The dark side of your genome | Pieter Mestdagh | TEDxUHasselt

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I'm quite sure the gene regulates the production of melanin in the skin. Melanoma is a disease allowed by overexposure to dangerous sunlight rays, that the genes cannot immediately protect the skin with melanin. Genes do not regulate disease. Disease is unnatural and due to unnatural circumstances. Genes regulate natural processes. Defects in genes make them ineffective and vulnerable to unnatural biological circumstances.

The genes likely supply energy to the skin to produce and regulate melanin, melanoma is just an abnormality where normal regulation cannot prevent. It does not specifically not directly supply energy for melanoma. The problem is in the circumstances that cause melanoma not the gene that regulates melanin.

Change the circumstances not alter it modify the genes. Otherwise you will make matters much worse than what a disease can cause. Altering biological nature is not the solution. Changing situations, curcumstances, behaviors and practices is.
