Alan Watts - Understanding your dark side with Carl Jung

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📚 Join me in the cozy solitude of a country cottage surrounded by my cherished books, where I reflect on the profound influence of Carl Gustav Jung's teachings. As I gaze at the shelves, dominated by Jung's volumes, I am compelled to share the enduring impact he has had on my intellectual journey.

🌌 Key Points Discussed:

Introduction to Jung's Legacy: Delve into the transformative impact of Carl Jung on my intellectual and spiritual evolution.
Balancing Eastern Philosophy: Explore how Jung's insights provided a balancing influence during my late adolescence, steering me away from excessive fascination with exotic ideas.
Acknowledging the Dark Side: Reflect on Jung's profound principle of recognizing the polarity of life, particularly his rejection of the absolute conflict between good and evil, and the implications for personal and cultural understanding.
Integration of Egoism: Explore Jung's revolutionary perspective on egoism, acceptance of one's dark side, and the necessity of integrating, rather than condemning, the aspects of oneself that may seem troubling.

🤔 Thought-Provoking Insights:

Acceptance as a Moral Achievement: Uncover the moral dilemma of acceptance, as discussed by Jung, and its role in healing, forgiveness, and the journey toward self-discovery.
Egoism as a Divine Will: Contemplate the idea that egoism, when understood and embraced, can lead to profound personal growth, resembling a divine will.

🌐 Universal Themes: Jung's teachings transcend cultural and philosophical boundaries, providing a unique perspective that resonates with the human experience globally.

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Jung and Watts together have given me more existential faith and peace than all the rest of the worlds belief-systems, gurus, psychologists, self-help type pod/vlodcasters and writers put together. And I am 48 and began my quest for existential meaning at age 11. So I have deeply considered almost all of it at one point. If Watt's was still alive I would be his groupie ;) I am just SO glad that this lectures were recorded and gifted to world free of charge or redaction. I am thinking about starting a github to build an LLM from his books and lecture-transcripts so there can be a chat-gpt-style app which you can ask questions. Essentially an AI version of "what would Alan Watts say?" :)


The wonder of Alan Watts is the timelessness of his lectures. No matter how many years ahead, the source of human suffering is still on a primordial basic level


Listening to Alan Watts has helped SAVE MY LIFE 🫂☯️👁️🐛🧘🦋⛩️☯️


The capacity for embracing the darkest shadows within my psyche has only come about once the heart has opened and the mind has settled. This is a wonderful reflection which has the capacity to save lives and transform them.


I have been working for 7 years im adult industry, always ashamed, always living a double life. Evertime i date i ak fearful, hoping the person infront of me will accept my past. Now i know, it is me who has to accept the darkness inside of me


More people that I will never meet in this lifetime have saved my life, than compared to the people alive in my life rn


Suffering is the ultimate medicine but the medicine begins to work when you accept and raise your frequency to the point of tapping into the magic to turn darkness into light through acceptance of one’s existence no judgment no ego…not for everyone until it’s your time to awaken and survive the test of time and suffering as medicine to bring you to this very message


Watts always takes me for a dive every time I hear him speak ❤


Alan watts came in my dream, didn't know who he was, never heard of him, i was going through psychosis, i got sectioned. I was seeing through people through there eye's it was intriguing yet terrifying, he came in a dream, i was in an autumn forest, he came to me holding a golden box and told me i was being manipulated, i was and still am confused by that statement, in my dream i told him i dont understand and started to cry then a massive snake formed from the autumn leaves started coiling around me then its head went in my mouth and tried to choke me, i put my hand down my throat and pulled it out, alan watts opened the golden box, i throw the snake in the box, then box turned to ice, Alan watts said "good"... then he said look up, so i did, i saw a massive ship, he said its time to go home, then he pointed his finger to 3 people and said let go! I fell to my knees crying saying i dont understand, then i woke up in tears, the dream felt so odd, i googled "let go".. and the man from my dream face popped up his name was Alan watts, it was him in my dream!


Thank you this is a truly wonderful listen. "Liberation from the social hyponsis" got me thinking about the parallels between the indian cast system and the wheel of life (samsara). And I'm beginning undestand that I need to cease fighting my darkness and love it instead of fearing it. Like the monster book of monsters in harry potter, it will snap at you and growl at you and eat itself up but when you stroke it's spine, it sooths it and it opens itself up and shares its knowledge so you can get to know the monsters.


Manure is contributive to the perfume of the rose


Jung: "All conflict has its resolution in an underlying unity".

Recursively profound.


Alan Watts is such a blessing on this world.


The secret to healing is in the wound. My heartfelt thank you to both AW and Jung. I did not come to this willingly. I was confronted with a choice between a spiritual way of living or a slow, painful alcoholic death. The life and work of both helped me find a "God" I could live with. And yes, this journey has included the dark night of my soul. Tao.


Alan Watts, just as Jung and Nietzsche, are among the few in life to understand ancient human collective complexes (Myths/religions). All they do is tell us the ancient story of man. It's so perfect and they have saved o so many people doing it.

P.s. awesome video, thanks for making it💯


My shadow self dances with my light.. Balance of both is my goal


Not the biggest fan of Watts and music, but this is very nicely done. It's nice and soft and soothing, like Watts! Excellent!


Great analogies used here by Watts. His conversation with Jung opened up a different view of the ego when defined by eastern and western culture. He showed the vast difference in the way western philosophy attempts to cover up or deny ego. A very good film. Love Alan Watts, a genius before his time.❤


I do stand-up and shared my thoughts on these 2 geniuses last set


A fantastic commentary and analysis of the unspoken and often hidden aspects of spirituality, culture, and government. Seeing into the unspoken motivations of those who promote the idea of the “enemy” within society, those who understand that getting the party adherents whipped up in their anger, hatred, and fear of the “other”, the “alien”, the “different”, is the means of controlling and keeping in line of the party adherents.
This way of controlling the adherents has been used for a very long time, and, unfortunately, is currently the modus operandi of politicians in the USA.
