Does Cardio Kill Gains? (Backed By Science)

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In this quick video we're gonna answer the old question "does cardio kill gains" looking at what the latest research has to say about this.

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Key points:

Cardio is a very popular type of activity and it's often being marketed as a the primary tool for weight loss.

However what strength athletes and bodybuilders have known for a while is that doing an excess amount of cardiovascular activity can negatively impact both strength and muscle gains.

In one of the most recent studies published in the Journal of Physiology the researches looked at what happens when you do both cardio and resistance training at the same time.

What they've found is that cardio doesn't actually interfere with resistance training adaptations if you're a beginner athlete.

However, the more experience you have in the gym, and the stronger you get the more cardio adaptations start interfering with the adaptations you get from strength training.

What this means is that after a few months of training once you go past that "newbie gains" phase it's a good idea to start putting more attention to how much cardio you're doing.

If you're looking to maximize strength and muscle growth it's probably a good idea to minimize the amount of steady state cardio you're performing.

And if you're looking for extra energy expenditure a great option is to simply increase your general activities such as walking (if you have the time for it).

Having said all of this cardio can still be added as long as it's programmed in an intelligent way and the type of cardio that is performed is one that has less interference (i.e. cycling instead of running)

Aside from that the majority of calorie deficit should still come from the diet if your goal is to reduce body fat.

There's several reasons for this, main ones being accumulated fatigue and as well as your body can reduce general activity levels if you over-do exercise.

Studies mentioned:

Brad Schoenfeld Summary:
"Excellent just-pubbed review in the Journal of Physiology on the impact of combined aerobic and resistance training (concurrent training). The authors note that untrained individuals can see a beneficial response to the addition of aerobics to resistance training because any overload stimulus is sufficient to promote an adaptive response as the body is not able to differentiate between the divergent stimuli. As shown in the figure, though, as a person become more amd more experience with training, there is a specificity of adaptation that leads to an impaired response to concurrent training whereby results are hindered. The take home is that it's essential to consider training history when drawing conclusions from the literature and prescribing programs for individuals"

Hope you enjoyed.

Let me know in the comments below how much cardio are you currently doing and which type you like the most.

And I'll talk to you soon, Mario

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Рекомендации по теме

I run 40+ miles a week and I keep my gains and even increase size and strength at the same time.


I’ve been running 2 miles 6 times a week and weight training 7 times a week for 3 months and I have both gain a lot of muscle and lost a lot of weight


I walk. A lot. At least 10, 000 steps a day.... Usually closer to 15, 000 to 18, 000.... Cardio is 1 to 2 times a week jogging or rowing.... I'm 50, so I'm careful with joints and hiit....


You're so nice getting back to everyone's comments. I've definitely told a few guys at the gym about your channel and can't believe the high quality info you share!
I'm 6'5" and 240 at 14% with about 195 LBM. Your videos regarding gaining only .5 to 1.5% monthly through mindful dieting and lean bulking were what helped me stay at or under 15 percent body fat over the last few months and slowly gain about 5 to 6 lbs of lean muscle!
I also do very gentle deload weeks every fourth week (because your other videos suggesting the importance of looking at our sets, reps, and asking is this set going to contribute to muscle hypertrophy and growth without over stimulating our metabolic response so we'll end up essentially starving while only maintaining a 300 calorie or so surplus REALLY helped me drop the nasty habit of bulking heavy only to have to churn through 16 to 24 weeks of cutting again! For me, the advice you have about increasing rest times has helped my muscle growth and strength explode! I can keep my intensity and volume very high (70% to 85% of 1RM for sets of 12, 12, 10, 8 or 6 )! And keep the cardio for de load weeks when I'm not needing to progressively overload my muscles! My results have been AWESOME! I'm so glad you've helped me see that clean bulking is so much more accessible when increasing my rest time, which allowed me to keep intensity high and volume high while watching my diet, instead of slamming through hardcore bodybuilding routines with less than 80 seconds of rest and blowing my body composition back up to 24% body fat because I'm hungry as shit and need to eat to recover! What you said was so true in my case: people have an obsession to prove to themselves that "because I'm doing [intense] cardio sessions, sweating/ feeling exhausted/etc I'm contributing to staying lean and fit." But that doesn't necessarily mean I was moving closer to the results I really wanted! Plus, the general public is always infatuated with trendy bodybuilders who are running PED's that suggest doing cardio daily but they have NO problem retaining 200+ lbs of lean muscle near 10% body fat bc .. Test and tren lol.
I have a very active job 6 to 8 hrs a day and saving cardio for my deload weeks, increasing my rest times, and keeping my bulk VERY marginal has lead to GREAT gains and muscle retention, AND very simple and easy 8 to 10 week maintenance and cutting cycles.
Hope the best for your channel and other endeavors Mario! I'll suggest your channel whenever there's a chance!


I train for boxing, so cardio and conditioning is a must, we do lots of hiit cardio also, and calisthenics type exercises.


Does cardio kill gains and reduce muscle growth? The answer as to many other questions in fitness is "It depends" and in this video we're gonna go into science to see what the latest research has to say about combining cardio with strength training. Enjoy! And let me know in the comments below how much cardio do you typically do? -Mario


I'm wild with my routine. Some days I fast for a full 24 hours and have to do tons of cardio (15+ miles of walking with weight pounded on my back.), sometimes even need to run a full 20 miles twice a week... And almost every other day is at least 7 miles with weight training right after. I've been able to make a good re composition. Really. It's no stress as long as you hit calories and protein.


so after a weight training exercise low intensity walking for 30 minutes is better then high intensity running for 30 minutes?


Yep hate cardio personally. But playing or doing a sport you like doing is a great addition to your life


I'm a Zumba instructor but I need to increase my glute growth to increase. I have Zumba classes 5 days a week (1-2hr30min per day), in the evening. Am I doomed, is it possible to for me to gain the if I lift before the classes or in the morning?


Normally don't watch your long videos (if they are not very interesting to me) these short, about five minutes videos are so much more enjoyable!


As a newbie (one year in two weeks) I have gained more muscle using HIIT cardio twice a week, it's a fact.
Weight lifting is the same as HIIT cardio but with higher weight and lower volume than "traditional" HIIT cardio.
Progressive overload, volume and training to failure are the keys for both.


Hi, I train 5 days a week on strength training to gain bigger muscle and do cardio training 3 times a week for 15-20mins w/a climb or stair machine it’s I’m preparing myself for going on hikes once a year. Will this affect in my aim to gaining more muscle?
Thank you


Guys over 40 mabey as low as 30 can loose gain from cario because it lowers your test for up to 48 hours even after you do it at the most HI IT a couple days a week between lifting days with some stretching


Great video! I personnaly prefer short videos like this one, because I get bored really quick... :P Nice haircut btw!


I love this videos of info backed by science, these are the best way to maximize gainzz


Hi Mario, great contect! Is swimming better for gain keeping or even support it? Is swimming better than walking fir that purpose? And one off-topic pls: when is the right time (if ever) to "replace" an exercise for the same muscle part? For example, switching narrow pull ups to wide ones? Many thanks


What if my second passion beside gym is cycling? I don't do it at the professional level, I am riding around my city. I just like to ride casual through traffic, stopping at the red lights you know? Shit like that, idk why it's just one of my passions. But I also want to gain muscles. Any thoughts?


Love this quick videos with science! Thanks Mario


I usually do around 15-20mins of MMA training on "rest" days(i.e days not lifting weight). Take for example Bas Ruten routines, it ranges from low intensity to very quick and high intensity throughout the routine. Is it a good idea, or do I need to switch it with some low intensity bicycle? FYI I am planning on losing fat and gain muscle.
