Understanding Nosebleeds (Epistaxis)

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This video contains a visual explanation of nosebleeds, also called epistaxis, aimed at helping students of medicine and healthcare professionals prepare for exams.

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Learning about nose bleeds while my nose is bleeding


Nosebleeds are not fun. Especially when you have them a lot. It can lead to a blood disorder called Anemia. Anemia is when you start to lose blood a lot and on a regular basis. It feels really bad for a short period of time, too. It's just kind of miserable for a while.


I was diagnosed with epistaxis and had my right side cauterized a year ago when I was getting around 5 a day for a month. I urged for both sides but was told just one to be safe and now I mainly get them on the left and when I do eventually get one on the right now it lasts waaay longer. I think a big issue with me is dehydration (my blood tests said I wasnt drinking enough water) along with prominent nose vessels and allergies. I also use Ibuprofen before any other migraine medicine since it lowers my nose bleed risk. Seems the day after I drink alcohol i get constant 30 seconds mini nosebleeds too. Sorry we have to go through this guys 😁😁




Let's acknowledge HHT - Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasias - the 2nd most common disorder behind Von Wldebrands. It's a Genetic disorder of vessel formation and causes arteriovenous malformations to form. It's most common presentation is EPISTAXIS. Daily epistaxis, Heavy epistaxis, multiple-times a day epistaxis. Bleeding is not as easily controlled, and it isn't caused by nose picking.


Tip for people watching while bleeding :-Pinch your nose front area for 5-10 minutes to stop nose bleeding


In the past 3 years I get at least two random nosebleeds between May and August every year. I've had them happen just sitting watching TV thinking my nose was running and sure enough bleeding. They only last about 10-15 min. but it's still alarming. I think it must be a seasonal weather change or something. I just hate not knowing when one can happen so I keep tissues in my pockets all the time and purchased some nose clips (like the emt's use) because one happened while I was driving.


My nosebleeds will typically last 1-3 hours. For me, doing the typical procedure doesn't do anything other than cause discomfort. I don't feel lightheaded or dizzy, but I definitely feel anxious. Just the other day, I learned that a tampon helped more than the plugging method, nose sprays, or anything else. It is very uncomfortable, but it helped me out massively.


I have something called a posterior nose bleed, not the normal type. Basically my blood is less bright when I have nose bleeds, and a big mucus, blood slug kind of thing (disgusting I know) comes out at the end of my nose bleed, and I have nose bleeds every time I have a cold. Best way to stop the nose bleed?


When I was 14 years old, I fell down at my head side and because of this my nose started bleeding and my nose got swollen from outside....and today I am 20 years old and since then I have not had any problem....Can I get any kind of brain injury due to this accident in the future?


My 18 year old nonverbal autistic brother had a meltdown yesterday and we think he hit his head really hard at some point. He started having a nosebleed for 30 minutes straight, running like a tap and going through so many tissues and towels. He was crying and he did swallow some blood. After it stopped running, blood was STILL coming out for a couple hours every now and then. Yet, my dad still thought that no medical assistance was needed and that he was ‘fine’. He wasn’t even home when it first started running like a tap, and only came after it calmed down a bit and looked like a normal nosebleed to him.
I’m hoping nothing’s actually wrong with him because we have no other way to communicate and ask about any other symptoms. I feel so bad for him because it looked like he was in so much pain and I couldn’t protect him from his own harm. 😢


Thank you for this video. It is about 1 a.m. here in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA. About 14 hours ago, I had a nosebleed crisis. I'm 74. I haven't had a nosebleed since I was 18 or 19, but even then, it wasn't much. This crisis shocked me when suddenly blood started spurting out of my right nostril. It took over two hours to get it under control. Fortunately, my health clinic made room in their schedule. It didn't take much discussion to see that the cause was most likely my taking too much aspirin. Now, I'm afraid to lie down. Certainly, no aspirin for a while.


Thank you for sharing..
Can you please share what App you use to make videos.


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Usept and I have a good feeling better soon enough to get out of bed now working on Tuesday morning 12th November so I will get back tomorrow morning 🌄 😀 👍 I think so I can


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Nicely made video. 🥰.
As a medical student, I enjoy every bit of medicine. 🥸


Muprocin is a good substitute if Naseptin is contraindicated


Very interesting since I get nose bleeds from heat or accidentally hitting my nose I did had nasal cautery before not too long ago but that exact day I had another nose bleed for slightly rubbing my nose w tissue but it was little after a few days probably I had an actual nose bleed for nothing to cause it I got it while sleeping
