How Does the EU Actually Work?

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This Spring?

wth Atlantic? How late was this? Also, please acknowledge the *baytaaas* lumming away in the comments, toxically/ironically calling the eu toxic, etc.


You keep talking about separation of powers but you have two institutions that are legislative and executive. Doesn't sound like a separation at all, they sound like they are where the actual power resides.


This system is so complex. How do EU countries keep up


So when explaining the legislative branch, you're basically saying that the interests of the goverments of the member states are not necessarily in line with that of the people who make up those states.And you need a mediator.


Misses the main pint—the parliament doesn’t legislate the commission does and the commission wasn’t elected by anyone— major problem!


Best way to do this is communication between Mexico and the EU as well to coordinate plans and not be quick to believe the people that are getting drove crazy by south africans


My new thesaurus is decent. not only that, but it’s also pretty decent. I got it in europe.


*Voting isn't everything*

There is activism, and political engagement also helps loads ❤️


The video kinda made it look like voting for the European Parlament is answering a Yes/No question on whether we want the EU to happen. By framing the narrative this way right wing populism is given a 50% hold on the answers. You're either for them or for all the other parties. However, this doesn't reflect my voting process at all. If you're for the EU, which the vast majority of the Europeans are, then you're actually voting on very different issues and for much more varied reasons. It's a shame that media organizations always seem to focus so much on the stay/leave narrative when it's not anywhere close to most people's minds.


Which Union are you if you are in the bathroom?


I truly admire the E.U. I know there is no perfect politician system, but the E.U. comes close.


Which continent are you when your fly is open and are arrested for watering the daises?


Let me ask you one question do you think it's ok that anyone from Europe and come to the UK with a driving licence but anyone from the UK had to have a passport to go to Europe


Why is it that European directives are valid for all member states and that there is no European constitution valid for all member states? There is only a draft.
Does Europe assume that all European directives are de facto constitutional and are exempt from any legal controll?
Something is missing here from a state law point of view.
Can you explain the order of the sources of law in the EU?


Europe is my nation.


Woah Greek democracy one person one vote?!! Not if you were a slave in Athens 🤣


it rips off it’s collective population


Norway is the largest shareholder of mining company denounced for contamination in the Amazon. The Norwegian government, responsible for harsh criticism of environmental policies in Brazil is the main shareholder of the mining company Hydro, the target of denouncements by the Federal Public Ministry (MPF) of Pará and of almost 2 thousand lawsuits for contamination of rivers and communities in Barcarena (PA), a municipality located in one of the most polluted regions of the Amazon rainforest.

840 Billion Dollars are stolen every year in Brazil by foreign countries, just in oil. The Norwegian Minister of Finance has just announced the profit of 120 billion dollars in 2022, which will increase to 138 billion dollars in 2023, in oil. Half of that profit is from Brazilian oil. That goes to Norway, for nothing, even without paying taxes to the Brazilian State. Everything is camouflaged and manipulated to hide, deny and even encourage an increase in theft, which is why the countries that most destroy the environment put pressure on the Brazilian Amazon. Because it has huge oil reserves and they have already destroyed almost all of its forests and now they want the rest of the Brazilian wealth. Say what they say, the Amazon still exists today, which would not have happened if it had been explored by the French, Israelis, Americans, Dutch, or English. The Norwegian Royal Family Member, Erling Sven Lorentzen, married with princess Ragnhild, sister of king Harald V of Norway, attacked and robbed the lands of the Amazonian Indians Tupinikim and Guarani, his company planted more than 1 million hectars of eucaliptus and left the natives without land and later without any water.

In addition to facing lawsuits, the Hydro company has yet to pay fines stipulated by Ibama in the amount of R$ 17 million, after an overflow of toxic mud in rivers by one of its subsidiaries in the Amazon region, in 2009. According to Ibama, the spill placed the local population at risk and generated "fish kills and significant destruction of biodiversity". But all so called rich countries are stressing for destroying all the Amazon forest, because their ego is so rotten that they still prefer money, coins and material units to buy garbage and plastic toys, than life. After destroying all their own natural resources, they dont want that Brazil keep being the only country in the world who still have a big forest, because it wasnt transformed in money, like rich countries have done!


MEP Martin Sonneborn a few weeks ago:

Brief comments on the Council's staff proposals. You are welcome to correct me, but a first brief overview will give you the following:

Josep Borrell: A Spanish guy who had to resign as President of the European University Institute because he had forgotten to declare an annual income of EUR 300 000 to an energy supplier is to become the EU's external representative?

Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde: A French woman who has been found guilty of embezzling 400 million euros of public money in the Tapie case, and who has never run a national central bank, should she run the ECB?

Charles Michel: A Belgian who couldn't even form a functioning government in Belgium and who pacts with right-wing extremists should become Council President and balance increasingly complex national interests in the EU?

Ursula vonderLeyen: An unsuccessful German minister who has only attracted attention through a mistaken tendency towards overpriced external advisers, mismanagement and euphemisms ("financial turnaround" for Germany's biggest armament effort since the end of the war) and who is supported by the illiberal Visegrád states, which previously rejected conservative Social Democrat Timmermans as a left-wing radical, is to become president of the EU Commission?

What a parade of incompetence!
#FCK backroom deals


Ironic that a British woman is the one explaining how “our” EU works when the U.K. will soon exit the EU.
