Why California Can't Build Affordable Housing

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The NBC Bay Area Investigative Unit found hundreds of vacant lots and empty sites meant to provide affordable housing to thousands of Bay Area residents, currently being used for nothing. Investigative Reporter Candice Nguyen reports.

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As an X-Californian, I love how the politicians always say they've allocated X amount of $ to address this issue, yet the majority of residents never ask where did the money go? Here's a hint it turns into pixie dust. Even with this there was no mention on how much was allocated in the past? How many projects were funded? Like where is the $1.2Bil in LA for the homeless? What about the billions for high speed rail? Hey where does that "E-waste" fee actually go? How was the increase in gas tax spent? Pixie dust


The housing crisis in CA was created by Gov't. Current home owners like it because it hyperinflates the value of their homes. The last thing they want is anything close to market equilibrium. That would cause a substantial downward market correction.


Did you know the typical cost for a building permit in So Cal is $50, 000 for building fees, planning fees, school impact fees, water impact fees, library impact fees... the list goes on and on. And plan on another $50, 000 for environmental studies, archeological studies, noise studies, water runoff studies, soils engineering studies, seismic studies, percolation tests, etc. So you have dropped $100, 000 before you have even paid for the land or hired an architect, civil engineer, or structural engineer, let alone poured one yard of concrete or put up a single stick of lumber. It is out of control.


In Southern California, they're only building "luxury apartments" these days. Out of curiosity, I was checking the rental prices of 1 - 2 bedroom units. I was under the impression that a 1BR was 1, 300 - 1, 800, and a 2 BR 2, 200 - 3, 200 depending on the age of the building, amenities, and zip code. I was very wrong. The units in a new building start at 3, 600+ for a 1BR and over $6, 000 for a 2BR. So, if you are one of the hundreds of thousands of minimum wage workers that support the economy, you are absolutely priced out of those neighborhoods. And, it is probably worse for seniors and the disabled. The rent prices were not a lot better for them either because there is a lack of affordable units. That is one of the reasons that there are so many people sleeping on the streets.


What on earth are they doing with all the taxpayer's money, then?


This government red tape makes me sick. We’ve been in business for 41 year’s and trust me if we ran it like this California Government we’d be out of business!! Get the bureaucrats Out! #recall


The wealthy who influence politicians benefit from it.


75 Billion dollar surplus they said.. Where is the tax payer dollar going? Start with Gavin.. show him the door and go down the line!


Sounds like audits to be done on Enterprise and the government.


Bureaucrats are in heaven. They get to create a system that they control and can watch the human suffering caused by themselves


62% of Americans say a 3rd Party is needed.

Source: Gallup


The problem with California is too much regulations, from protecting the environment to unnecessary building requirements, cost a lot to build a house in California. Instead of easing restrictions they start building themselves with “affordable housing”. The government will NEVER beat the private sector in doing business.


It is actually doable but people in power will never do it


Public housing is affordable and excellent in Singapore. We need to learn from them.


One of the most amusing tactics is requesting ongoing impact studies. It's all simple economics. Follow up the money. Building more housing lowers the value of existing housing. Those who already own property fight the expansion to preserve their high property values.


Build it in Central Valley and areas that are more affordable. Don’t insist on living in expensive cities and complain about affordability.


Here is the problem. I saw a video where in LA they built a one bedroom condo for a homeless woman. It cost $600K to build, That's more than some going rates for new condos, that's the problem too much red tape and no one wants to help the homeless.


The problem is so severe, the players so corrupt. Call it a state of emergency, and have the non corrupt Army Corps of Engineers start building immediately on federal land and also taken away state land.


The private sector can evaluate projects hurdle rates in an afternoon. Government takes years. What a bunch of geniuses.


Sounds to me like their stalling because they spent your tax money
