ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas Zamiifolia) - Care Guide and Growing Tips and Tricks

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Growing guide for the ZZ Plant "Zamioculcas Zamiifolia" (Zanzibar Gem)
One of the few houseplants that can withstand huge amounts of neglect and will hang on, hoping you improve your care. I'm hoping this video will help you look after your ZZ Plant. They're super easy and with basic care can be extremely long-lived indoor plants.



* Links in this description contain affiliate links to products I personally use or own and am (very) happy to recommend. You absolutely do not have to buy any products to grow houseplants well, but they can massively help.

If you do decide to use my links, as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This helps the channel. If you choose not to use my links, don't worry about it. We can still be friends. But I'm still going to recommend these things regardless.

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New subscriber. I like your videos, no hype, no nonsense, good advice and straight to the point. Thank you and keep up the great work.


Hey. Great video. Short and informative. My ZZ is so pretty ❤ You are defo my go-to for british houseplanting. Thank you 😊


I had a small one in my bathroom. I over watered it and of course it died. Well, several months later it began to grow again without any water. Although every time I took a shower the bathroom got really steamy even with the bathroom fan on. Amazing!


Hi, thanks for ZZ article, very informative. One question from Estonia, please🙏Zenzi & Raven in 14 cm pots bought in November, should I wait for late spring to repot?


I’m not understanding. My original plant seemed to be the raven. New plants grew and they seem a lighter green like the original. I also notice the leaves start further up the stem and are smaller. Am I doing something wrong. Oh all of the larger dark leaves have died off. Just suddenly they all died after seemingly looking like it was flourishing. My apt is dark but I have all sorts of plant lights from bulbs to a Sun Blaze how power plant light. What do you recommend? It was in the window but started to look sad so I put it in the bathroom where it seemed to flourish then all of a sudden… 😢I moved it to the living room I’m wondering if it should be near the bulbs or the sun blaze?


My ZZ of like 10 years just got some new shoots in the middle & looked great then they all flopped over. It is true I may have watered it a week or 2 apart just recently. If I stake it & leave it will it get stronger stems on the ones that flopped ? I am in Edmonton Alberta Canada ( dry humidity)


I noticed some leaves on my ZZ plant are yellow with spots. What would you recommend for me to do? Do I clip the leave off or do I clip the stem? Not sure what to do🤔


I have a zz plant and it's leaf's are turning yellow and it's also growing a new stem can you tell me what's going on with the plant


Hello. I recently gor this plant like 3 days ago and just noticed that it has a yellow leaf which wasn’t there when i got it. Do I need to water it?


Hello, I did not know what kind of plant I had until I ask friends on FB. My plant is in direr need of help!! I wish I could send a picture of her. The stem only goes so high then the top half of the stem shrivels and dies.. 🙁


HELP!! My ZZ plant was left behind by mistake in a different room of the house when we moved our plants for heat treatment of bedbugs and the top of it wilted. I need help getting it back to normal. Any advice?


Very informative video 🪴very unique plant, however I can never successfully add a new plant to existing pot or plant a propagated stem!🙄
