Jordan Peterson: “The Biggest Challenge of the West” | Nietzsche's Recognition of Christianity

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Surprising for some, Nietzsche recognized that Western Civilization was built on Christianity. Jordan Peterson talks about Friedrich Nietzsche’s insights and what is the biggest challenge for western civilization.

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Another surprising fact about Nietzsche is that while he was a critic of christianity, he wasn't an atheist. He actually liked the concept of a strict god in the Old Testament. I learned that in my Systemic Philosophy class some years ago.


Wonderful. The Biblical Series must be revived!


Load bearing walls. Presuming we can remove them without any supporting structure is the failure.


"If our beliefs about the nature of reality serve to minimize death anxiety, then whenever we encounter people who do not share our beliefs, whether we are aware of it or not, we have a problem. Because if we accept the validity of an alternative conception of reality, we necessarily do so by undermining the confidence with which we subscribe to our own beliefs. And once that happens, we expose ourselves to the very anxiety that our beliefs were erected to diminish in the first place." - Sheldon Solomon


How can a society function if we all become our own God with our own values?


3:48 Misdirected anger is a narcissistic trait. When you outsource your ego you don’t have a true grasp on reality and you misattribute the blame for your incongruence.
Vaknin is a legend.


5.00 There are things known and things unknown and in between are the


Nietzsche couldn't carry Schopenhauer's jock. But both are treasures.


Kenneth Wapnick of FACIM has a brilliant workshop in which he contrasts and compares A Course in Miracles with Nietzche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
The world is not quite ready for the Course because it is so radical. It's position is that this world is an illusion that we collectively made up and answers why we did and it is not a pretty answer so we can blame everybody else and keep the dream


In the West boys have no codified mechanism to move from being Boys to Men. In the West agricultural farming is not taught in schools, so people have become detached from their food source. Overabundance is one of the main causes of the problems in the West. The place that Max Keiser refers to as the casino gulag. If you want to understand humans simply watch the French study called RATOPOLIS.🐺


Me: is Christian. Believes charity starts at the home. Was taught by Christianity those that brag the most about their charitable actions were usually the least charitable and may be had hidden motives for divulging such information especially in a public space.
Also be Old Right Extreme libertarian republican: you’re responsible for your own life.
Me: “I am a part in a group?”
well my immediate community is a group. People on Facebook are not, and the invisible wall gives way to vampent proclamations as people are no longer immediately confronted for fallacies.
If you weren’t prepared to hold your politicians accountable or able to provide adequate oversight assuring honest capable governance, you should never have voted the party promising the world, pleading to ignorant greed, in exchange for the ability to rule over you.
What do I call somebody that wants somebody else to pay more for their own services? “A parasite, A leech that wants others who earned their money by risking and investing and creating and building at their own expense and risk of failure, while you, a coddled ingrate, moan and preach about all the good you could do for yourself and others with that money, implicitly having made their wealth and their recruitment of such indispensable, enslaving yourself to their betterment in exchange for their money, and so your city will endeavor to partake of such at your behest as an implicit consequence of your own lustful wonton desire”


Thank you for posting the video, very interested in content like this.

I don't want to whack the hornet's nest, but wanted to share an insight: it sounds to me that Jordan has struggled for a long time with the struggle between his love of human knowledge, and coming to a personal relationship with the living God. I am also of the opinion that he tends to conflate the spirituality of Christianity (a personal relationship with God through the atoning work of His Son) with the flawed institutions that grew up around it. In my mind this is like blaming the founding fathers of the US, for the abomination of the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service. The US constitution stands in opposition to the formation of a privately owned central bank being given a monopoly over currency. The constitution also prevents the collection of direct taxes unless apportioned to the representation in each state. Leaving the intent of the founders has created problems that they foresaw, and warned against. In that way, I believe it is dishonest to blame them for the results of our departure from their plan.

Human religious systems are built on morality, which is an immunization from the gospel. To be moral requires 3 pillars: 1. to know the difference between right and wrong. 2. to want to do that which is right, and not do what is wrong. 3. to have the strength to accomplish completely what is right, and avoid completely what is wrong. All honest humans will agree that we fall short on #3. Some brave will admit that we fall short on #2. The problem is that we all fall short on #1, but most will not admit it. #1 is covered by the fall in Genesis chapter 3, where man disobeys God and eats from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, wanting to know for ourselves the difference between right and wrong, instead of trusting God. We then hide from God, and the estrangement is worsened. To fix the fall is why Jesus came, to restore our ability to have relationship with God, not through our attempts at morality, but through grace, mercy, and our dependence upon who Jesus is, and what He has done for us. Jesus lived his life not morally, but in dependence upon God, through His relationship with Him.

The institutions that grew up around His believers strayed from their original purpose, and became thoroughly corrupt, while insisting on their moral superiority. In my opinion, people like Nietzsche saw the flaws in the institutions and hubris of those within them, but never came to a direct knowledge of what caused the institutions to be in the first place.

I continue to pray that Jordan is able to see past the flaws of institutional Christianity, and enter into the personal relationship available to all those who will humble themselves, repent of their attempts at morality, and accept the free gift of forgiveness and love through Jesus Christ.

Thank you for reading. Honest comments and discussion welcome, trolls will likely not be fed.


seek the truth and don’t ghost people who like you


The biggest challenge is people like JBP that are working to stop what needs to be done from happening.


Please stop using Christianity and Catholicism as synonyms in your arguments; even though they are... You're just using them incorrectly. When you say Catholicism you are abbreviating; you actually should be saying "Roman Catholicism". Or, as I would prefer to call it simply "Romanism". There are many forms of Catholicism and not all of them are Roman. The word Catholicism means "The true church of Christ". However, after 600 AD +/-, Roman Catholicism was already very far from being Catholic. Hence all the Protestant attempts, mostly ending in crucifixion or burning at the stake, until Martian Luther's attempt at reformation. Your argument and appreciation, may be sound, but you're not using the correct terminology and over simplifying a millennium... Just as Nietzsche did.


Thought he had gone on a long comedy tour with Joel Osteen and Tony Robbins. Why is Philosophyinsights so infatuated with him????
