointing. The goal is to colonize smaller countries. This is already looming large. If this were not the goal, then cooperative, free trade would be enough. On the other hand, even today, the powerful western member states dictate what the smaller eastern member states are allowed to think.

With the European Union, the countries of the former Soviet sphere fell from bucket to bucket. You can't talk about freedom and equality at all. The union goes so far as to overthrow democratically elected parties and leaders in some member states. For example, in Hungary they have been trying to do this for 12 years. This country is mercilessly blackmailed, rightfully due money is refused to be paid out with all kinds of false reasons.


Great video. I've seen 10-minute videos that cover less information. And I think it's great that you gave explanations for some things like "supernational". It helps explain things and is often just said without elaboration. Great video. Looking forward to new ones!!!


As an Austrian I'm proud that my country is part of the EU. 🇪🇺🇦🇹


Could you make a video about the Court of Auditors? P. S. Awesome video


The EU is my home and its flag is my flag.


The European Council is not one of the main 3 institutions. The Council of the EU is. The Council of the EU has shared decision-making powers with the European Parliament. The European Council is made up of the leaders of the 27 Member States, and their only role is to shape the EU's agenda indirectly.


The first thing i would say if i think about the function of the European Union is peace between the countrys.


a lot of fake. The EU does not support agriculture, as a result of their actions, agricultural production has been reduced and we are not self-sufficient. The perfect example is my country, Poland, where farmers vegetate at the mercy of Western corporations, and any opposition is compared to naism. I am writing this from the perspective of an EU supporter. In addition, the EU forces us to destroy energy independence, the postulate is simple, we rely on coal, so its reduction must be done by reducing demand, not supplies, PS Germany emits more co2 than Poland and this is our problem. Yes, the EU respects the right to freedom of expression, but until it suits them, an example is acta 2 or the ban on discussing the basic values of the EU. In addition, there is the main complaint against the EU and Germany in particular. they want to make the EU a federal state. Millions of Europeans will not agree to this, there will be fights for freedom, which you call terrorism, and I will take up arms, I will not let our freedom, won by previous generations, be taken away from us, you have sold us to Stalin, we will not be sold for the second time


Let us go on and make a EU country out of it. The faster the better.
I often hear concerns from older people. They claim that it is not possible, because of different languages, history, the war and so on. But what about Switzerland? It is a wealthy nation with different languages and it's not a problem. There is a french-speaking province in Canada as well. And the regions with german-speaking minorities in Belgium and Italy nowadays seem to be accepted by the rest of the people within their countries.
The young people in Europe all get along with each other! Don't listen to demagogic politicians like Kaczynski and Orban. Their goal is to destroy the EU project.


The EU needs to become a Federal State asap. With an elected president, a federal government and a single, powerful EU Military (EU Army, EU Air Force, EU Navy, EU Coast Guard).


Basically a (sui generis) confederation in all but name due to the political sensitivity of the matter.


It's a treaty factory. The Commission proposes laws, Parliament scrutinises them, the Council (member states) approves and implements; or rejects. The ECJ interprets and enforces.


I am an Arab and unfortunately we are not like you. I wish all the best for all of you guy's . Unity is the best for the future of your people.


The EU a Democracy ? You're joking.
