Chris Williamson Goes Silent with Unexpected Answer from Ben Shapiro About Masculinity

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Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a DM clip of his talk with Arynne Wexler and Emily Wilson about Ben Shapiro telling Chris Williamson what most modern men get wrong about the importance of masculinity.

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All art on the set are original works by Caylin Rose Janet.


Arynne Wexler
Co-Host of "Officially Unfollowed"
Arynne on Instagram: @nonlibtake

Emily Wilson "Emily Saves America"
Host of Emily Saves America


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Real Masculinity is about being a provider of both resources and protection.


I'm fat, low-T, nerdy, and play video games...
...but I hate most of that and am working to change it, because I am sick of being coddled about my state and told I'm 'fine the way [I] am', when I feel so bad...

Moving to the Right showed me that I and only I, have the power to be great.

Three months in and I've never felt more capable. I'm a f--king freight -train...


I have never heard any right wing person say that personal fitness and lifting weights was an end in itself. I have always heard that men should take care of themselves and get strong so they can be the protectors and providers their families need them to be. We all know that the left hate, loathe and despise, men who are the strong protectors and providers of their families.


I think masculinity is providing, protecting his family and teaching his offspring. Manners maketh the man. Don’t throw abuse, it’s just my personal opinion. Chasing women is a pointless achievement, chase a legacy


Masculinity has been warped into the guy has to be Seal Team Six body and attitude, don’t take shit from nobody and a F it attitude towards women. Ok….I have been married for 40 years to a woman I still love and chase around the house ( just slower), help raise three children into healthy adults, loyal to my friends and family and provided. My career was in the fire service and saw a few who thought they were macho dudes because of the image of the job. Those guys lost their families… your wife, love your kids, be a loyal friend and place family above yourself….in my book that’s true masculinity


I loved the part where Chris Williamson listens without interrupting.

Oh, sorry, "Goes Silent".


Well I am 65 with a strong build, drive the worst possible vehicles, live alone & have absolutely no problem with my masculinity


Walz's wife is very weird. What is even weirder is when they try to be affectionate w/ea other - it is like 2 bro's going in for a hug but try to not actually hug. They are not like husband & wife or even boyfriend/girlfriend. Odd! I think he needs to come out of the closet, she needs to move out & be w/whoever she is sleeping with.


Masculinity is about having emotional stability, drive, and being on your purpose.


JD Vance is more traditionally masculine than Andrew Tate and certainly Tim Walz. This cannot be emphasized enough to young men.


Masculinity is service of community, femininity is service of family. Ultimately they overlap immensely but the core motivations are men's role is to create a society where their family is safe and women's role is to create a family where her children are safe.


At what point does Chris Williamson go silent exactly lol


There are millions of men from all through history who never got the opportunity to have a family let alone provide for them because they were too busy laying down their lives for the people back home, they had never even met. That’s masculinity. All the other stuff is a function of masculinity but not the descriptor of it


Im getting sick of men being so hyper-analyzed. Like society as a whole is telling us how to behave, what our role is, what we are doing wrong, etc. Self-improvement goes both ways. I feel like I could make 6 figures, speak 10 languages, own a house, run my own business....and society will still think there's more I could do to better myself. Leave us alone.


Your ideals, including your ideal man and ideal woman, are determined by your beliefs. They can really help you figure out whether your beliefs are shallow, selfish, short-sighted, or just plain stupid in a way that just comparing different hazy values does not.
Another good thought experiment is figuring out where you want to be when you die. By the time you get to the senior home, loving family and sweet grandchildren are the biggest status symbols. That doesn’t happen by accident. It doesn’t come from steroids and plastic surgery and a body count, or even a bank account. It doesn’t come from adventure travel or hobbies.


The very fact we are so obsessed with the definition of that word and others like that, shows how low our society has declined.


Ben hit the nail on the head. Everything he said is philosophical and aspirational truth. Men need to work harder to attain the 'virtue' of feeling better about themselves NOT because it is the end game, but because feeling better about yourself opens doors to service and selflessness - THOSE things are the self-justified, good things.

As for the left not understanding masculinity, G.K. Chesterton saw the problem on the left from miles away. Even back at the turn of the 20th century he understood the difference between actual _progress_ and the philosophy of so-called liberal-progressive values.

As a progressive liberal, you are always chasing a moving target. In fact, these days, the values on the left change change so rapidly that society barely has an opportunity to actually steer towards them and evaluate their actual effect. On the left, moral and social values tend to be simply experimental fashions that are projected for a time, and then changed as soon as the elites have detected that they are no longer fashion leaders with their ideas. I'm not sure how one can claim that this is progress, as there is no fixed beacon by which you are able to even measure advancement. You could be going in circles for all you know. Given the general dizziness of the intellectual left at the moment, one could make that argument.

On the 'unprogressive' right, our values are static and institutional. They are boring and un-fashionable, and that is exactly why the left despises them.

But ironically, WE on the right are the ones most capable of making real, measurable progress. Whereas we largely understand that we'll never represent a perfect manifestation of our socially conservative values, said values nonetheless are far less prone to shift and mutation. This static nature makes them beacons that can be reliably instructed and navigated across generations. Like runway lights on a foggy night, we can use them for guidance and re-evaluation and tuning of our methods as we attempt to orient and pilot the plane closer and lower and - get this - _make actual progress._

So modern progressivism is actually progressive only in theory - and usually anti-progressive in practice (not to put too fine a point on it, the evolving values of the left are turning an increasingly sharp, regressive corner in recent years). In practice, the real progressives are on the least when you think about it that way.

The point is, _of course_ lefties are confused about masculinity. They're so busy chasing and signalling the left's rules for being a good person that they cannot keep a static enough understanding of the world to process what it _really_ means to be a good person.


I have a question, I 'm in Australia and came across a random democrat video a while ago and wondered who this strange lady barking at the audience wildly like a teacher was. Turns out it's Waltz's WIFE as I have discovered today. WHY is an in the running VPs spouse doing this? Is that normal behaviour in the US? SO odd to me, as we never hear much from running spouses here in Oz, even *when* they are elected because WE are NOT electing them! Of course one expects they are there in a supportive role, but not like that, barking!


Just providing for your family is not enough. You need to be strong and able to physically defend your family if need be. Men are not walking wallets. We have all of our masculine urges for a reason.


If men need to be better, women need to be worth being better for.
