What ALL MEN Have To Think About & Make a Decision | Jordan Peterson's Call for a Meaningful Life

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Why is Dr. Jordan Peterson successful?

What is he selling, actually?

Watch the video. You'll understand.


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Here, at the "Pursuit of Meaning" channel, we transform the original content from shows, podcasts, and key-notes with Dr. Jordan Peterson, to provide the viewers with a more immersive experience.

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I wasn't financial free until my 40’s and I’m still in my 40’s, bought my third house already, earn on a monthly through passive income, and got 4 out of 5 goals, just hope it encourages someone that it doesn’t matter if you don’t have any of them right now, you can start TODAY regardless your age INVEST and change your future! Investing in the financial market is a grand choice I made. Great video! Thanks for sharing!


I think Jordan Petterson has straight forward and honest advice. The type of advice you might desire from a father.


I am a woman whom JP taught to become a more assertive person and not only survived a narcissistic abusive relationship .
Thank you Dr Jordan Peterson


"Alternative to valued responsibility is impulsive, low class pleasure!"

This line opened my eyes! Thank you for that.


JP saved my life. How anybody could hate this man confuses me to this day.


I listen! I am a woman. Never had a father, so listening to you is a big help.


Responsibility is what separates boys from men.


I grew up with a single mother and I never knew what it means to be a man. In my 20s I am close to giving up and let go of my life but never really had the courage to do it. But wow seeing this video really put my perspectives in a whole new light. God bless you, Dr Jordan Peterson.


This was the first lectiure I watached about an year ago and cried after a long long time. Wish I could meet him and thank him for changing my life.


I am a psychology student, most of the students are blind to the fact that they can learn from more than just the syllabus. More than just the university classes. Dr Peterson, the amount of knowledge you leave at the table is beautiful. But the thing that captivates me, that inspires me about you is your encouragement to attain knwoledge individually. You made me want to learn more and more. I have been tearing through books and digesting the semantics. Looking from multiple perspectives to understand and solve dillemas that may face me. I read the Quran, the Bible and the Torah, looking for someone to give me the original Geeta. One day i will help as many people as I can with the knowledge and thinking that i have attained through all of this. Thankyou.


As a woman I will say I find these lectures very valuable. 💯✌️❤️


So glad I found you!! My SON turned me onto your book!! We are losing our rights, so sad so love the encouragement thank you sir


I am a woman.... Always searching out your talks... Thank you


Very true. It's soul destroying not having an identity or feeling like you're part of something. The usual thing to be part of is the work force. But if that gets taken away from you, as it did with me after a head injury and subsequent mental breakdown, it's very hard to find purpose in life. When you're at rock bottom filled with anger, despair, frustration, it's natural to think about yourself all the time ie depression. But even a crooked branch can make a good waking stick. If you can find something to do to benefit others, it can make all the difference. I went from feeling suicidal and an alcoholic to helping out around the house, to volunteering, to starting up a woodworking hobby and selling custom kids furniture. May not sound like much, but all these things helped me stay sober and combat depression. At 45 I'm 12 years sober now . Having responsibilities makes you feel USEFUL as opposed to USELESS. Having a sense of value, especially if people can rely on you, is worth far more than anything you can buy.


It's in responsibility that most people find the meaning that sustains them through life. It's not in happiness. It's not in impulsive pleasure. Jordan B Peterson


Can’t believe this stuff is free…thank you JP!


You're a smart man... you get through to men. Im intrigued when i hear you speak. Wish you could be my personal mentor. My life is in shambles. I feel like you hold the key to make my life worth living.... honestly, I really wish i could speak with you in person. You would change my life. I appreciate every word that comes out of your mouth... thank you Jordan peterson..


He is a great man for Our Times, My father was and still is my best friend , he passed away 20 years ago, but Dr. Peterson is a blessing from the skies, His advice is really groundbreaking and I am currently Reading His book which is helping me in more ways than I can count ✍


61yrs old and never heard these words. It makes it easier to see my path. Thank you.


True. Sense of responsibility is responsible for all unproductive overcommitments I have ever dedicated my life to. There is no meaning in that besides learning the nature of that paradox.
