How Your Personality Type Can Strengthen Your Marriage & Your Career

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Do you remember when you took the Myers-Briggs test as a kid? If you did, you probably found out that you're an introvert or an extrovert. But did you know that your personality type can also help you in your personal and professional life?

In this video, I'm sharing with you how your personality type can strengthen your marriage and your career. Knowing your unique personality type (and how it relates to others') is a key to success.

You will be a much better communicator and build a stronger relationship with your spouse and achieve greater success in your career.

So if you're looking to strengthen your relationship and career, be sure to take the Myers-Briggs test!* It'll give you a better understanding of yourself and help you reach your goals in life.

If you want to learn about how to up-level your mindset, body and personal relationships, subscribe to my channel and check out my other videos! :)



FTC: this video is not sponsored

Disclaimer: This video is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Content provided on this Youtube channel is for informational purposes only and based on my own personal experiences and research. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options. Information on this Youtube channel should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. The statements made about specific products throughout this video are not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
Рекомендации по теме

There's no such thing as an IFTP.


I've taken the test 3 times to make sure. Every single time I got INFJ. I've read up on INFJ's and it's really really scary how accurate it is.


Excellent! I learned my MB personality about twenty five years ago and it changed my life. Been preaching it ever since. I am doing research to try to get this test incorporated in schools, AA meetings, prisons, health clinics, juvenille hall, etc. Any suggestions?


love the way you explained. you rule the hearts.


great video really explains the personality types


Just wow!!
Well presented and so helped me a lot to understand MBTI :)


Hi Rena,
 I found your video to be really helpful and informative and structured well. It gave me a new understanding on personality types. Thank you..


Thanks!!! I really didn't understand the Sensing or Intuitive portion... bit I am so Sensing... I have to have everything in detail lol... Thanks again.. you rock!! 


Thank you so much! This helped me understand this much better.


This was really good. Mine was ENFP but I can't figure out what that really means. 


People tend to have pills for an easy and fast solution. Knowing what you are may mean something but to cope with it yoıu need to control yourself. Think of a narcisistic personality and try to use these traits or classifications with him or her. The best is to have psychoanalysis. Thee is no shorter way at least for many people.


May be the Myers Briggs would be helpful in relationships but it is too random for work, both for predicting who would be good for the role and whether they stay on. For instance, looking at sales it is the introverts on the team that tended to close more often while the extroverts made more calls. Then the introverts tended to make scripts for different situations, used their successful sales to ask for referrals and offered the customer a cut of the commission.

But why do we hire both those extroverted and introverted? Because they tend to get different types of customers - perhaps it might be useful to personality test the customer as well.

Excelling in most endeavors requires breaking out of comfort zones. If Myers Briggs is used to predict what roles people are comfortable in filling and never going beyond that is not the employee we want. Comfort is a disease in the fast changing workplace.

So I've asked HR to stop being so lazy, actually speak to and profile the successful people in the team rather than relying on some outside test.


hello thanks
it is great, how i can do th test


Dear Rena, I am either ENTP or ENTJ, how to come in to end between these two.


sorry to burst your bubble, but there is absolutely no scientific evidence for the MBTI personality types. These outdated psychoanalytical "types" have been widely rejected by the scientific community in favor of the extensively upheld personality "traits". More specifically the Big Five personality traits have very high validity and maps onto modern neuro-cognitive psychology. Thus MBTI is two abstract and not falsifiable, so real science can not be done with it.


Hi Rena, I've taken the Myers Briggs before and found it a bit confusing and monotonous to read through.  I've found another test I think might rival the Myers Briggs as a more up to date and easier to read test which also comes with training afterwords.  It's geared towards helping people find success (in business, marriage, relationships, and personal flow).  Thought you might want to check it out and see what you think:

Hopefully you'll enjoy it and let me know what you think.
Thank you :)


Interesting video!   *Hits subscribe & like buttons*  I'm an ENFJ too.
