lawyer's negotiation to prove Ali's innocence and reduce the prison term

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Lawyer's negotiation to prove Ali's innocence and reduce the prison term

In any legal case that faces serious charges, the role of a lawyer as a defender of the client's rights is very vital. In the case of Ali, the lawyer must not only prove his innocence, but also make many efforts to reduce the sentence if the possible crime is confirmed. These two issues each require legal strategies and sensitive negotiations, which the lawyer follows carefully and vigilantly.

Ali's lawyer must first try to prove his innocence to the court and prosecution based on the available evidence. In such cases, careful examination of the case and finding contradictions in the evidence against Ali can be of great importance. The use of experts such as criminology experts or the testimony of independent witnesses may be the key to successfully proving innocence. Negotiation with the prosecutor can also be effective in this direction; Because the lawyer may present new evidence or strong legal reasons to convince the prosecutor that the charges against Ali are baseless or can be interpreted in favor of his client.

If, in the end, Ali is convicted for any reason, the lawyer's duty continues. At this stage, the lawyer tries to reduce the length of Ali's sentence through negotiations or a request for a reduction in punishment. By relying on mitigating circumstances and mitigating circumstances, such as Ali's role as a father of two children, his commitment to his family, and his record of good behavior, he can show the court that a reduced sentence will benefit Ali and his family. These negotiations may include an agreement with the prosecutor to reduce the crime to a lesser offense or even try to apply for parole.

Another important point in this case is the lawyer's help to Ali's family. By pursuing legal issues related to the status of Ali's two children and his wife, the lawyer can provide them with the necessary support. This includes securing financial support, helping to access social resources, and even providing psychological and legal support for the family during this difficult period. The lawyer should be with Ali's family with sensitivity and empathy so that the pressures caused by these conditions on them will be reduced and they can continue to live more peacefully.

All in all, a lawyer's negotiation to prove causal innocence and reduce prison time is a complex process that requires experience, legal knowledge, and negotiation skills. Also, by providing legal support to Ali's family, the lawyer plays an important role in reducing the pressure caused by this case.

Hashtags: #negotiation_attorney
#Ali's innocence
#Reduction of punishments
#Reduction of punishments
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Как можно так испортить собственного сына. Когда любишь ребенка то ты ему объясняешь что хорошо, а что плохо и ребёнок понимает, но ваш Мурад избалован и не понимает ничего, кроме как капризами доказывать и добиваться всего что он хочет. Пока не поздно займитесь воспитанием ребёнка иначе будет поздно. И учите Мурада правильно разговаривать. Сидит соседский мальчик кушает и спокойно отвечает вам, а Мурад топает ногами, кричит и всё время требует , это не правильно.


Ông luật sư ông là một người luật sư có tâm và có tầm. Tôi kính trọng ông , vaki ông hãy giúp đỡ và chứng minh rằng Ali vô tội chúa phù hộ cho ông


Боже, какой испорчений стал ребенок, пару годиков и вас будет лупить, он же не воспитаний. Мать бегает а ребенок растет как маугли, а ей всеравно.


Que buen abogado muy preocupado y educado.. Ojalas ayude a solucionar el problema.. Esa agua que se va por una hilera planten tomate para tener.. Un pequeño consejo un abrazo grande..


Murad siempre de malcriado y caprichoso, mal por los padres


두분 수고하십니다 힘네세요 항상 응원합니다 👍 😄 🎉예쁜아가들 안녕 👋 사랑해요 💕 🎉🎉🎉🎉


알리님 착하게 사시고 열심히 사셔서 변호사님도 잘 아실거라 믿습니다 부디 형량이 많이 깍여서 좋은결과 나오시길 바랍니다❤️❤️❤️


The Chinese have an old saying: From the behavior of a three-year-old you can see (him) at eighty! This Murad, from his everyday life and behavior, will become a selfish and greedy person! To prevent this from happening, Ali needs to correct her bad behavior!


Je pense que si Ali prouve son innocence, il n’a pas du tout à aller en prison. L’avocat est un homme qui a un bon coeur et j’espère qu’il arrivera à annuler la peine de prison de Ali qui après avoir fini sa maison, il doit aller travailler pour finir de payer son terrain et nourrir sa famille.❤❤❤


Pentru comiterea unei crime nu se poate plăti cauțiune


Why don't you take the kids to Buta Mehbo? Can't you see they're disrupting the trial?


Какой Мурад не воспитанный! Смотрела только из за Мурада, но сейчас он раздражает своей невоспитанностью. Начну смотреть канал, через год, надеюсь Мурад воспитается😊


yess yess berita baik saya tahu abang Ali tidak bersalah i'm proud of you brother stay strong stay safe saya doakan agar di permudakan segala hurusan di murakan rezekinya Salam from malaysia🇲🇾🇲🇾🇮🇷🇮🇷👏👏👏


Prevod je jako los tesko razumet sta pricate zasto se ne potrudite za bolji prevod sad prevod zidanje kuce zatvor sudija pare neko dete ako zelite da gledamo zelimo da znamo o cemu se radi


محبوبه خذي الاطفال الي الخارج حتي ينتهي المحامي من الحديث مع على ماكل هذا الازعاج😮😮😮


You need to get your little son under control. He’s riding in his spot and he’s being disrespectful. You need to start disciplining him. He should not be acting this way. At least stop ignoring your son’s tantrums it’s annoying.


مراد مزعج بشكل ...يحتاج الي تربيه جيده 😮على يعرف يربي بصراحه لاكن محبوبه مع الاسف في عالم ثاني😮😮😮


Али нужно срочно взяться за воспитания Мурада, так вести за столом нельзя, маму он не слушает, думаю он тебя послушает, топания ногами некчему не приведут, 👌😡


Um bom dia e muita força aqui do Brasil para vcs.❤❤❤


Saludos y bendiciones para ustedes muran ase muchos berriches I llora mucho moving es mas traquila los niño de la vesina son un amor
